Care Notes_Cherish Companions

CareNotes_ Doug Wilber with Arron Stapleton 9_15_21



All podcasts are designed to assist and aid listeners to meet their challenges in life. We are here to support each other... subscribe to on youtubeToday Doug Wilber welcomes Arron Stapleton. Aaron like Doug chose to work in the home health care field as not only did they see a need but they have a passion for living life fully and that includes assisting others when they cannot do all the things they once did. Most older adults are choosing to live their life out at home and if that means caregiving at home - that is what they want. Residential Facilities may be beautiful but they are costly and they just are not home where the memories and love have permeated. Aaron and Doug are both involved in organizations that assist in setting up regulations for the homecare industry to protect the elderly as well as their families counting on Home Care. Listen to this podcast - feel free to contact Aaron or Doug with your thoughts or questions. Aaron Ca