The Ancientwisdomofthefeminine's Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 188:36:06
  • Mas informaciones



Ancient Wisdom of the Feminine brings you the wisdom and spiritual teachings of many women spiritual leaders across the globe. The Elders have their unique respective series available through our platform.


  • The Golden Era: Where do you Belong?

    26/03/2024 Duración: 20min

    Does it is a realm where you have total acceptance, Love, and connection? You have everything that you need, the only one that you are reaching is You! I am you Magdala  

  • The Golden Era: Equinox, Lunar eclipse and Solar Eclipse!

    18/03/2024 Duración: 21min

    Equinox, Lunar eclipse and Solar Eclipse! Can you feel it? Powerful times! need you! i am you Magdala

  • The Golden Era: The Times of the Sisterhood!

    11/03/2024 Duración: 20min

    Women all over the world are remembering who they are! how powerful they are! They know that the Community depends on Women...  I am you Magdala     To contact Magdala, participate in the upcoming event in May, join her online school or write to her, just visit her website:

  • The Golden Era: The Sacredness and the Mundane, the dance within yourself!

    04/03/2024 Duración: 20min

    The Sacredness and the Mundane, the dance within yourself!   ... You are Sacred, and Mundane... Time to Merge!  Powerful times!   I am you Magdala    To contact Magdala, enroll in her online school, buy her books etc visit her website:  

  • The Golden Era: The Divine Masculine Secret Teachings all within yourself

    26/02/2024 Duración: 20min

    The Divine Masculine Secret Teachings all within yourself? The Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine always have been holding hands, Make the inside the same of the outside, and the outside the same of the inside Heaven on Earth and Earth on Heaven, all within yourself! I am you Magdala     To connect with Magdala, buy her books, invite her for a seminar, participate in her online school or read her writings, visit her website:

  • The Golden Era: Do what you have come here to do!

    20/02/2024 Duración: 10min

    Do what you have come here to do! Do you remember yourself? Do you remember who you are? yes, it is the time that you do what you have come here to do! I am  you Magdala   To reach out to Magdala, participate in her online school etc: visit her website-

  • The Golden Era: The ancient temples of the Feminine holding the realm?

    13/02/2024 Duración: 23min

    The Kingdom of Heaven? the World of the Enchanted Flower? The Shambala, the vahala? is the original realm of the true human being? The ancient temples of the Feminine holding the realm? Is time to Remember!   I am you Magdala

  • The Golden Era: One single Knowledge everywhere in the world?

    05/02/2024 Duración: 18min

    One single Knowledge everywhere in the world? "We have not come here to destroy any religion nor tradition, but to consummate them"   I am you Magdala To contact Magdala, visit:

  • The Golden Era: Reclaiming your Power!

    29/01/2024 Duración: 23min

    Reclaiming your Power!   People thought for a long time that they didn't have any power, that is what they make you believe, especially women...  you thought that power was only on the outside for many generations, and that was a lie... It is the time to reclaim your power, and learn how to use it for the highest good of everyone.    I am you Magdala   To contact Magdala, visit her website: Her books, writings, upcoming ceremonies or events as well as information about her on-going online school or courses is available on her website.  

  • The Golden Era: Stay Home!

    22/01/2024 Duración: 21min

    Stay Home! The Beautiful Inner realm within yourself! A realm of connection, healing, and revelation, An abstract world without boundaries and limitations, a realm where the whole creation is taking place! A world of freedom...   Stay Home !   I am you Magdala To contact Magdala, visit her website:

  • The Golden Era: Can you embrace your Sacredness?

    15/01/2024 Duración: 20min

    Can you embrace your Sacredness? What means Sacred for you?  These are powerful times, the times that you remember who you are... This is YOUR time!  I am you Magdala 

  • The Golden Era: The Condor and the Eagle must fly together again

    08/01/2024 Duración: 23min

    The Condor and the Eagle must fly together again What does this mean for you? The Divine Feminine always holding hands with the Divine Masculine,  Is the Union of Polarities is not about the outside world?  Two hemispheres of the Brain connected?  a world beyond victims and predators?   Powerful Times! I am you Magdala  To contact Magdala, visit her website:  

  • The Golden Era: Is Life Living you?

    01/01/2024 Duración: 16min

    The Hologram is sooo sensitive, respond to every emotion, thought, genetic memory, your hidden files, your secrets file, your "don't touch that files", where you live, your home, your environment, and sooo much!  Can you declare your sovereignty? from so much infiltrations? Yes, this is your time! ...time to remember... join us in our online school, at you need you in your life! I am you Magdala 

  • The Golden Era: Merry Christmas!

    25/12/2023 Duración: 24min

    Merry Christmas!  powerful time for many revelations,  understanding Love, and Love the understanding.. I am you Magdala  To contact Magdala, participate in her online school, buy her books, buy online courses or read more of her writings, visit her website:  

  • The Golden Era: Light it Up!

    18/12/2023 Duración: 20min

    Light is not something that you become, it is something that you Remember.. and there is no longer the limitations of your identity... go to our website join us in our School online, the only one that you need to reach is you!  I am you Magdala    

  • The Golden Era: Tonanzin day!!!

    11/12/2023 Duración: 19min

    Tonanzin day!!! Don't you know that I am your Mother?!  we have in our archives the story of Tonanzin from many years, you can look for the story or check our website  Today, we are seeing the story with the understanding of Merging, with the one that created you, the Mother of all the Living things! How to embrace the powerful times of Merging, and how that brings happiness to you, what and who is this beautiful being that she created!  send us your comment, and join our mailing news letter in our website. Subscribe and share! I am you Magdala 

  • The Golden Era: The Two worlds that are Merging into ONE!

    05/12/2023 Duración: 16min

    You have always been connected to the Source... Can you use the beautiful Light Body that you are to heal those versions that feel separated? Time to Reach you!  Our website is  I am you Magdala    To contact Magdala, buy her books, join her online school or attend ceremonies - visit her website:

  • The Golden Era : The Light codes!

    27/11/2023 Duración: 22min

    The Light codes! Healing the Mother-Daughter relation!  What are Guilt trips? a shadow that relates with the mother-daughter?  Why is it so important to heal? The Seven generation teachings at the same time that you are healing all your lineage?  How does the Great Mother relates with you?    I am you Magdala  p.s. download messages from the Great Mother, is in your phone as an app... 

  • The Golden Era: A beautiful vibration happening everywhere in the world?

    20/11/2023 Duración: 19min

    A beautiful vibration happening everywhere in the world? The Light code! being received by your Light Body? How to shift your consciousness to your true body of Light? what's in the middle?  yes! powerful times!   I am you Magdala   To contact Magdala, buy her books, read more of her writings, participate in ceremonies or join her online school of enlightenment, visit her website:

  • The Golden Era: Are your wrong beliefs creating and recreating your shadow?

    06/11/2023 Duración: 21min

    Are your wrong beliefs creating and recreating your shadow? How do you use your Light?!    I am you Magdala    To contact Magdala, buy her books, participate in her ceremonies or read more of her writings, visit the following website:

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