Recitation Of Holy Quran With Urdu Translation

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 32:37:41
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Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri have authored more than 360 books in Urdu, English and Arabic languages. Some of these books have also been translated in many other languages of the world. More than 700 manuscripts of his books are undergoing various processes of publication. His revivalist, reformative and reconstructive efforts hold the distinct position for the propagation of faith


  • 83. Sura al-Mutaffifin with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 07min

    Sura 83. al-Mutaffifin (Dealing in fraud): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. Woe to those who give less in measure or weight! 2. When (they) take by measure from others they take (from them) full. 3. And when they (themselves) give by measure or weigh to others they give them less. 4. Do they not believe that they will be raised up (again after death), 5. For a Terrible Day, 6. The Day when all mankind will stand before the Lord of all the worlds? 7. This is the Truth that the record of the evildoers is kept in Sijjin (the ante-chamber of Hell). 8. And what do you know what Sijjin is? 9. It is an inscribed book (set down in the large ante-chamber of the prison of Hell, with the names and evil deeds of every inmate of Hell registered in it). 10. Woe to the deniers on that Day, 11. Those who deny the Day of Recompense! 12. And no one else denies it except every defiant and sinner. 13. When Our Revelations are read out to him, he says (or thinks) that (they a

  • 84. Sura al-Inshiqaq with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 04min

    Sura 84. al-Inshiqaq (the Splitting asunder): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. When (all) the heavenly bodies will split asunder, 2. And obey the Command of their Lord (with regard to the catastrophic split-up) and (it is this implementation of the Command) that they are bound to do, 3. And when the earth will be flattened out (after it is broken into dust particles), 4. And it will cast out all that is inside it and become empty, 5. And (it) will (also) obey the Command of its Lord (with regard to catastrophic split-up) and (it is this obedience) which it is worthy of. 6. O man! You sustain rigours to reach your Lord. Ultimately you shall meet Him. 7. So as for him who will be given his record in his right hand, 8. He will soon be given an easy reckoning, 9. And will return to his family rejoicing. 10. And as for him who shall be given his record behind his back, 11. He will soon cry out for death. 12. And he will enter the Blazing Fire of Hell. 13. Surel

  • 85. Sura al-Buruj with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 04min

    Sura 85. al-Buruj (the Zodiac): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. By the heaven with its Houses of the Zodiac (galaxies), 2. And by the Promised Day, 3. And by the One Who will be Present (that Day) and by what will be brought to the Presence, 4. The (people) of the trenches were slain, 5. (The people of) the fierce fire which was (fed) with abundant fuel, 6. When they sat beside it, 7. And they are themselves witnesses to all what they did to the believers (i.e. casting them into the fire and burning them). 8. And nothing (of the believers) was annoying them except that they had believed in Allah Almighty, All-Praiseworthy, 9. To Whom the (entire) Kingdom of the heavens and the earth belongs and Allah is Witness over everything. 10. Indeed those who persecute the believing men and women and then do not (even) repent, for them is the punishment of Hell, and for them is (especially) the torment of burning in the Fire. 11. And indeed those who believe and keep do

  • 86. Sura at-Tariq with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 06min

    Sura 86. at-Tariq (That which seems at night): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. By the (endless expanse and infinite space of) heaven and the Nightly (discernable) Visitant. 2. And what do you know what the Nightly (discernable) Visitant is? 3. (It implies) every heavenly body (may it be a star, a planet or any one of the heavenly spheres) which shines and brightens (the space). 4. There is no human soul but with a protector (appointed) over it. 5. So man should ponder (and find out) from what substance he has been created. 6. He has been created from the ejaculated fluid (i.e. virile and motile sperm). 7. That proceeds from the middle of the sacrum (and pelvic girdle) and gets ejected. 8. Indeed He has the Power to bring it (life) back, 9. The Day when all secrets will be disclosed. 10. Then man will have neither any strength (himself) nor any helper. 11. By the heavenly universe which will regress to its primitive state, 12. And by the earth which will s

  • 87. Sura al-Ala with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 03min

    Sura 87. al-Ala (the Most High): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. Glorify the Name of your Lord, the Most High, 2. He Who has created (everything in the Universe) and then (fulfilling all requisites) equipoised it to its exact proportion, 3. And He Who has determined law, (phenomena for every creation) and guided it to its way (of sustaining and functioning according to its respective system), 4. And He Who has brought forth green pasture (from the earth), 5. And then made it blackened stubble. 6. (O Esteemed Beloved!) We shall teach you (in a way) that nothing shall you (ever) forget, 7. Except what Allah wills. Indeed He knows all, manifest as well as hidden (i.e. open to human perception as well as veiled from it and the audible and inaudible both). 8. We shall (also) facilitate you (to put into practice this) easy (Law). 9. So keep admonishing, provided admonition benefits (the listeners). 10. But only he who fears (Allah) will accept the admonition. 11. A

  • 88. Sura al-Ghashiyah with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 04min

    Sura 88. al-Ghashiyah (the Overwhelming event): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. Has the news reached you of the Calamity Overwhelming (everything)? 2. Many faces on that Day will be humiliated and degraded, 3. (Forgetting Allah), toiling (for worldly gains), sustaining (strenuous) rigours (for a fleeting luxury), 4. Will plunge into the Blazing Fire. 5. (They will be) offered to drink (water) from a boiling spring. 6. They shall have no food except thorny and dry, venomous herbage. 7. (This food) will neither nourish nor gratify hunger. 8. (On the contrary) that Day a number of faces will be (pleasing to the eye,) glowing with joy and freshness, 9. Delighted and rejoicing over their (righteous) ventures, 10. (Abiding) in magnificent Paradise, 11. Where they will not hear anything absurd (as the infidels used to say to them in the world). 12. In it there will be flowing springs, 13. And raised-up couches (laid), 14. And goblets (decently) set in place,

  • 89. Sura al-Fajr with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 06min

    Sura 89. al-Fajr (the Dawn): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. By the emerging dawn (that dispels the darkness of night), 2. And by the ten (blessed) nights, 3. And by the even and the odd, 4. And by the night as it departs. (Every night or particularly the Muzdalifa night or Qadr night.) 5. Surely in that is a mighty oath for the wise. 6. Have you not seen how your Lord treated (the people of ‘Ad)? 7. (They) were (the people) of Iram (and) were (tall like) lofty columns, (possessing towering castles). 8. The like of which has not (at all) been created in the countries (of the world). 9. And (what treatment was given to) Thamud, who carved rocks (and constructed hundreds of cities) in the (Qura) valley? 10. And (how was) Pharaoh (dealt with) who wielded big armies (and used to punish victims with stakes)? 11. (They were) the people who perpetrated tyranny in their (respective) countries, 12. And spread there great mischief and corruption. 13. Then your

  • 90. Sura al-Balad with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 03min

    Sura 90. al-Balad (the City): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. I swear by this city (Makka), 2. (O My Esteemed Beloved,) because you are residing in it. 3. (O My Esteemed Beloved!) By (your) father (Adam or Ibrahim (Abraham)) and by those who are born, 4. Indeed We have created man (ever suffering) in rigours. 5. Does he think that no one can ever overpower him? 6. (Boasting,) he says: ‘I have spent heaps of wealth.’ 7. Does he think that no one has seen him (making this extravagant spending)? 8. Have We not made for him two eyes? 9. And (have We not given him) a tongue and two lips? 10. And (have We also not) shown him the two highways (of good and evil)? 11. But he has not yet attempted the steep ascent (of Din (Religion)) of Truth and practical life dedicated to good and piety). 12. And what have you thought of the steep ascent (of the rigours of the Din (Religion) of Truth)? 13. It is freeing a neck (from slavery and subjugation), 14. Or feeding o

  • 91. Sura ash-Shams with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 03min

    Sura 91. ash-Shams (the Sun): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. By the sun and by its brightness, 2. And by the moon when it follows the sun (reflects sunshine), 3. And by the day when it displays the sun (brings it forth shining), 4. And by the night when it draws a veil over the sun (from one of the hemispheres of the earth), 5. And by the heaven and by that (energy) which built it (with Allah’s permission in the form of a vast universe), 6. And by the earth and by that (force which, by Allah’s Command,) pulled it (from the sun far) apart. 7. And by the human soul and by the One Who provided it with an all-dimensional poise, proportion and perfection, 8. Then He inspired it with (discrimination between) vice and virtue, 9. Indeed the one who purifies his (ill-commanding) self (from all vain and vicious desires and cultivates in it virtue and piousness) succeeds, 10. But the one who corrupts himself (in sins and suppresses virtue) is doomed indeed. 11. The peo

  • 92. Sura al-Layl with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 03min

    Sura 92. al-Layl (the Night): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. By the night when it covers up (and conceals everything in its darkness), 2. And by the day when it brightens up, 3. And by that Being Who created male and female (in everything), 4. Indeed your striving is different (and singular). 5. So he who gives away (his wealth in the way of Allah) and commits himself to piousness, 6. And affirms good (Din (Religion)) of Truth and life after death through charity and Godwariness), 7. Soon We shall facilitate him in seeking (Allah’s pleasure) with ease. 8. But he who is miser and disregards (spending in the cause of Allah), 9. And (in this way) belies good (Din (Religion)) of Truth and life after death), 10. Soon shall We facilitate him landing into hardship (advancing towards torment, so that punishment becomes his rightful due). 11. And his wealth will not help him any way when he falls into (the pit of) destruction. 12. Indeed it is binding on Us to show

  • 93. Sura ad-Duha with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 03min

    Sura 93. ad-Duha (the Forenoon): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. By the growing morning bright (when the sun gains height and spreads its radiance), Or: (O My Esteemed Beloved,) I swear by (your Holy face glowing like) the growing morning bright, (the radiant face, whose effulgence has illumined the dark souls,) Or: By (the growing sunshine of your Messengership rising like) the morning bright (whose radiance has replaced the darkness of ignorance with the enlightenment of guidance,) 2. And by the night when it covers up, Or: (O My Esteemed Beloved,) I swear by your fragrant tresses spread like sprawling murky night (over your divinely effulgent face and shoulders,) (Or: By (the veil of your essence that is keeping under layered covers your real nucleus of radiance like) the dark night when it envelops,) 3. (Ever since He has chosen you,) your Lord has not forsaken you. Nor is He displeased (ever since He has taken you as His Beloved). 4. Indeed every following hour is

  • 94. Sura ash-Sharh with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 01min

    Sura 94. ash-Sharh (the Opening up): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. Have We not broadened your breast for you (for the light of knowledge, wisdom and spiritual gnosis)? 2. And We have taken off the load (of grief of the Umma (Community)) from you, 3. (The load) which was growing heavier on your (holy) back. 4. And We exalted for you your remembrance (by annexing it to Ours everywhere in the world and in the Hereafter). 5. So surely ease (comes) with every hardship. 6. Verily, with (this) hardship (too) there is ease. 7. So when you are free (from educating the Umma (Community), preaching Din (Religion) and fighting, and fulfilling your responsibilities) then strive hard (in remembrance and worship of your Lord), 8. And turn to your Lord earnestly.

  • 95. Sura at-Tin with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 01min

    Sura 95. at-Tin (the Fig): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. By the fig and by the olive! 2. And by (Mount) Tur of Sinai! 3. And by this city of peace (Makka)! 4. Indeed We have created man in the best constitution (equipoised in the finest proportion). 5. Then We returned him to the lowest state of the low, 6. Except for those who believe and do good works. For them is an unending (everlasting) reward. 7. Then who denies you after this regarding Din (Religion or the Last Hour and reward and punishment)? 8. Is not Allah the Greatest of all the sovereigns?

  • 96. Sura al-Alaq with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 03min

    Sura 96. al-Alaq (the Hanging mass): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. (O Beloved!) Read (commencing) with the Name of Allah, Who has created (everything). 2. He created man from a hanging mass (clinging) like a leech (in the mother’s womb). 3. Read and your Lord is Most Generous, 4. Who taught man (reading and writing) by the pen, 5. Who (besides that) taught man (all that) which he did not know. 6. (But) the fact is that (the disobedient) man rebels, 7. For the reason that (apparently) he finds himself self-sufficient (in the world). 8. Surely (every man) has to return to your Lord. 9. Have you seen him who prevents, 10. The servant (of Allah) when he prays? Or: The (beloved and the exalted) servant of Allah (Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him)) when he offers Prayers. 11. Well, imagine! If he had been rightly guided; 12. Or if he had commanded (the people) to be pious (how beneficial it would have been)! 13. But see now, when he has rejected (t

  • 97. Sura al-Qadr with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 01min

    Sura 97. al-Qadr (Determination): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. Surely We sent down this (Holy Quran) during the Night of Destiny. 2. And what have you made out what the Night of Destiny is? 3. The Night of Destiny is better than a thousand months (in merit of excellence, blessings, reward and recompense). 4. The angels and the Spirit of Peace (Gabriel) descend by their Lord’s Command during this (night) with decrees concerning all matters (of blessings and bounties). 5. This (night) is (absolute) peace and security till daybreak.

  • 98. Sura al-Bayyinah with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 03min

    Sura 98. al-Bayyinah (the Clear evidence): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. The disbelievers from among the People of the Book and the idolaters would not desist (from disbelief) until clear proof came to them. 2. That (proof) is the (last) Messenger from Allah, who recites (to them) holy pages (of the Glorious Qur’an), 3. In which are (written) correct and firm Commandments. 4. These People of the Book did not dissent among themselves (with regard to believing in the Prophethood and Messengership of the last Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace) and recognizing his holy status), until after the clear proof had come to them (of the Prophethood of Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace). Then, they broke up: some of them accepted belief in him while others became deniers and disbelievers out of jealousy,) 5. Whereas they were commanded to worship only Allah, making their Din (faith and devotion) sincerely His (dissociating from every falsehood), to establish

  • 99. Sura az-Zalzalah with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 01min

    Sura 99. az-Zalzalah (the Earthquake): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. When the earth will be violently shaken with a high-scale quake, 2. And when the earth will throw out (all) her burdens, 3. And man (bewildered and baffled) will say: ‘What has happened to her?’ 4. On that Day she will herself bring to light her experiences, 5. For your Lord will have made subservient to her (the symbolic language of) sharp signals. 6. On that Day people will form up in different groups, (in diverse conditions,) so that they may be shown their works. 7. Then he who will have done even an atom’s weight of good will see it. 8. And he who will have done even an atom’s weight of evil will (also) see it.

  • 100. Sura al-Adiyat with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 01min

    Sura 100. al-Adiyat (Those that run): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. By the charging horses that gallop (in the battlefield) and pant, 2. And those that produce sparks striking their hoofs on rocks, 3. Then they blitz (the enemy) at dawn, 4. And then raise clouds of dust from the point (of attack), 5. And then simultaneously pierce into (the enemy) ranks, 6. Indeed man is most ungrateful to his Lord, 7. And verily he is himself a witness to this ingratitude. 8. And indeed he is quite stubborn in his love of wealth. 9. But does he not know when those (dead) in the graves will be raised, 10. And secrets which are in hearts will be disclosed? 11. Indeed their Lord will be Well Aware of their (deeds) on that Day?

  • 101. Sura al-Qariah with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 01min

    Sura 101. al-Qariah (Rattling violent jerk and thunder): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. The high-scale jolt rocking (the whole universe of the heavens and the earth) and thunder! 2. And what is that high-scale jolt rocking (everything) and that thunder? 3. And what have you made out what the high-scale jolt and thunder implies? 4. (It implies) the Day of Resurrection when (the whole of) mankind will become like scattered moths, 5. And the mountains will be like multicoloured carded wool. 6. So he whose scales of deeds in the balance will be heavy, 7. He will be in luxury and delight. 8. But as for him whose scales of deeds in the balance will be light, 9. His abode will be Hawiya (a pit in Hell)! 10. And what have you made out what that (Hawiya) is? 11. It is (an extremely deep pit of) the fiercely Blazing Fire (of Hell).

  • 102. Sura at-Takathur with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 01min

    Sura 102. at-Takathur (Piling up): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. Your greed for massive wealth and the superiority complex has made you negligent (of the Hereafter), 2. Until you go down to the graves. 3. No indeed! You will soon learn (this reality that wealth and riches will avail you nothing). 4. Again (you are warned.) No! Never! You will soon learn about (your end). 5. Yes indeed! Would that you knew with the knowledge of certitude (the consequence of greed for wealth and riches and your negligence. Then, lost in the worldly pleasures, you would never forget the Hereafter like this). 6. (Consequent on your greed) you shall surely see Hell. 7. Then you shall certainly see it with the eye of certitude. 8. Then on that Day you will certainly be questioned about the bounties (given to you by Allah and the way you consumed them).

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