Wake Up Bainbridge

215 - The second part of Politics and Poetics Day on Wake Up Bainbridge! Poetics.



Episode 215 -- The second part of Politics and Poetics Day on Wake Up Bainbridge! Poetics. Where we talk about writers and writing on Bainbridge Island. Why writing poems and books on Bainbridge Island is part of the character of the island. The new Mad Priest Poetry Series (named after the Mad Priest himself Bob McAllister) at the Bainbridge Public Library this sunday Oct. 27, 7-9 PM organized by Nancy Rekow and why Eagle Harbor Book Company is a cathedral of independent bookselling. The Bob McAllister book of poetry with photography by Joel Sackett (a great photographer!) is https://www.eagleharborbooks.com/…/poet… Poets, filmmakers and authors mentioned: Jonathan Evison, Jim Thomsen, Dav Pilkey, Jack Olsen, Nancy Rekow, David Guterson, Garrett Bennett. Who is reading at Mad Priest this Sunday 7-9pm Bainbridge Public Library: Ralph Cheadle John Davis Richard Davis Neil Doherty Birke Duncan Sue Hylen Steve Hylen Lee Jorgenson Stephen Lundgren Molly R. McAllister (one of Bob's daughters) Nancy Rekow David