Stereo Voodoo - .

Stereo Voodoo #96 (96)



1. Esben & The Witch (UK) - "Dig your fingers in" CD "A new nature" (Nostromo) 2. The Pokes (Germany) - "Yesterdayman" CD "Mayday" (Tollshock) 3. OY (Switzerland) - "No, I dont snore" CD "No Problem Saloon" (Crammed) 4. Dirtmusic (Australia/USA) - "Blind City" CD "Lion City" (Glitterhouse) 5. Flowers (UK) - "I love you" CD "Do what you want to, its what you should do" (Fortuna pop!) 6. Erotic Market (France) - "Its a breaking" CD "Blahblahrians" (Jarring Effects) 7. Hamilton Leithauser (USA) - "5 AM" CD "Black hours" (Ribbon Music) 8. Puhti (Finland) - "Jumala rankaisee" CD "Pahan laulu" (Kihtinjrvi) 9. Teho Teardo (Italy) - "Echos bale" CD "Music, film. Music" (Specula) 10. Zammuto (USA) - "Henry Lee" CD "Anchor" (Temporary residence) 11. Zammuto (USA) - "Dont be a tool" CD "Anchor" (Temporary residence) 12. Laura Vane & The Viper Tones (UK/Holland) - "Pictures" CD "Bodyquake" (Unique) 13. Owen Pallett (Canada) - "The Riverbed" CD "In conflict" (Domino) 14. Alcalica (Greece/Germany) - "Crumbling" CD "YDOP" (