Stereo Voodoo - .

Stereo Voodoo #82 (82)



1. Julia Holter (USA) - "This is a true heart" CD "Loud city song" (Domino) 2. Wimme Saari & Tapani Rinne (Finland) - "Mii leat dorvvus buoremusas 2" CD "Soabbi" (Zen master) 3. James Ferraro (USA) - "Cheek bones" CD "NYC, hell 3 am" (Hippos in tanks) 4. Neuza (Portugal) - "Caela" CD "Flor di bila" (Harmonia) 5. The Drones (Australia) - "How to see through fog" CD "I see seaweed" (Drones/MGM) 6. Amatorski (Belgium) - "Soldier" CD "TBC" (Crammed) 7. Zeitkratzer (Germany) - "Part 01" CD "Lou Reed: Metal machine music" (Zeitkratzer) 8. Banda Escola Publica (Brazil) - "Samba de novato" CD "Escola publica" (Icaro) 9. Amatorski (Belgium) - "My favourite work of art" CD "TBC" (Crammed) 10. The Space Lady (USA) - "Born to be wild" CD "Greatest hits" (Night school) 11. Adrian Raso & Fanfare Čiokarlia (Canada/Romania) - "Urn st. tavern" CD "Devils tale" (Asphalt tango) 12. La Blanche Alchimie (Italy) - "Black girl" CD "Galactic boredom" (Ponderosa) 13. La Blanche Alchimie (Italy) - "Cellar disco club" CD "Galactic bore