Recitation Of Holy Quran With Urdu Translation

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 32:37:41
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Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri have authored more than 360 books in Urdu, English and Arabic languages. Some of these books have also been translated in many other languages of the world. More than 700 manuscripts of his books are undergoing various processes of publication. His revivalist, reformative and reconstructive efforts hold the distinct position for the propagation of faith


  • 63. Sura al-Munafiqun with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 07min

    Sura 63. al-Munafiqun (the Hypocrites): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. (O Esteemed Beloved!) When the hypocrites come to you they say: ‘We bear witness that you are certainly the Messenger of Allah.’ And Allah knows that surely you are His Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him). But Allah bears witness that undoubtedly the hypocrites are liars. 2. They have made their oaths a shield. Then they hinder (the people) from the path of Allah. Surely that is an extremely evil (work) which they are doing. 3. The reason is that they believed (by the word of mouth) but remained disbelievers (at heart). So their hearts have been sealed. And they do not understand (anything). 4. (O servant!) When you see them, their bodies (and height and structure) seem attractive to you, and if they speak, you lend ear to what they say (i.e. they will look sensible to you but the fact is that) they are nothing but wooden bars propped up against a supporting wall. They take every loud voice (a

  • 64. Sura at-Taghabun with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 09min

    Sura 64. at-Taghabun (Mutual loss and gain): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. Everything in the heavens and in the earth glorifies Allah. His is the entire kingdom and His is all the praise. And He is All-Powerful over everything. 2. He is the One Who created you. Then (someone) of you became a disbeliever and (the other one) of you became a believer and Allah sees best the actions that you do. 3. He is the One Who created the heavens and the earth with a rationale and purpose. And (He is the One Who) gave you shapes and then did up your shapes. And (all) have to return to Him alone. 4. He knows what is in the heavens and in the earth and (also) knows those things that you hide and that you disclose and Allah knows best (also the secret) matters contained in the breasts. 5. Has the news not reached you of those who disbelieved before you and tasted the punishment of their work (in the world) and there is grievous torment for them (in the Hereafter as well)? 6. The

  • 65. Sura at-Talaq with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 11min

    Sura 65. at-Talaq (Divorce): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. O Prophet! (Say to the Muslims:) ‘When you seek to divorce your women, divorce them during their period of purity and count their prescribed period. And keep fearing Allah, Who is your Lord. And do not drive them out of their homes nor should they leave unless they commit open indecency. And these are Allah’s (fixed) limits. And whoever transgresses Allah’s limits has surely wronged his own soul. (O man,) you do not know that perhaps Allah may develop a new situation (to turn you back to her after divorce). 2. Then when they reach closer to (the end of) their appointed term, retain them with kindness or separate from them with kindness. And take two just persons from among you as witnesses and establish testimony for the sake of Allah. This is an advice for him alone who believes in Allah and the Last Day. And whoever fears Allah He makes a way out for him (from pain and grief of this world and the Hereafter), 3. A

  • 66. Sura at-Tahrim with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 10min

    Sura 66. at-Tahrim (Prohibition): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. O (Esteemed) Prophet! Why do you forbid yourself (taking honey) which Allah has made for you lawful? (How well) you seek to please your wives! And Allah is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful. 2. (O Believers!) Indeed Allah has prescribed for you how to dissolve your oaths (by atonement). And Allah is your Helper and Protector. And He is All-Knowing, Most Wise. 3. And when the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) secretly disclosed a matter to one of his wives but when she mentioned it and Allah made it known to the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him), then the Prophet reminded her of some part of it and overlooked (to inform) the rest of it. Then when the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) informed her of it (that she had disclosed that secret), she said: ‘Who has told you of that?’ The Prophet said: ‘All-Knowing, All-Aware (Lord) has told me.’ 4. If you both turn to Allah in repentance (th

  • 67. Sura al-Mulk with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 12min

    Sura 67. al-Mulk (Dominion): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. Blessed is He in Whose (Mighty) Hand is the Kingdom (of all the worlds). And He enjoys Perfect Command over everything; 2. He Who has created death and life (so that) He may test you as to which of you is best in conduct. And He is Almighty, Most Forgiving; 3. He Who has created seven (or numerous) heavenly spheres corresponding to one another (layer upon layer). You will not find any irregularity and disproportion in the system of the creation of the Most Kind (Lord). So have a (meditative and thoughtful) look around: do you find in this (Creation) any incongruity or disharmony (i.e. degeneration or falling apart)? 4. Look around time and again with (an inquisitive) vision (from different angles and with scientific methods. Every time) your sight will return to you fatigued and frustrated (in finding any shortcoming or imperfection). 5. And surely We have adorned the lowest heaven of the universe with lights

  • 68. Sura al-Qalam with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 13min

    Sura 68. al-Qalam (the Pen): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. Nun. (Only Allah and the Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) know the real meaning.) By the pen and by that (subject) which (the angels) write down! 2. (O Esteemed Beloved!) By the Grace of your Lord you are not (at all) insane. 3. And assuredly for you there is a reward that will never end. 4. And assuredly you are placed high on the Most Glorious and Exalted (seat of) Character (i.e. adorned with the Qur’anic morality and endowed with the character traits of Allah). 5. Soon you will see and they (too) will see, 6. As to which of you is mad. 7. Surely your Lord knows him best who has strayed from the straight path and (also) knows best those who are rightly guided. 8. So do not agree with what the beliers say. 9. They wish that you should become (needlessly) flexible (in the matter of Din (Religion)). Then they too would show flexibility. 10. And do not agree with any vile, most mean swearer

  • 69. Sura al-Haqqah with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 11min

    Sura 69. al-Haqqah (the Concrete reality): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. The surely Inevitable Hour! 2. What is the surely Inevitable Hour? 3. And what has made you alert what (calamity) surely is the Inevitable Hour? 4. Thamud and ‘Ad rejected the (calamity of a) Shattering Gravitational Collision (of all the existent cosmic bodies). 5. So, as for the people of Thamud, they were destroyed by the extremely violent Deafening Blast. 6. And as for the people of ‘Ad, they (too) were destroyed by a violently cold roaring gale. 7. Allah made that (gale) seize them for consecutive seven nights and eight days. So, you could see them lying dead (during that time as if) they were hollow roots of the uprooted palm trees. 8. So do you see any of them surviving? 9. And Pharaoh and those before him and (the dwellers of) the overthrown towns (of the community of Lut (Lot)) committed grave sins. 10. So they (also) disobeyed the Messenger of their Lord. And Allah seized the

  • 70. Sura al-Maarij with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 09min

    Sura 70. al-Maarij (the Ways of ascent): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. A questioner asked for the torment which is sure to come about, 2. Upon the disbelievers, which no one can repel. 3. (That will befall) from Allah, Who is the Lord of the Ascending Steps to Heaven (and of the higher ranks and grades of spiritual hierarchy). 4. The angels and ar-Ruh al-Amin (the Spirit) rise towards His (Throne) in a day which measures fifty thousand years (according to the worldly scale). 5. So, (O Beloved,) observe patience (on the assertions of the disbelievers) without regrets. 6. Surely they imagine that (Day) to be far off, 7. But We see it very near. 8. On that Day the sky will become like molten copper, 9. And the mountains like (flakes of) coloured wool, 10. And no friend will enquire after his friend, 11. (Though) they will be shown (to one another). The sinner would desire to ransom himself from the torment of that Day by his children, 12. And (by giving) hi

  • 71. Sura Nuh with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 08min

    Sura 71. Nuh (Noah): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. Surely We sent Nuh (Noah) to his people: ‘Warn your people before a painful torment comes upon them.’ 2. He said: ‘O my people! Indeed I am a clear Warner to you, 3. That you must worship Allah and fear Him and obey me. 4. He will forgive your sins and will give you respite till an appointed term. Surely when (the appointed) time of Allah comes then respite is not given if only you knew.’ 5. Nuh (Noah) submitted: ‘O my Lord! Indeed I kept calling my people night and day, 6. But my calling did no good except making them flee away. 7. And every time I called them (towards faith) so that You forgive them, they only thrust their fingers into their ears and wrapped their clothes over themselves and stuck obstinately (to disbelief) and behaved most arrogantly. 8. Then I called them aloud. 9. Then I advised them publicly and privately and secretly (as well). 10. Then I said: ‘Seek forgiveness from your Lord. Sure

  • 72. Sura al-Jinn with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 11min

    Sura 72. al-Jinn (the Jinn): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. Say: ‘It has been revealed to me that a party of the jinn listened to (my recitation) carefully and then (went back to their people and) said: Surely we have heard a wonderful Qur’an. 2. It shows the path of guidance. So we have believed in it and will never set up any partner with our Lord. 3. And that exalted High is the Glory of our Lord. He has taken to Himself neither any wife nor children. 4. And that only a fool from among us used to utter things about Allah far from the Truth, crossing bounds. 5. And that we thought that man and jinn would never tell a lie against Allah. 6. And that some of the men used to take shelter with some of the jinn. So they increased defiance among the jinn. 7. And, (O party of jinn,) those men also thought just as you thought that Allah would never raise up anyone (after death). 8. And that we touched the heavens and found them filled with high-alert guards and stars shi

  • 73. Sura al-Muzzammil with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 07min

    Sura 73. al-Muzzammil (Folded in garments): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. O mantled (Beloved!) 2. Rise and stand (in Prayer) at night but (for) a short while, 3. Half the night or decrease it a little, 4. Or increase it a little more to it. And recite the Qur’an with most pleasant pauses. 5. Soon We shall send down to you a burdensome command. 6. No doubt rising at night strictly subdues (the ill-commanding self) and makes the tongue deliver straight and clear speech (with the concentration of head and heart). 7. Of course there are many commitments for you during the day. 8. And continue remembering the Name of your Lord, devoted completely to Him alone (in your heart and soul), broken away from everyone else. 9. He is the Lord of the east and the west. There is no God but He. So take Him alone as (your) Guardian. 10. And observe patience with what the (disbelievers) utter and turn aside from them in a fine manner. 11. And leave Me (to deal) with the deny

  • 74. Sura al-Muddaththir with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 02min

    Sura 74. al-Muddaththir (the Enwrapped): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. O enwrapped (Beloved!) 2. Rise and give warning (to the people). 3. And glorify the Greatnesss (and Majesty) of your Lord. 4. And (always) keep your (visible and spiritual) attire purified and cleansed (as before). 5. And keep away from the idols (and sins as usual). 6. And do not do favour (to anyone with the purpose of) seeking more from him. 7. And observe patience for the sake of your Lord. 8. Then when the Trumpet will be blown (a second time), 9. So that Day (i.e. the Day of Resurrection) will be an extremely hard day, 10. Not at all easy for the disbelievers. 11. Leave Me (to take the revenge) on him whom I have created lonely, 12. And I provided him wealth in abundance, 13. And (gave) him sons remaining present (before him), 14. And granted him affluence (in sources of luxury). 15. Yet he desires that I should give him more. 16. No way! He has certainly been inimical t

  • 75. Sura al-Qiyamah with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 07min

    Sura 75. al-Qiyamah (the Resurrection): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. I swear by the Day of Resurrection. 2. And I swear by the blaming self, reproaching (itself for evil deeds). 3. Does man think We will not at all collect his bones (which will decompose into dust particles after his death)? 4. Yes, of course! We have also the power to restore and set right even his finger joints (phalanges) and finger tips. 5. Yet man still wants to continue committing sins also (in the life to come). 6. He asks (scornfully): ‘When is the Day of Resurrection?’ 7. But when the eyes will be dazzled, 8. And the moon will be eclipsed, 9. And the sun and the moon will be fused (darkened) together, 10. On that Day will man cry out: ‘Where to flee away?’ 11. No indeed! There is no place of refuge. 12. The place of refuge and repose that Day will be with your Lord alone. 13. That Day man will be informed of those (deeds) which he sent forward and those (repercussions) which

  • 76. Sura al-Insan with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 10min

    Sura 76. al-Insan (Man): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. Surely there has passed over man a period of time when he was not a thing worth mentioning. 2. Surely We created man from a fertilized ovum that We keep turning and examining (from one stage to the next till birth). So We have made him (in the order of) hearing (then) seeing. 3. Indeed We also showed him the way (to understanding and insight for distinguishing between the Truth and falsehood) whether he (now) becomes thankful or continues to be ungrateful. 4. Verily We have prepared for the disbelievers chains (for the feet), neck-fetter and the Blazing Fire (of Hell). 5. Surely the sincerely devoted and obedient will drink from the cups (of the holy drink) mixed with kafur (to enhance its aroma, colour and taste). 6. (Kafur) is a spring (in Paradise) from which will drink (the privileged) servants of Allah (i.e. Awliya’ Allah) and will (also) make it flow to wherever they will desire in the form of small brooks

  • 77. Sura al-Mursalat with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 08min

    Sura 77. al-Mursalat (the Emissaries): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. By the soft blowing pleasant breezes which blow in succession, 2. Then by the violent winds which blow with fierce gusts, 3. And by those which spread the clouds all around, 4. Then by those which split (them) apart and break them off, 5. Then by those which bring direction and guidance, 6. To accomplish the argument or to warn, 7. Surely the promise (of the Last Day) which is being given to you will be certainly fulfilled. 8. Then when the light of the stars will be extinguished, 9. And when the heavenly universe will be split open, 10. And when the mountains will be (broken down to dust) and blown off, 11. And when the Messengers will be brought together at the appointed time (to bear witness to their respective communities), 12. Well, for what Day is the term (of all the affairs) appointed? 13. For the Day of Judgment! 14. And who has told you what the Day of Judgment is? 15. Wo

  • 78. Sura an-Naba with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 08min

    Sura 78. an-Naba (the News): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. What is (it) they are questioning about one another? 2. (Are they asking) of the Great News, 3. About which they differ? 4. (That News is) not at all (deniable). They will soon know (that reality). 5. (We) once more (assert: Dissent and denial are) in no way (right). They will come to know soon. 6. Have We not made the earth a place to stay for (life) and to earn living and deeds? 7. And (have We not) erected mountains raised (out of it)? 8. And (ponder:) We (have) created you in pairs (for reproduction). 9. And We (have) made your sleep (a means of bodily) rest, 10. And We (have) made the night a covering (by virtue of its darkness). 11. And We (have) made the day (a time) for (earning) livelihood. 12. And (now study the spatial universe as well). We built above you seven strong (firmaments). 13. And We made (the sun a massive) fountainhead of light and heat. 14. And We poured water in torren

  • 79. Sura an-Naziat with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 09min

    Sura 79. an-Naziat (Those who pull): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. By the (angels) who violently snatch out (the souls of the disbelievers from each tendon and ligament of their body), Or: By the waves of energy that pierce into matter and break up the chemical bonds fiercely, 2. And by the (angels) who unweave sinews (of the believers’ organisms) gently and peacefully, Or: By the waves of energy that disintegrate gently and peacefully the chemical bonds within matter, 3. And by the (angels) who swiftly glide (between the heavens and the earth), Or: By the waves of energy that move around freely in space and atmosphere, 4. Then by the (angels) who with burst of speed sprint past others, Or: By the waves of energy that surpass other waves in speed, force and assimilation, 5. Then by the (angels) who manage different affairs well, Or: By the waves of energy that, through mutual dynamism and coordination, maintain equilibrium and keep the balance of the management go

  • 80. Sura Abasa with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 06min

    Sura 80. Abasa (He frowned): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. A feeling of uneasiness came upon his (holy) face and he turned aside his (radiant) face, 2. Because a blind man approached him (who interrupted his discourse). 3. And what do you know? Perhaps he would be purified (further owing to your attending to him), 4. Or would accept (your) advice which would provide him benefit (more and more). 5. But the one who disregards (Din (Religion)), 6. You administer greater care (for his acceptance of Islam), 7. Whereas there is no (burden of) responsibility on you even if he does not adopt purification (faith). 8. And as for him who has (himself) come to you exerting (in pursuit of piousness), 9. And he fears (his Lord) as well, 10. But you are not focusing your attention on him. 11. (O My Esteemed Beloved!) Not so indeed! These (Verses of the Holy Qur’an) are but advice. 12. The one who seeks may accept it (and learn by heart). 13. (They are inscribed) on ve

  • 81. Sura at-Takwir with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 05min

    Sura 81. at-Takwir (Shrouding in darkness): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. When the sun will be folded up and extinguished, 2. And the stars will fall (from their galaxies), 3. And when the mountains, (after having changed into dust,) will be set in motion (into atmosphere), 4. And when the she-camels heavy with young will be left neglected and discarded (i.e. no one will tend them), 5. And when (fear-stricken) wild beasts will be herded together, 6. When (all) oceans and rivers will be made to rise and swell, 7. And when souls will be united (with their bodies), 8. And when the infant girl buried alive will be asked, 9. For what crime was she slain? 10. And when the records of deeds will be laid open, 11. And when the layers of heaven will be torn asunder and moved away from their places, 12. And when (the Fire of) Hell will be burnt ablaze, 13. And when Paradise will be brought up close, 14. Everyone will come to know what he has brought forth. 15.

  • 82. Sura al-Infitar with Urdu Translation

    13/10/2011 Duración: 03min

    Sura 82. al-Infitar (the Cleaving asunder): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. When (all) the heavenly spheres will be split apart, 2. And when the planets will fall and scatter, 3. And when oceans (and rivers) will flood and overflow, 4. And when graves will be overturned, 5. Then everyone will come to know what actions he sent forward and what he left behind. 6. O man! What has deluded you concerning your Gracious Lord, 7. (The One) Who created you (from a fertiled ovum in the mother’s womb), then (to structure your limbs at the fetal stage) He shaped you aright, then brought about proportionate alteration in your constitution? 8. He constituted you in whatever form He willed. 9. That is the Truth (but) on the contrary you deny the Day of Recompense, 10. Whereas there are guardian angels appointed over you, 11. (Who are) dignified, the scribes (writing the records of all your deeds). 12. They know (all) those (actions) which you do. 13. Indeed, the truly g

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