Sunday Sermon

The Loquacious Tongue



“Blessed are they who hear the word of God and keep it.” St. Luke 11: 28. Indeed, blessed are they who hear the Word of God in sermons, and keep it in their hearts and act and live according to it! Blessed are they who learn, know and fulfill the law and the holy will of God. And may we not add: Blessed are they who hear the word of their neighbor, and keep it? They who hear secrets and do not divulge them? For on silence in these matters a great deal depends, and the neglect of it occasions much evil and mischief. But how few are there, even amongst Christians, who deserve to be called blessed on that account! How many talkative people there are who commit even grievous sin by revealing secrets! And of those who unnecessarily reveal secrets I intend to speak to-day, by asking and answering three questions...