Espresso English Podcast

No "grammer"!



Today I want to help you avoid a very common mistake that lots of people make – and that is writing the word “grammar” like this: G-R-A-M-M-E-R. There’s actually NO “e” in the word grammar; the correct spelling is G-R-A-M-M-A-R. But when we speak, we pronounce it like “er” – grammer, not gram-MAR – so that’s why people often misspell it with -er. It’s an understandable error. There are actually lots of words in English that end with -ar or -or in an unstressed syllable, and we pronounce them more like -ER. Let’s practice more of these words. If you want to avoid more mistakes that many English learners make, check out my 200 Common Errors in English Course.   I’ll teach you the most common grammar mistakes, vocabulary mistakes, spelling mistakes, pronunciation mistakes, and more – showing you the right way to say things so that you can speak and write more confidently in English!