Join Shambhavi Sarasvati for a weekly exploration of self-realization, death, love, devotion and waking up while living in a messy world. Satsang is an ancient spiritual practice from India. It means "being in Reality together." During satsang, people gather with a teacher to learn, ask questions, find community, chant and sing. Shambhavi Sarasvati gives satsang every Sunday in Portland, Maine. The dharma talks offered here are recordings of the live satsang. Shambhavi is the spiritual director of Jaya Kula, a nonprofit organization with centers in Portland, Maine and Portland, Oregon. Her training is in the View and practices of Trika Shaivism from Kashmir and the Dzogchen tradition of Tibet. She is a householder sannyasini and a devotee of Anandamayi Ma. Visit for her full teaching schedule and more information.Shambhavi's books include Tantra: the Play of Awakening (2012), Pilgrims to Opennness: Direct Realization Tantra in Everyday Life (2009), Returning (2015), and No Retreat: Poems on the Way to Waking Up (2016). All of Shambhavi's books are available on Amazon.
Darkness and Light
17/06/2020 Duración: 15minShambhavi riffs on the multiplicity of experiences of darkness and light that shape our lives. What does "darkness" mean from the perspective of direct realization? How does darkness relate to light? What is the dark night of the soul? A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi Curious to find out more about spiritual life, Trika Shaivism, and Shambhavi? Want to know how you can attend live teachings or get started practicing? Visit for lots more media, instruction in mantra and meditation, and a full calendar of IRL teachings with Shambhavi. You can also find us on FB and instagram @jayakula And if you’d like to support these teachings, please rate and review this podcast as it helps others find us. You can also make a donation at Thanks for listening! And much love to you, wherever and however you are.
Flat World vs the Round World
10/06/2020 Duración: 10minShambhavi talks about the flat world of materialism, rationalism, scientism, and human supremacy vs the round world of magic, wisdom, ritual, and subtle life. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi Curious to find out more about spiritual life, Trika Shaivism, and Shambhavi? Want to know how you can attend live teachings or get started practicing? Visit for lots more media, instruction in mantra and meditation, and a full calendar of IRL teachings with Shambhavi. You can also find us on FB and instagram @jayakula And if you’d like to support these teachings, please rate and review this podcast as it helps others find us. You can also make a donation at Thanks for listening! And much love to you, wherever and however you are.
Disciples and Devotees—What's the Difference?
03/06/2020 Duración: 10minWhat is a disciple? What is a devotee? Shambhavi riffs on the evolution of her relationship to these questions over decades of practice. Along the way, she shares teachings from Anandamayi Ma, Utpaladeva, and Jñanadeva. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi Curious to find out more about spiritual life, Trika Shaivism, and Shambhavi? Want to know how you can attend live teachings or get started practicing? Visit for lots more media, instruction in mantra and meditation, and a full calendar of IRL teachings with Shambhavi. You can also find us on FB and instagram @jayakula And if you’d like to support these teachings, please rate and review this podcast as it helps others find us. You can also make a donation at Thanks for listening! And much love to you, wherever and however you are.
What is Karma? And what does karma have to do with Coronavirus?
27/05/2020 Duración: 33minShambhavi responds to stories being told by spiritual teachers on social media that claim to explain the coronavirus pandemic in terms of karma. She talks about the real nature of karma and compassion in relationship to the pandemic and the quarantine or any difficult circumstances. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi Curious to find out more about spiritual life, Trika Shaivism, and Shambhavi? Want to know how you can attend live teachings or get started practicing? Visit for lots more media, instruction in mantra and meditation, and a full calendar of IRL teachings with Shambhavi. You can also find us on FB and instagram @jayakula And if you’d like to support these teachings, please rate and review this podcast as it helps others find us. You can also make a donation at Thanks for listening! And much love to you, wherever and however you are.
Spiritual Materialism and Measuring Up
12/05/2020 Duración: 16minShambhavi and her students talk about how the compulsion to accomplish and measure up obstructs our spiritual life. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi Curious to find out more about spiritual life, Trika Shaivism, and Shambhavi? Want to know how you can attend live teachings or get started practicing? Visit for lots more media, instruction in mantra and meditation, and a full calendar of IRL teachings with Shambhavi. You can also find us on FB and instagram @jayakula And if you’d like to support these teachings, please rate and review this podcast as it helps others find us. You can also make a donation at Thanks for listening! And much love to you, wherever and however you are.
What is Darshan?
12/05/2020 Duración: 14minShambhavi dives into the multi-layered meanings of darshan. She explains why it is central to direct realization traditions. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi Curious to find out more about spiritual life, Trika Shaivism, and Shambhavi? Want to know how you can attend live teachings or get started practicing? Visit for lots more media, instruction in mantra and meditation, and a full calendar of IRL teachings with Shambhavi. You can also find us on FB and instagram @jayakula And if you’d like to support these teachings, please rate and review this podcast as it helps others find us. You can also make a donation at Thanks for listening! And much love to you, wherever and however you are.
Open Families
06/05/2020 Duración: 18minShambhavi talks about the stages of life according to Hindu tradition and addresses the question of how family life can become an aspect of spiritual practice. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi Curious to find out more about spiritual life, Trika Shaivism, and Shambhavi? Want to know how you can attend live teachings or get started practicing? Visit for lots more media, instruction in mantra and meditation, and a full calendar of IRL teachings with Shambhavi. You can also find us on FB and instagram @jayakula And if you’d like to support these teachings, please rate and review this podcast as it helps others find us. You can also make a donation at Thanks for listening! And much love to you, wherever and however you are.
Freedom vs Karmic Scripts
29/04/2020 Duración: 27minHow to untangle yourself from karmic tensions and the habitual stories we repeat over and over again about ourselves, others, and life. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi Curious to find out more about spiritual life, Trika Shaivism, and Shambhavi? Want to know how you can attend live teachings or get started practicing? Visit for lots more media, instruction in mantra and meditation, and a full calendar of IRL teachings with Shambhavi. You can also find us on FB and instagram @jayakula And if you’d like to support these teachings, please rate and review this podcast as it helps others find us. You can also make a donation at Thanks for listening! And much love to you, wherever and however you are.
Anxiety and Patience in the Time of Coronavirus
22/04/2020 Duración: 13minShambhavi talks about the difference between fear and anxiety. She offers some practical advice about working with our anxiety and how to bring fear onto the path. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi Curious to find out more about spiritual life, Trika Shaivism, and Shambhavi? Want to know how you can attend live teachings or get started practicing? Visit for lots more media, instruction in mantra and meditation, and a full calendar of IRL teachings with Shambhavi. You can also find us on FB and instagram @jayakula And if you’d like to support these teachings, please rate and review this podcast as it helps others find us. You can also make a donation at Thanks for listening! And much love to you, wherever and however you are.
Going All the Way
01/04/2020 Duración: 18minShambhavi serves up a “recipe” for realizing more thoroughly and maybe a little more quickly than most people want to. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi Curious to find out more about spiritual life, Trika Shaivism, and Shambhavi? Want to know how you can attend live teachings or get started practicing? Visit for lots more media, instruction in mantra and meditation, and a full calendar of IRL teachings with Shambhavi. You can also find us on FB and instagram @jayakula And if you’d like to support these teachings, please rate and review this podcast as it helps others find us. You can also make a donation at Thanks for listening! And much love to you, wherever and however you are.
The Power of Making Demands on God
01/04/2020 Duración: 18minNothing is more powerful than a sincere demand for self-knowledge and greater freedom. Only hitch is, most of us are not that sincere. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi Curious to find out more about spiritual life, Trika Shaivism, and Shambhavi? Want to know how you can attend live teachings or get started practicing? Visit for lots more media, instruction in mantra and meditation, and a full calendar of IRL teachings with Shambhavi. You can also find us on FB and instagram @jayakula And if you’d like to support these teachings, please rate and review this podcast as it helps others find us. You can also make a donation at Thanks for listening! And much love to you, wherever and however you are.
The Simplicity of Relaxing in the Natural State
01/04/2020 Duración: 17minOur minds are junkies addicted to complication. But the essence of direct realization practice is simplicity itself. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi Curious to find out more about spiritual life, Trika Shaivism, and Shambhavi? Want to know how you can attend live teachings or get started practicing? Visit for lots more media, instruction in mantra and meditation, and a full calendar of IRL teachings with Shambhavi. You can also find us on FB and instagram @jayakula And if you’d like to support these teachings, please rate and review this podcast as it helps others find us. You can also make a donation at Thanks for listening! And much love to you, wherever and however you are.
Practice in Hardship
18/03/2020 Duración: 16minShambhavi talks about the benefits of continuing to do sadhana even through hard times and illness. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi Curious to find out more about spiritual life, Trika Shaivism, and Shambhavi? Want to know how you can attend live teachings or get started practicing? Visit for lots more media, instruction in mantra and meditation, and a full calendar of IRL teachings with Shambhavi. You can also find us on FB and instagram @jayakula And if you’d like to support these teachings, please rate and review this podcast as it helps others find us. You can also make a donation at Thanks for listening! And much love to you, wherever and however you are.
Everything is Kula
11/03/2020 Duración: 15minShambhavi explains the special meanings of the word kula and how kula relates to the method and fruit of our sadhana. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi Curious to find out more about spiritual life, Trika Shaivism, and Shambhavi? Want to know how you can attend live teachings or get started practicing? Visit for lots more media, instruction in mantra and meditation, and a full calendar of IRL teachings with Shambhavi. You can also find us on FB and instagram @jayakula And if you’d like to support these teachings, please rate and review this podcast as it helps others find us. You can also make a donation at Thanks for listening! And much love to you, wherever and however you are.
Love, Impermanence, and Tenderness
05/03/2020 Duración: 19minShambhavi basically rants about the limitations of ordinary love and falling in love. There's something better. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi Curious to find out more about spiritual life, Trika Shaivism, and Shambhavi? Want to know how you can attend live teachings or get started practicing? Visit for lots more media, instruction in mantra and meditation, and a full calendar of IRL teachings with Shambhavi. You can also find us on FB and instagram @jayakula And if you’d like to support these teachings, please rate and review this podcast as it helps others find us. You can also make a donation at Thanks for listening! And much love to you, wherever and however you are.
Pleasure and Discomfort on the Path
26/02/2020 Duración: 13minBoth pleasure and discomfort are normal aspects of spiritual life. If we run toward pleasure and avoid discomfort, we will never self-realize. If we deny pleasure and approach spiritual practice as only struggle and strife, we also create obstacles. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi Curious to find out more about spiritual life, Trika Shaivism, and Shambhavi? Want to know how you can attend live teachings or get started practicing? Visit for lots more media, instruction in mantra and meditation, and a full calendar of IRL teachings with Shambhavi. You can also find us on FB and instagram @jayakula And if you’d like to support these teachings, please rate and review this podcast as it helps others find us. You can also make a donation at Thanks for listening! And much love to you, wherever and however you are.
Your Indestructible Virtue
19/02/2020 Duración: 13minComparing yourself favorably to others is not a refuge. Defining how you are special is not a refuge. Accomplishments are not a refuge. Being right and correct is not a refuge. The only refuge is to discover your real value, the indestructible value shared by all. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi Curious to find out more about spiritual life, Trika Shaivism, and Shambhavi? Want to know how you can attend live teachings or get started practicing? Visit for lots more media, instruction in mantra and meditation, and a full calendar of IRL teachings with Shambhavi. You can also find us on FB and instagram @jayakula And if you’d like to support these teachings, please rate and review this podcast as it helps others find us. You can also make a donation at Thanks for listening! And much love to you, wherever and however you are.
Anandamayi Ma on the True Guru
12/02/2020 Duración: 22minThere is no Guru without following. When we make contact with Guru—in the form of another human being, in the form of circumstance, in the form of the promptings of the wisdom heart—we can only relate to that true Guru by following. We use our freedom to responsively follow. Otherwise, the Guru function, while still guiding us, is doing so without our conscious participation. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi Curious to find out more about spiritual life, Trika Shaivism, and Shambhavi? Want to know how you can attend live teachings or get started practicing? Visit for lots more media, instruction in mantra and meditation, and a full calendar of IRL teachings with Shambhavi. You can also find us on FB and instagram @jayakula And if you’d like to support these teachings, please rate and review this podcast as it helps others find us. You can also make a donation at Thanks for listening! And much love to you, wherever and however you are.
Following Goodness
05/02/2020 Duración: 16minAn inner feeling of goodness and wholesomeness is the ultimate life coach. Following that is the ultimate integrity. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi Curious to find out more about spiritual life, Trika Shaivism, and Shambhavi? Want to know how you can attend live teachings or get started practicing? Visit for lots more media, instruction in mantra and meditation, and a full calendar of IRL teachings with Shambhavi. You can also find us on FB and instagram @jayakula And if you’d like to support these teachings, please rate and review this podcast as it helps others find us. You can also make a donation at Thanks for listening! And much love to you, wherever and however you are.
Time and Eternity
29/01/2020 Duración: 25minShambhavi shares how spiritual practice changes one's sense of time and relationship to death and dying. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi Curious to find out more about spiritual life, Trika Shaivism, and Shambhavi? Want to know how you can attend live teachings or get started practicing? Visit for lots more media, instruction in mantra and meditation, and a full calendar of IRL teachings with Shambhavi. You can also find us on FB and instagram @jayakula And if you’d like to support these teachings, please rate and review this podcast as it helps others find us. You can also make a donation at Thanks for listening! And much love to you, wherever and however you are.