Habits 2 Goals: The Habit Factor® Podcast With Martin Grunburg | Goal Achievement, Productivity & Success Simplified

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 217:23:21
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If youve ever struggled to achieve your goals you are not alone! The reason just might be because ALL prior goal achievement methods missed ONE key element H A B I T! That's right, The Habit Factor® (bestselling book and app) exposed a timeless truth that helped to launch an entirely new genre of productivity apps (habit trackers) and help thousands around the world achieve their goals faster!Theres a reason top coaches, consultants, trainers, Professional athletes, Olympians, PhDs and the very best learning institutions world-wide have adopted and recommend The Habit Factor®.This is your chance to learn and apply The Habit Factor's insights and specific goal achievement methodology (plus, habit alignment technology) to achieve your biggest and most important goals faster than you ever thought possible! Check it out learn more at: http://thehabitfactor.comLook for our series: Step-by-step: How to Make 2018 a Breakthrough Year!


  • Deconstructing Cue-Routine-Reward

    04/03/2019 Duración: 25min

    “I hope, therefore, that some my descendants shall follow this example [tracking habits] and reap the benefits.” ~Ben Franklin As season 5 of Habits2Goals comes to an end, we introduce a new format: Once-a-week Mind Bullets that will serve to tide you over until season 6 officially begins! We hope this keeps you fired up as you head toward your goals! If you're wondering what Cue, Routine, Reward is, think about rats in a maze. There's a cue (piece of cheese/placed into a maze), a routine (running through the maze), and finally a reward (eating the cheese).  Popularized on the web and via many books many people think this is HOW one develops a habit. And it sounds logical — until you realize that in terms of intentional habit development, [C,R,R] is BACKWARDS looking. This is not a forward-thinking methodology. Rather, The Habit Factor methodology teaches P.A.R.R.: Plan, Act, Record, Reassess, which takes advantage of our innate human ability to use INTENTION, to PLAN our actions. PARR reminds us that RECORDI

  • S5: 51: Too Late?

    01/03/2019 Duración: 10min

    "Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right." ~Henry Ford On this Frequently Asked Friday we ask the seemingly ominous-sounding question: Is it too late? Too late for what? Too late to achieve our goals... too late to realize our ideal future. Just as the great Henry Ford proffered in the quote above, it may depend on what you think.  At 50, Ray Croc started the McDonalds juggernaut. Colonel Sanders was in his mid-60s when he sold his famed recipe and the KFC franchise was launched. The founder of Wal-Mart was 44 when he opened his first store. The examples go on and on. The stories echo the same themes: Failure, rejection, success. It may sound cliched, but it's important to realize that if it's been done before, we can do it too! Even if it hasn't been done before, we can do it! Recall the episode, Anyone Can Do It! Listen in to be inspired to fight through repeated failure and rejection, become the person you are meant to be, and understand that it's never too late to go after your goals! Enjoy t

  • S5: 50: Kindness

    27/02/2019 Duración: 16min

    "Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible ” ~Dalai Lama On a special Mind Bullet Wednesday episode of Habits2Goals, we address a subject that infiltrates every aspect of our lives: Kindness. Be kind. It costs nothing. It's always possible. Tuning into kindness invokes echoes of karma: When we are kind, there's a great chance that energy is coming back our way. When we're unkind, that energy is coming around too — often much more quickly.  And there's another aspect to kindness. When you are kind to others — complimenting, encouraging — it INSPIRES them. Kindness is empowering to others and boosts their energy. The effect of kindness on others sends ripples of inspiration through the world, and with attention and awareness, we can cultivate kindness as — you guessed it — a HABIT! Listen in for more on the power of kindness to change your life and the live of others, and how HABIT and PARR can inform this positive energy. Enjoy the episode! *** New listeners: By texting the word "HABITS" to the mobile p

  • S5: 49: In Here

    25/02/2019 Duración: 09min

    “Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; Mastering yourself is true power.” ~Lao Tzu We begin our week with a Magnificent Mind Bullet Monday that explores a simple yet important concept: In here. Look within. It's important to read books, listen to podcasts, take classes, learn and seek knowledge "out there," but all that input is more valuable when it's brought into a strong internal foundation. Do we have a good understanding of ourselves "in here"? Do we know what our values are "in here"? What is the vision? What is the mission? All of this knowledge is "in here." Understanding who you are, both strengths and weaknesses, is critical. Your beliefs. Your values. Your mission. (The Habit XP Planner offers these types of exercises and serves as a tool to fortify yourself.)  Need the answer? It's in here! Listen in for advice on meditating, sitting quietly and getting to know yourself on a foundational level, and how the more you work "in here," the more v

  • S5: 48: What Is Habit Alignment?

    22/02/2019 Duración: 16min

    "All men's natures are alike. It's their habits that carry them far apart." ~Confucius Today's Frequently Asked Friday throws it back to the basics when discussing a fundamental part of the Habit Factor's methodology: What is Habit Alignment? At its simplest, Habit Alignment is the realization that identifying the core, recurring behaviors -- the positive habits -- that support your goal is the quickest way to achieve that goal. When it comes to goal achievement, The Habit Factor says focus LESS on the To-Do list and focus MORE on the habits that will help you achieve your goal.  Habit Alignment identifies the few, most important behaviors to intentionally craft into habits to support your goal. Want to write a book? What are the habits that will support this goal? (Hint: It's not just about writing, it's about overall wellness.) It's all reinforced by the process of tracking! PARR: Plan, Act, Record, Reassess. When you consider habit alignment, the big "a ha moment" is the recognition that our goal requires

  • S5: 47: Virtue

    20/02/2019 Duración: 15min

    "Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” ~Aristotle This Wednesday we feature a special Mind Bullet episode that explores a topic that has fascinated some of the greatest minds of all time: Virtue. But this isn't about being "virtuous" or better than other people. Throwing it way back, 2,000 years ago the Stoics came to the conclusion that the development of one's virtue -- one's self -- is the highest good.  Taking it from another angle, where does a virtue come from? As the Aristotle quote above teaches, virtue is a habit. No discussion of virtue is complete without talking about Ben Franklin, whose famed quest to develop and habitualize virtues led him to say, "I hope, therefore, that my descendants will follow this example and reap the benefits.” The most rewarding exercise in his life was crafting and

  • S5: 46: Anyone Can Do It

    18/02/2019 Duración: 15min

    "Anyone can do it.” ~Bob (AKA: The Rock) A simple and powerful Mind Bullet begins our week: Anyone Can Do It!  Taking inspiration from The Rock and Kevin Hart's comedy "Central Intelligence," we examine a throwaway line from The Rock's character, Bob Stone.  Kevin Hart's character, Calvin Joyner, is flabbergasted by Bob's transformation from overweight high schooler to muscular and fit adult. "How did you do it?" Calvin asks. Modestly, Bob says it really wasn't much — he just did one thing: Work out six hours a day for 20 years. "Anyone can do it," he adds.  Yes, anyone COULD do it. Anyone CAN do it. But does anyone actually do it? Remember, if it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you. And the "it" is highly personal. Anyone CAN challenge themselves, everyone COULD complete their challenge, but DO we?  Listen in for inspiration on identifying what YOUR next challenge is, whether it's physical, mental, or social, and how The Habit Factor and PARR can turn you into someone who DID IT! Enjoy the episode!

  • S5: 45: What Binds You?

    15/02/2019 Duración: 12min

    "Habit: A shackle for the free." ~Ambrose Bierce On a special Frequently Asked Friday (recorded outside), we ponder a question essential to life: What binds you?  Sitting outside at a bayside park soaking in the sunshine, pondering the idea of what truly binds us— what holds us back, MG looked down to see a small metal clamp, like a hiker's clamp. Foreshadowing: It is a binding tool, a shackle! Consider what it is that really holds us back? Is it ourselves? Or, is it the force of habit— our repetitive thought and behavior habits? The interesting thing is with some awareness and intention we are FREE to choose new, positive habits and use the very same force (habit) that binds us to set us free!  By directing the force of habit, we can set our sails and guide us toward our goals and a positive future. Listen in to hear about a unique, insightful experience that crystallizes the idea of being bound by our habits. Enjoy the episode! *** New listeners: By texting the word "HABITS" to the mobile phone number "3344

  • S5: 44: Challenge and Change

    13/02/2019 Duración: 18min

    "If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you."  On this special Mind Bullet Wednesday episode of Habits2Goals, we ponder the idea of challenge and change.  Taking inspiration from the quote above, MG shares his own new challenge journey and how it is bringing forth change in his life. Ending a mediation one day in early January, he found himself in need of a new physical challenge, and it came to him from out of the blue: "You're going to do 15 burpees a day for the month of January." (What's a burpee, you ask? Check this out! And (it goes w/out saying) don't try any new exercises without talking to your doctor!) Remember, "All life is an experiment." This experiment quickly grew and changed, offering incredible insights and changes. After all, if we don't create our own challenges, life will do it for us! Listen in to hear more about this new physical challenge and how it is yielding both physical and mental benefits -- and how Habit and PARR come into play. Enjoy the episode! *** New listeners: By te

  • S5: 43: Idealization

    11/02/2019 Duración: 14min

    "If one advances confidently in the direction of [their] dreams, and endeavors to live the life which [they have] imagined, [they] will meet with a success unexpected in common hours." -Henry David Thoreau We start the week with a magnificent Mind Bullet Monday that addresses a topic we've never fully explored: idealization. What does idealization mean to you? The pursuit of a goal is idealization in action!  In the process of pursuing our ideals and goals CONFIDENTLY, we find things falling into place in the present.  People all too often build boundaries to idealization. It's hard to think about ideals in the midst of real-life relationship, career or financial problems. But in fact idealization is the only way to begin the quest for something better. Listen in for more on how idealization can help improve each category in your life (mind, body, spirit, social) and how taking the time intentionally to create ideals can become a moving target of success. Enjoy the episode! *** New listeners: By texting the w

  • S5: 42: Common Goal-Setting Mistakes

    08/02/2019 Duración: 22min

    "The bend in the road is not the end in the road unless you fail to make the turn.” This Frequently Asked Friday takes it back to the basics: What are the common mistakes people make when going after their goals?  Behold the Dirty Dozen — perhaps the top 12 mistakes we make when it comes to goal-setting. What happens when we set goals and don't achieve them? We're less likely to set more goals! Conversely, when we set goals and DO achieve them, we are much more likely to go out and set and achieve even more goals!  So it's critical to set yourself up for success and avoid some common mistakes. From talking about your goals, relying on a to-do list, and focusing on the outcome, to NOT anticipating setbacks — and much more — listen in for tips on an optimum environment for goal achievement, and how aligning Habits via PARR will help. Enjoy the episode! ***** New listeners: By texting the word "HABITS" to the mobile phone number "33444" you will instantly receive your "hack"/habit tracker/habit development templ

  • S5: 41: Counting

    06/02/2019 Duración: 13min

    "I don't count my sit-ups; I only start counting when it starts hurting because they’re the only ones that count." ~ Muhammad Ali This special Mind Bullet Wednesday episode discusses a simple yet powerful concept: Counting. Mentally or physically fatigued? Talk yourself into a little bit more.  It may not seem like a BIG idea, but counting is a an under rated tool that can yield huge benefits and help you breakthrough, both physically and mentally. At the gym, when you're trying to talk yourself into another set, you can tell yourself "just do three more," or "just do five more." And when you reach that small goal you can sell yourself on more and more. We often sell ourselves way short of what we're capable of! It's not just a tool for exercise; it's a helpful as a productivity method. Challenge yourself to focus on one task for 30 minutes, distraction-free. Can you do 10 more minutes? 20? Counting helps you not just raise the bar; it helps you get started and pushes you into your second (or third, or eighth

  • S5: 40: Intentional

    04/02/2019 Duración: 15min

    "Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny."  Today's Monday Mind Bullet touches upon a fascinating topic, placing attention upon the concept of being intentional.  What is intention? In a Season 3 episode entitled Intention, we spoke at length about the topic, discussing in depth Wayne Dyer's great book The Power of Intention where he spells out the "seven faces of intention." In our interview with Drew Goodmanson, he discussed the concept of "success" something he attributes to becoming very intentional, putting in the time necessary to identify and plan — to write out specific goals about who he is going to become. How intentional are you when it comes to your aspirations? Not just making a New Year's goal, but taking the time to look at your mind, body, spiritual and social realms to boost your wellness? Listen in for more

  • S5: 39: The Best Gift You Can Give?

    01/02/2019 Duración: 13min

    "The greatest gift you can give somebody is your own personal development." ~ Jim Rohn What is the greatest gift you can give your loved ones? Is it money? A house? Love? This Fantastic Frequently asked Friday proposes a different angle: Perhaps the greatest gift you can give anybody is YOUR own personal development. When YOU are stronger and better — spiritually, mentally and physically — you not only gives your loved ones a great gift, but you take the first step toward improving the world. Nobody improves the world without first improving themselves! If you're attacking life and your own personal development, taking a cue from Emerson and his adage that "all life is an experiment," then you are bound to grow and change, becoming a better you each day. Listen for advice on giving your loved ones the greatest gift and attacking life as an experiment -- with the help of Habit Factor and PARR! Enjoy the episode! ***** New listeners: By texting the word "HABITS" to the mobile phone number "33444" you will insta

  • S5: 38: Drew Goodmanson: A Revolution of One

    30/01/2019 Duración: 01h18s

    "Everything is a trick to keep you from focusing on the real issue, which is you! I would suggest the listeners need to start a revolution of one." ~Drew Goodmanson Habits2Goals is proud to present a conversation with entrepreneur extraordinaire Drew Goodmanson. A lifelong entrepreneur, Drew has built and sold multiple companies and is a highly sought-after executive coach, leader and strategic advisor. Fresh out of college and into his first cubicle-based job, it took Drew about six months to realize he was an entrepreneur at heart. Taking a leap of faith, Drew started his own business — a staffing and recruiting company that soon counted Amazon.com as a client. Over the next two decades Drew went on to start and sell multiple businesses and build one of the fastest-growing SaaS companies in the U.S. Today Drew is focused on helping entrepreneurs benefit from his hard-won wisdom, and experience exponentially more value when they sell their companies.  Tune in for a fascinating discussion of not just entrepre

  • S5: 37: Greater Than Circumstance

    28/01/2019 Duración: 11min

    "Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared to believe that something inside themselves was superior to circumstance.” ~Bruce Barton Today's Monday Mind Bullet is rooted upon the great quote above: When you think about it, some of the greatest achievers have burst through circumstances and struggles to attain unlikely success. Think Steve Jobs and his "reality distortion field." When told his vision was impossible, he insisted and created the future of communication. He wouldn't take no for an answer. Where there's a will, there's a way (if you will)!   We're all going through the grind, fighting our battles, trying to handle the circumstances life throws at us. Dig deep inside and find the strength to push through! Listen in for more on why "you got this." You are resourceful enough -- if you believe you are -- to find a way to be superior to whatever circumstance you face. Enjoy the episode! *** New listeners: By texting the word "HABITS" to the mobile phone number "33444" you will in

  • S5: 36: Where Do I Begin?

    25/01/2019 Duración: 14min

    "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve." ~Napoleon Hill “Clarity is essential. Knowing exactly what you want builds your self-confidence immeasurably.” ~Brian Tracy You're down. You're dejected. Things need to turn around for you. This Frequently Asked Friday brings us back to the beginning with a simple question: Where do I begin? First, it's important to note, as you're picking yourself up, that there is a distinction between failing (the activity) and knowing that YOU, the person, are certainly not a failure.  Failure, as we've noted in the past, is stepping stone along the path that we all go through. As long as they're non-lethal, failures are a necessary and important step on your path toward becoming your best self. So where do we start? Recalling Covey's adage "Begin with the end in mind," we must find clarity. Where is it you're trying to go? What is it that you're trying to accomplish? Do you believe IT is possible? Listen in for more about digging yourself out of a hole,

  • S5: 35: Intelligence

    23/01/2019 Duración: 17min

    "In life, goals are not optional." ~Grunburg "Action is the real measure of intelligence." ~Napoleon Hill This special Mind Bullet Wednesday edition brings us a fascinating follow-up to our Alex Bates interview on artificial intelligence: In order to develop artificial intelligence, the programmer MUST begin with a GOAL. Therefore, does it not stand to reason as intelligent beings, we MUST have goals. To put it another way: If artificial intelligence is "Goal directed behavior." What is "real" intelligence? Ultimately, whether we want to admit it or not, REAL intelligence is the establishment of, and pursuit (action) of goals. The natural follow-up question is, "How do I set goals?" While "S.M.A.R.T." Goals have been a favorite methodology since the 80's it never accounted for the force HABIT plays in goal achievement! The Habit Factor continues to teach and preach that when positive habits are aligned with your goals, you are on the fastest most efficient path to achieve your goals.  To be intelligent then i

  • S5: 34: Keep Your Trap Shut

    21/01/2019 Duración: 14min

    "Repeatedly, psychology tests have proven that telling someone your goal makes it less likely to happen.” ~Derek Sivers When it comes to goal achievement, lots of accountability advice urges you to TALK about your goals and share your progress with others. The idea is that this will keep you on track. But is this good advice?   The tendency may be to talk about our goals and progress, but there is incredible power in keeping your trap shut! Your big problem with goal achievement might be dissipating your energy with early self-congratulations.  Listen in for more on why withholding your precious energy might make your goal achievement easier — and more satisfying when you get there. Enjoy the episode and check out this blog post explaining to you in great detail 7 reasons to keep your yapper SHUT! *** New listeners: By texting the word "HABITS" to the mobile phone number "33444" you will instantly receive your "hack"/habit tracker/habit development template, or you can download it here: thehabitfactor.com/tem

  • S5: 33: The Value of Negative Emotions

    18/01/2019 Duración: 17min

    “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” ~Carl Jung “Where there is hope in the future there is happiness in the present.” Is there any value to negative emotions? Well, it may depend on the specific negative emotion. In truth, there IS value to many negative emotions; they serve a purpose. Is fear beneficial? It certainly can be — it can even be a motivator and even a lifesaver — as long as it doesn't prevent you from moving forward, growing and challenging yourself. As the Carl Jung quote above explains, within certain emotions, such as anger and irritation, we can turn inward and grow in our own emotional intelligence. We can use these emotions to grow ourselves -- as long as we don't dwell in the negative space. But it's important to make it a HABIT to constantly be aware of our emotions and shine the spotlight on ourselves. Listen in for insight into turning negative feelings into emotional positives. Enjoy the episode! ***** New listeners: By texting the

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