After a 12-month hiatus, we're gearing up for Season 2 of the AtRandom Podcast - a technical show that discusses latest tech developments in the computer industry with specific interests in Windows, Mac and Linux as well as Android, iOS, Tablets and Mobile devices.
AtRandom #04: It's not an empty promise
04/05/2011 Duración: 01h07minThis month we prove that it's not an empty promise as we gorge our geeky sides with the rebirth of the Intel Commodore 64. After poking a bit of fun at poor old Sony we then review a trio of iOS apps; The Inferno, Dragon Dictation and Flipboard. Last but not least, we go deep and discuss Natural Motion's Bio-mechanical physics engine and the future of ARM and Intel processors.
AtRandom #03: Don't have knightmares
06/04/2011 Duración: 01h06minThis month we look at Nokia embracing Windows 7 and the Adobe Flash to HTML5 converter. App reviews for GarageBand (iPad), Speedball 2 Evolution and Magnatune. In depth discussion of installing Android X86 in VirtualBox and the power of CUDA computing.
AtRandom #02: Gerry, Manc Techie
25/03/2011 Duración: 47minThis month we look at a whole bunch of tablet devices and consider the future of Linux on the tablet. App reviews of Babel Rising, 51 in 1 Piano HD, Air Display and Amplitude.
AtRandom #01: The Bumblegirdle
11/02/2011 Duración: 39minThis month we review Photoshop Express, Creature of Havoc and The Time (iPad). We look into GIMP, Scribus and Inkscape and then discuss Quake 2 GWT running in Chrome.