Wake Up Bainbridge

120 - Save"ed" 550 Madison? | Gretchen Wilson Here With Full Update



Episode 120 - Save"ed" 550 Madison? | Gretchen Wilson Gives Full Update With the vote from Housing Kitsap a week behind us we catch up with superstart 550 Madison Resident, Gretchen Wilson. She fills us in on the update letter received from Housing Resources Bainbridge. The good news, there is good news. The bad news, the apartments aren't already ready. Big shout out to Housing Kitsap, Madison Avenue Development and Housing Resource Bainbridge for pulling together to get a deal done. Bigger shout out to all the residents of 550 Madison for enduring this tough road and making it to the other side. Tune in to find out how you can help. Fundraiser for 550 Madison Acquisition Fund through Housing Resources Bainbridge and the Bainbridge Community Foundation: https://bcf.fcsuite.com/erp/donate/list/grant Episode 120 Sponsored By Storyville Coffee Company. They provide the daily fuel for Richard and Sal to do their daily show!