Join Shambhavi Sarasvati for a weekly exploration of self-realization, death, love, devotion and waking up while living in a messy world. Satsang is an ancient spiritual practice from India. It means "being in Reality together." During satsang, people gather with a teacher to learn, ask questions, find community, chant and sing. Shambhavi Sarasvati gives satsang every Sunday in Portland, Maine. The dharma talks offered here are recordings of the live satsang. Shambhavi is the spiritual director of Jaya Kula, a nonprofit organization with centers in Portland, Maine and Portland, Oregon. Her training is in the View and practices of Trika Shaivism from Kashmir and the Dzogchen tradition of Tibet. She is a householder sannyasini and a devotee of Anandamayi Ma. Visit for her full teaching schedule and more information.Shambhavi's books include Tantra: the Play of Awakening (2012), Pilgrims to Opennness: Direct Realization Tantra in Everyday Life (2009), Returning (2015), and No Retreat: Poems on the Way to Waking Up (2016). All of Shambhavi's books are available on Amazon.
Noticing Reality
28/11/2018 Duración: 23minHow does psychology interfere with sadhana and our experience of ourselves? A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi.
Your Real Circumstance
21/11/2018 Duración: 23minSkillfullness in life results from immersion, presence, and immediacy rather than from explaining and intellectual understanding. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi.
Utpaladeva and Being the Servant
14/11/2018 Duración: 15minShambhavi riffs on the words of Utpaladeva and gets personal about devotion and her identification with the role of the servant. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi
Feeling Goodness for Reals
09/11/2018 Duración: 32minShambhavi gives a dharma talk and leads a community discussion about how we can get back in touch with our essential goodness. Recognizing and remaining aware of our indestructible goodness brings tremendous confidence into our lives. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi
Stupidity and Ignorance
31/10/2018 Duración: 13minShambhavi riffs on the real nature of stupidity as two styles of "ignore-ance." A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi
Self-Reflection is What God Does
24/10/2018 Duración: 20minShambhavi unpacks “vimarsha” and “prakasha” from the perspective of Trika Shaivism. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi.
Self-realization and Immersion in Presence
17/10/2018 Duración: 23minShambhavi asks students "What is self-realization?" She gives satsang on the need to stop measuring your progress, knowing yourself, the equality of all phenomena, and discovering wisdom at the heart of reality. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi
Seated Practice and Integration
10/10/2018 Duración: 21minSpiritual practice shouldn’t stay on the cushion. What does it mean to integrate your practice with your entire life? A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi.
Denaturalization or Stop Believing
03/10/2018 Duración: 11minDenaturalization is when stuff that used to seem right and natural starts to feel odd and unnatural because you're doing spiritual practice. Like finding a soulmate doesn't seem as great anymore when compared to loving everyone. Denaturalization is the new natural. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi.
A Poem by Lalleshwari
28/09/2018 Duración: 18minShambhavi riffs on teachings about spiritual practice by the 14th century naked, wandering, Kashmiri yogini: Lalleshwari. Yeah, even really great practitioners need to strip themselves of useless ideas about spiritual life and have bad days getting woke! A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi
Saturn the Fierce
19/09/2018 Duración: 24minWho is Saturn? Why is he a yogi’s best friend? A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi.
Tantra and Yoga
12/09/2018 Duración: 28minShambhavi gets down to basics about the meanings of “Tantra” and “Yoga” from the perspective of classical Tantra. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi.
Tantra Basics
05/09/2018 Duración: 41minShambhavi gives an overview of the origins, View and practices of Indian Tantra. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi.
Tantra Begins at the End
29/08/2018 Duración: 18minShambhavi gives an introduction to the significance of transmission in direct realization spiritual traditions such as Trika Shaivism and talks about what it feels like to work with a teacher. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi
Pranam Satsang
22/08/2018 Duración: 15minShambhavi describes the practice of pranama, or prostrations. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi.
Limited and Unlimited
15/08/2018 Duración: 21minHow does the view of direct realization Tantra differ from the view of transcendental traditions? A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi.
Hosting, Guesting and Emptiness
08/08/2018 Duración: 22minOne of the names of God is “The Host.” Shambhavi describes how God hosts us, and how we can learn to be both good guests and good hosts. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi.
Fruits of the Practice
24/07/2018 Duración: 42min"You can’t know the fruits of a practice until you do the practice." What does this mean and how can we use this teaching to adjust our approach to sadhana? A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi.
18/07/2018 Duración: 16minShambhavi shares the code of conduct for the Board Members of Jaya Kula based on wholesomeness. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi.