As followers of Jesus and as the Church we are to be a light in the darkness, not hidden in the shadows but displaying the love of Christ. This year we want the Church to shine bright in our city and beyond
The Church is Brighter When It Serves - Brighter AM
10/03/2019 Duración: 32minMatt 20:20-28 Jesus modelled for us that the greatest leaders are those who serve, that the goal is not to be the first in line but one who is willing to be last. The Church is called to serve not to be served.
The Church is Brighter When It Shares - Brighter AM
03/03/2019 Duración: 23minActs 2:42-44 One of the earliest things we are taught in life is to share, share our toys with others kids. God shared His son with us and as followers of Jesus we are asked to share and when we share we bless others and are blessed ourselves.
The Church is Brighter When It's Compassionate - Brighter AM
24/02/2019 Duración: 27minGod has told us what is right and how we should be, when we respond with compassion to what we see in our world we shine the light of Christ. Micah 6:6-8