Habits 2 Goals: The Habit Factor® Podcast With Martin Grunburg | Goal Achievement, Productivity & Success Simplified

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 217:23:21
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If youve ever struggled to achieve your goals you are not alone! The reason just might be because ALL prior goal achievement methods missed ONE key element H A B I T! That's right, The Habit Factor® (bestselling book and app) exposed a timeless truth that helped to launch an entirely new genre of productivity apps (habit trackers) and help thousands around the world achieve their goals faster!Theres a reason top coaches, consultants, trainers, Professional athletes, Olympians, PhDs and the very best learning institutions world-wide have adopted and recommend The Habit Factor®.This is your chance to learn and apply The Habit Factor's insights and specific goal achievement methodology (plus, habit alignment technology) to achieve your biggest and most important goals faster than you ever thought possible! Check it out learn more at: http://thehabitfactor.comLook for our series: Step-by-step: How to Make 2018 a Breakthrough Year!


  • Eat That Frog!

    22/07/2019 Duración: 16min

    "If the first thing you do each morning is eat a live frog, you can go through the rest of your day knowing that was probably the very worst thing that will happen to you the rest of your day."~Brian Tracy Your “frog” is your biggest, ugliest, perhaps most difficult and often most important task, the one you are most likely to procrastinate on and keep pushing out into an unspecified future. Chances as good that each and everyone of us are avoiding something; a doctor's appointment, paying a bill, making a phone call, etc., There is undoubtedly a brutal task starring you in the face and often the irony is we only make these tasks seem larger and more difficult by putting them off. "Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of the uncompleted task" goes an old saying. And Lao Tzu advised, "Do the difficult things while they are easy and the great things while they are small. For some of us the "Frog" is getting ourselves to the gym every other morning. So, the challenge for us is to stop thinking about

  • Foresight

    15/07/2019 Duración: 38min

    "The best way to predict the future is to create it." ~Drucker This week's topic has applications in all facets of life, from our daily routines to relationships and goals: foresight.   Foresight is the ability to predict what might happen or what may be needed in the future. Foresight can be a useful skill, a tool to sharpen, and can arm us with better preparation to be successful. Think about it: How many times during the day do you use foresight as a tool in your life? Say you're heading into a company meeting. You may imagine what the meeting will look like and sound like. What goals or aspirations do you have going into the meeting? How might you best achieve those goals? Your foresight will likely serve you well. Whether it’s a company meeting, relationship, financial or career goals, or any other objective, foresight is a tool unique to humans and one that should be sharpened!  This episode was recorded before MG's Rim2Rim2Rim Grand Canyon Hike (read about it here), and during the episode he discusses

  • Climbing II

    08/07/2019 Duración: 31min

    "Give yourself physical challenges and they will create mental breakthroughs!"  Last week we introduced MG’s latest “challenge and change” experiment, merging the metaphorical and literal concepts of climbing and understanding the endurance and strength that climbing brings. In this episode, we recap his adventures conquering the R2R2R Challenge from June 30-July 1, sharing lessons learned along with a few tales from this experience alongside a group of Ironman/entrepreneurs. Concepts from The Pressure Paradox dominated this challenge, highlighting the importance of the 3 P’s: Plan, Prepare and Practice. After all, the higher the stakes, the greater the importance of planning, preparing and practicing -- and these stakes were high! Except sometimes we throw ourselves a curveball during a challenge: MG never foresaw the possibility that he’d be trail running at least the first half of each day, but that’s exactly what he decided to do when a small fraction of the group took off at 4:45 a.m. in the early dawn

  • Climbing

    01/07/2019 Duración: 23min

    "After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb." ~Nelson Mandela The Habit2Goal podcast's mission is particularly in line with today's subject: climbing. We're all climbing metaphorically through the challenges in our lives, but MG's latest physical challenge merged the metaphorical and literal, learning about the endurance and strength that comes from climbing.  If everything goes according to plan, as you listen to this episode MG will be headed back from the North rim of the Grand Canyon back to the South, after going the previous day from the South to the North. It's called the Rim-to-Rim-to-Rim (R2R2R) challenge, and preparation and training for the last three months has been fairly intense. Challenge and change is a common theme on Habits2Goals. We set new challenges because life is hard -- we can either sit around and settle into complacency or we can go out and test our mental and physical toughness. Since this latest challenge was quite literally about climbing,

  • Entropy

    23/06/2019 Duración: 18min

    "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." ~Nikola Tesla "We cannot create or destroy energy, it simply transforms." ~Albert Einstein Today's Mind Bullet topic is a big one that ties into our fascination with ENERGY: entropy.  The first law of thermodynamics is the idea that the energy cannot be created or destroyed in an isolated system. The second law of thermodynamics is entropy — within a system, disorder is always increasing.  We see entropy all around us in our chaotic, daily lives, as things break down, get rebuilt, and break down again. We see entropy in action as we age, watching our own bodies break down. In fact, perhaps nothing illuminates time itself as a forward motion better than entropy. You never see things un-break unless you are watching a film in reverse! Fighting entropy has spawned untold businesses. Think of the tidying up empire Marie Kondo has built based solely on reducing the chaos of clutter in our lives. Think of the succe

  • Success

    17/06/2019 Duración: 24min

    "You have to put in many, many, many tiny efforts that nobody sees or appreciates before you achieve anything worthwhile." ~Brian Tracy Today's Mind Bullet is as big as they get combining many essential components within The Habit Factor: the overarching concept of Success. What is success to you? What criteria would you ascribe to someone you deem to be successful? The great Brian Tracy, in his Psychology of Achievement, breaks down the criteria for success: 1. Peace of mind. 2. Health (energy, vibrancy). 3. Relationships (healthy, loving). 4. Financial freedom (free from money worry and stress). 5. The pursuit of worthy goals and ideas. This, of course, is what the Habit Factor process, awareness and methodology is all about! Goals and ideals, after all, are a byproduct of having a purpose and direction. 6. Self-actualization: the idea of becoming the most and best of what we can become -- and this only happens through the pursuits of worthy goals and ideas! It's worth noting that all these criteria have a

  • Challenge and Change III

    10/06/2019 Duración: 16min

    "Nobody improves the world without first improving themselves." "If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you." We've explored the subject of Challenge and Change twice before, once from the angle of MG's challenge journey and the perspective of "all life is an experiment," and once again to explore jumping into new challenges with a "now or never" attitude. There isn't a topic as critical to The Habit Factor's fiber as challenge and change; The Habit Factor methodology is designed to guide you through your transformation on your way to your goals. But the question still remains: Life is already hard enough. Why do we need to throw in a massive undertaking like an Ironman, a half-marathon, writing a book, or whatever monster goal you have hovering in the back of your mind? One answer: It's because life itself is challenging, and change is a great constant that challenging ourselves with goals makes us stronger and more resilient. Challenges will always be present so who do you think is going to fare b

  • Chess II

    03/06/2019 Duración: 17min

    "Chess is life in miniature. Chess is struggle, chess is battles. ~Garry Kasparov”  Last week we explored the topic of chess as a metaphor for the goal-achievement process, illustrating the strategic thinking, planning, defensive posturing and awareness you'll need on your goal achievement journey.  This week, we look at the lessons of chess that come into play when problem-solving.  At a Memorial Day barbecue, MG ran into an old friend with a complicated life -- running a business, handling a divorce, raising children and navigating a new relationship. When the topic turned to  his sailboat, on which he and his family loved to play games, MG asked, "How often do you play chess?" Without skipping a beat the friend responded, "'I'm playing chess every da."  Without hearing the prior Chess podcast episode, he intuitively equated the complex game to the logic, strategy, vulnerability assessment, small victories and sacrifices required to navigate the challenges of day-to-day life.  When facing problems in life,

  • Chess

    27/05/2019 Duración: 16min

    "Life is a kind of Chess, in which we have often points to gain, and competitors or adversaries to contend with.” ~Benjamin Franklin On this in-between-seasons Habits2Goals episode, we explore the fascinating Mind Bullet topic of chess. Chess is thousands of years old and encompasses infinite possibilities, confounding even the grand masters. Its strategies and complexities have dynamic applications to real life.  When you play the game, whether against a person or a computer, your "goal" is clear: Get the king. On the way to your goal there will be many battles. Some pieces will be strategically sacrificed to protect another piece. The entire way, you're forced to look at things logically from your end goal.  Chess has many benefits, from raising confidence and IQ in children to enhancing your ability to focus and recollect. Chess develops your skills of foresight and planning; you see the layers you must wade through to get to the end goal.  Chess is a phenomenal tool for strategic thinking and planning, u

  • Go DEEP!

    20/05/2019 Duración: 21min

    "The first step in the acquisition of wisdom is silence, the second listening, the third memory, the fourth practice, the fifth teaching others.” ~Solomon Ibn Gabirol  Today's in-between-seasons Mind Bullet Monday delves into the idea of going deep and what it means for true wisdom and how it can help your own personal goal achievement journey.  We've discussed wisdom in the past, and we know that mastery and learning come via repetition. In this vein, re-listening to a Brian Tracy podcast on relationships sparked a new gem of understanding.  around the concept of "going deep." In the quote above, Solomon Ibn Gabriel's fifth step in the acquisition of wisdom — teaching others — means that you've learned something so thoroughly and completely that you can convey its nuances others. You have gone deep on the subject. We all have some kind of remarkable and specific knowledge already — we've gone deep in those areas. But it's critical to stretch yourself and go deep in new areas, getting to know new subject mat

  • Challenge and Change (Part Deux)

    13/05/2019 Duración: 22min

    "Nobody improves the world without first improving themselves." On this in-between-seasons Mind Bullet Monday, we discuss a topic that helped spur the Habit Factor itself: challenge and change.  If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you. Today we're taking a look at CHALLENGE and CHANGE through the prism of a few examples. The goal is to inspire YOU to find/create a new, personal challenge! First, we reviewed MG's personal "burpee" challenge in a prior episode. Feeling the need to challenge and improve himself physically, he set a goal back in January to do 15 burpees a day for 30 days — a goal that quickly changed to 30 burpees (done within five minutes) for for thirty days straight. 98 days later... his streak ended doing 45 a day on the "off" days and 120 on "target" days. Following P.A.R.R. (Plan, Act, Record, Reassess) MG upped the challenge in each successive four week tracking period. By the time the streak ended on April 11, he was doing as many as 5 sets of 15 daily. Habitstrength kicked in!

  • Frustration

    06/05/2019 Duración: 22min

    "All successful people learn that success is buried on the other side of frustration . . .  You get through [roadblocks] by plowing through frustration, taking each setback as feedback you can learn from, and pushing ahead." ~Tony Robbins Today's topic on this in-between-seasons Mind Bullet Monday is the significance of frustration as it relates to habit and goal achievement. First, a little background and context. Circling back to last season, we focused an episode on Tony Robbins and his Keys to Wealth and Happiness. The first key is: "You must learn how to handle frustration." Frustration is a toxic byproduct of pressure that can actually block our success. What cause frustration? There's other people, impatience, expectations, and a lack of control, among other things. But the only solution for frustration is YOU and your ability to manage and mitigate this negative force.  Viewed through the prism of goal achievement, when we're frustrated, we're dissipating our energy. Our attention becomes fractured an

  • Balance

    29/04/2019 Duración: 18min

    “It is the same with people as it is with riding a bike. Only when moving can one comfortably maintain one’s balance." ~Albert Einstein "Set peace of mind as your highest goal and organize your life around it.” ~Brian Tracy Last week we talked about the timeless concept of wisdom. Today, on this in-between-seasons Mind Bullet Monday episode, we continue our exploration of values with a foray into balance. Like wisdom, balance is a value of utmost importance. It's critical to note that balance is not a static state, but rather a continuous process.  Think about a tightrope walker. At any one moment in time, if you took a snapshot the walker would appear off balance, tenuous, leaning this way and that. Balance is maintained and regained with slight adjustments. It's the same with our lives. There are times we feel off-balance, depressed, angry, or unsettled. Regaining our equilibrium is a dynamic process, making slight adjustments here and there to set us right again. It's OK to find yourself off balance at tim

  • Wisdom

    22/04/2019 Duración: 22min

    “Wisdom is equal measure experience plus reflection." ~Aristotle "In seeking wisdom, the first step is silence; the second, listening; the third, remembering; the fourth, practicing; the fifth, teaching others.” ~Solomon Ibn Gabirol Philosophers, including the Stoics, are among the few to really ponder wisdom, which makes sense if you think about the true meaning of the word "philosophy"— love of wisdom. A few seasons back we discussed the importance of having a philosophy. The value of wisdom is tightly integrated to your own personal philosophy.  Wisdom is unique in its timelessness. As a principle it is unchanging, unwavering. Think of the Golden Rule: Treat others as you want to be treated. It was true thousands of years ago and it's true today. Think of patience and kindness. They are always going to be representative of maturity and character. Knowledge, on the other hand, is ever-changing. We learned there were nine planets in our solar system, but then Pluto got demoted. Knowledge shifts, and it's les

  • Control

    15/04/2019 Duración: 15min

    “There are two things you should never worry about. Those things you can control and those things you can't control." According to the National Institute of Health: “Belief in one's ability to exert control over the environment and to produce desired results is essential for an individual's well-being. It has been repeatedly argued that the perception of control is not only desirable, but it is likely a psychological and biological necessity." Having some control over our surroundings is essential to our well being! This begs the question, what do I control? Better yet, what do I think I control? In a world full of people and situations we can't control, where should I put my time, attention and energy?  Too many of us waste a great deal of energy on politics, sports, and our opinions. We carry these judgements, opinions and emotions from our past and they greatly weigh us down. When we direct our energy toward those things we can control — our health, thoughts, attitude, behavior, we can actually become "enl


    08/04/2019 Duración: 22min

    “Done is better than perfect.”  "If we commit ourselves to the successful completion of a task, then we personify excellence." - Halik "Whatever it takes to finish things, finish. You will learn more from a glorious failure than you ever will from something you never finished." -Neil Gaiman Getting started on your goal achievement journey is the crucial first step, one we recently covered. However, today's topic is all about Finishing! If starting is the most important step (and it is), finishing is a very, very close second. Often we find fear-based excuses are what keep us from both, starting and finishing. Consider energy and its two major forms: kinetic and potential. It's the completion of your goal which shifts its energy state from the realm of potential energy to kinetic energy. Think about an amazing book, until it is actually finished, it is only potential energy and once it is published it becomes kinetic and begins to set the world on fire! Using the acronym S.T.A.R.T. (Simple Today Actions Repeat


    01/04/2019 Duración: 23min

    “What gets measured gets improved.”  ~Peter Drucker When it comes to achieving your goals, the importance of tracking cannot be stressed enough. (Check out this Season 2 episode, Why Tracking Is Important.) To put it simply, the people who track are serious about goal achievement. So, if you're not tracking, you just do not want it badly enough! Tracking reinforces your intention. When you track, you are demonstrating and reaffirming your intention about what it is you really want. Think about our good buddy Ben Franklin, who tracked his habits to develop his desired 13 virtues. Fast forward to today, we have the example of the Oscar-winning documentary Free Solo, where rock climber Alex Honnold attempts to conquer the first free solo climb of El Capitan's 900-meter vertical rock face at Yosemite. Guess what Alex did during his preparation? Via journaling, he tracked his training and progress, reinforcing his intention. Another example: The author and speaker Jack Daly (a guest on this podcast) tracks ever

  • Luck

    25/03/2019 Duración: 19min

    “I am a great believer in luck, and I find that the harder I work, the more I have of it.” ~Thomas Jefferson “I found that luck is quite predictable. If you want more of it, take more chances, be more active, show up more often.” ~Brian Tracy This in-between season episode of Habits2Goals brings us a Mind Bullet Monday focused on luck! When you think of luck, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Some people feel they're "lucky," while others insist they're just "unlucky." It stands to reason though that having the mindset that favorable events and opportunities are coming your way certainly can't hurt! Teena Seelig's great Ted Talk on luck discusses the idea that increasing luck often involves the addition of some risk factor — emotional, spiritual, financial and more. Taking more risks it appears allows for opportunities and chance to work in our favor. Every time you take a greater and greater risk, it allows your "luck sails" to catch more wind —opportunities according to Teena. The point is, even

  • S T A R T !

    18/03/2019 Duración: 18min

    “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” ~Mark Twain "What is not started today is never finished tomorrow." ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe  "Action is the real measure of intelligence." ~Napoleon Hill On a Magnificent Mind-Bullet Monday "tweener" episode, we connect to discuss a topic massive in its breadth, but often never given enough consideration: Starting. Getting started. Start! Begin! Of course, everyone knows you have to start to achieve anything. But knowing and doing are two separate things. We can't complete something we've never begun. Taking that first step is often the one thing keeping you from achieving your goals! Continuing on your goal's journey actually gets easier, over time, when you take advantage of the remarkable gift of HABIT! But you can't craft supportive habits if you don't get started. So, use  S.T.A.R.T. as an acronym: Simple Today Actions that are Repeated and Tracked. What are the habits that are going to be repeated from one day to the next that are going to fuel your

  • FEAR!

    11/03/2019 Duración: 26min

    “Fear = False Evidence Appearing Real.” ~Zig Ziglar This in-between season ("tweener") episode addresses a topic we've danced around in the past but never fully explored: Fear. Fear can cripple our growth, stopping us from pursuing our goals. Coming at this topic from a few different angles. What is the antidote to fear? Courage! But how do you develop and strengthen courage? Courage is (you guessed it) a habit! The first step includes ACTION. When we become fearful we contract; there's less and less action, we begin to doubt ourselves, which feeds the fear— and a vicious cycle ensues. Action fuels motivation, not the other way around. Action feeds courage.  Listen in to hear how to take action in the face of fear and how pressure fits into the picture. Enjoy the episode! *** New listeners: By texting the word "HABITS" to the mobile phone number "33444" you will instantly receive your "hack"/habit tracker/habit development template, or you can download it here: thehabitfactor.com/templates. Feel free to share

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