After a 12-month hiatus, we're gearing up for Season 2 of the AtRandom Podcast - a technical show that discusses latest tech developments in the computer industry with specific interests in Windows, Mac and Linux as well as Android, iOS, Tablets and Mobile devices.
AtRandom #26: Kubuntu Linux 14.10
23/10/2014 Duración: 02h03minWe welcome Johnathan and Scarlett from the Kubuntu Linux team to talk about what sets Kubuntu apart from Ubuntu Linux, what's in release 14.10 and what goes into maintaining a Linux distribution.
AtRandom #25: Windows, Watches and GPUs - Oh my!
02/10/2014 Duración: 01h33minBack after a long, extended break our intrepid trio return with a plethora of news and opinions on the latest movements within the tech scene. We invite you to join us for the first episode of Season 2 as we discuss Windows 10, the Apple Watch and graphics card buying advice.
AtRandom #22: Return to Basic
21/06/2012 Duración: 51minThose of us fortunate enough to have left school before IBM built the first PC, will go all misty-eyed with this latest episode of AtRandom. We are taking you back to Basic! In this episode we have a wonderful guest – Gordon Henderson author of Return to Basic.
AtRandom #21: UEFI Lockdown
17/05/2012 Duración: 56minRick, Jack and John talk about the recent scares that have been appearing about UEFI Secure Booting, in particular with regards to the possibility of our own PCs becomming lock-down to a single Operating System of the hardware manufacturers choice.
AtRandom #20: NVidia 3D Vision Review
12/04/2012 Duración: 53minNVidia 3D vision is a 3-part setup which provides a mechanism for displaying 3D gaming and media content from your PC through a compatible monitor. The AtRandom team have got their grubby paws on some NVidia 3D Vision 2 gear and give you a full and in-depth review in their usual friendly way.
AtRandom #19: Under the Hood; Game Engines
29/03/2012 Duración: 53minFrom retro 2D arcade games to epic story-driven 3D cinematic wonders, all of our gaming needs require thousands of man hours of work to drive each and every little piece of the action. Today we take a look at the programming and development that goes into creating a game-engine which handles all of the behind the scenes magic in a computer game.
AtRandom #18: SOPA and the Alternet
22/03/2012 Duración: 50minSOPA and PIPA, the controversial USA bills recently being introduced, aim to give the government a much greater degree of control of the content and continued running of websites, and have caused extensive concern that their vague and far-reaching nature could mean the beginning of the end for truly free speech on the Internet.
AtRandom #17: Kinect for Windows
15/03/2012 Duración: 51minKinect for Windows brings the tracking and camera technology of Microsoft's Kinect Sensor to the PC. Join the AtRandom team as we chat about some of the projects that have already been released with the Kinect and what we might see in the future.
AtRandom #16: Syria's Business
13/02/2012 Duración: 50minThe AtRandom team take a step away from the norm and discuss the topical issue of the recent conflicts that have been taking place in Syria. We then take a bit of a look at the technology that might be in use by the military at the time, complete with a nice handful of techie, moral and random elements.
AtRandom #15: Top 10 iOS App of 2011
30/01/2012 Duración: 58minAfter a deeply scientific process involving numbers ranging between 1 and 10, the AtRandom Podcast Team are now proud to present an our favourite iPhone / iPad and iPod Touch apps that we were using through 2011.
AtRandom #14: Televisions with Smarts
20/01/2012 Duración: 54minThe AtRandom team try to indentify what the term 'Smart TV' really means and we take a look at what some of the big players are putting into their TVs in the near future. We then consider the negatives of Smart TV, such as the potential for in-show advertising before moving on to take a look at where we would like to see Smart TVs going in the future.
AtRandom #13: iRacing Motorsport Simulation
12/01/2012 Duración: 49miniRacing is a Motorsport Simulator for PC and we take a look at the ins and outs of this software with an eye to review the product as well as understand some of the technology behind it. We tell the tale of how a hardcore simulator player is taken to a race-track to put his skills to the test in the real world and we uncover why Rick finds iRacing just so damn addictive!
AtRandom #12: Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot
18/11/2011 Duración: 01h10minWe take a round tour of the latest incarnation of Ubuntu, the Oneiric Ocelot. For Jackson and John this is the first look at Linux for a couple of years. Join us while Rick talks us through some of the advances that have appeared in Linux over the last couple of years, especially with the user-friendly Ubuntu.
AtRandom #11: Windows 8 Developer Preview
04/11/2011 Duración: 01h02minWe're proud to announce our new show format in which we tackle a specific technical topic in-depth for the length of the show, instead of hitting a number of topics lightly. In our first show of this new format we take a look at the Windows 8 Developer Preview which Microsoft are providing openly to anyone that is interested. John installed this recently onto his PC and the AtRandom team take it for a spin.
AtRandom #10: He Needed Stabilizers
10/10/2011 Duración: 01h47minIn episode 10 of AtRandom we talk about the future of Apple after the sad passing of Steve Jobs just a few days ago. We mix up our evolving feature ‘plus one’ by highlighting books and other media as well as websites that we like. As usual, we review 3 apps of varying types before moving on to take a look at some of the best apps on the Chrome app store.
AtRandom #09: The Flying Saucer
21/09/2011 Duración: 01h17minWe like to keep things fresh here on AtRandom and we humour Gerry with a round table debate about UFOs and aliens. Our regular +1s are back with three websites worth checking out and we review Flashback, Safari to go and Zinio for iOS. We close this show with a Deep Thought session on both the technology behind and the future of eBooks.
AtRandom #08: Plus One x Three
07/09/2011 Duración: 01h35minWe open with a deep discussion about the Cloud Based gaming serivce On Live before introducing our new feature; plus one, where we each bring an interesting website to talk about to the show. We then review Airport Terminal and Padder for iOS and Coda for Mac. Last but not least, we discuss the future of HTML and consider what HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript have to offer in the future.
AtRandom #07: New Add-itions
03/08/2011 Duración: 01h42minWe interview Chris Brennan about the development of a new iPad Magazine called Padder. A month on we consider how Google+ is evolving and, as usual, we have a trio of app reviews for your listening pleasure. This month we take a look at Rack Stare, Galaxy on Fire and Sid Meier's Pirates!
AtRandom #06: Google go social, take 2
06/07/2011 Duración: 01h41minWe can't let Google+ go by without having our say and after casting our predictive eyes over Google's future we investigate the ever fragmenting Android marketplace. As usual, we have a trio of app reviews and we look at PSD Viewer, IM+ and Notes Plus - all for the iPhone / iPad. Finally we poke a bit of fun at BlackBerry's PlayBook and give a cursory look at how the tablet market is evolving.
AtRandom #05: All about software
08/06/2011 Duración: 01h21minThis month we take a peek at Windows 8's new touch-based interface and Google's upcoming subscription laptop - the Chromebook. We review a trio of quality iOS apps; Stupidness 2, and RunKeeper and then move on to talk about iCloud, iOS 5. Finally, we remind ourselves of PGP: Pretty Good Privacy, and question why it's not taken off like it might have done.