Mamafuel: The Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 63:31:38
  • Mas informaciones



MamaFuelTM provides fuel for every mama's heart, soul, mind, body, creativity and dreams through real, raw and inspiring life stories


  • EP025: Laura Powner on anxiety and living courageously from the heart (instead of the "shoulds")

    10/09/2018 Duración: 01h02min

    Laura Powner is a powerhouse. Early in her adult life she ticked all the boxes of "success" as it's set out for so many of us. But it's her journey to becoming the woman she is today -- a woman who now listens to her body, her soul and her longings and lets THOSE guide her decisions -- that is the fascinating nugget at the core of today's conversation.  We meander from career to motherhood, through valleys of panic to stretching our boundaries before we land at the heart of how Laura now leads her life: from her inner knowing, from her heart, from her soul. To find out more about our conversation, visit 

  • EP024: One time this summer... reconnecting after a long summer break

    07/09/2018 Duración: 21min

    Welcome to September, beauty! This summer was one of escaping to North America, pondering what "home" really means, and reconnecting with family and with my own JOY. It was awesome. And long. Too long away from our beds. How was yours? Were you vagabonding or enjoying a staycation? In today's episode, recorded alongside a river, I catch you up on what's been going on over the summer, talk about the importance of us taking time for ourselves and tell you the story of the carrot at the end of my summer.  I'll be posting links to the podcast I mention in the recording AND the link to join the Village in your pocket (as yet nameless) over on the web site, but it's not ready yet... but I've wanted to reconnect with you, so here's today's episode. Make sure you head to and let me know if you'd like to join us!

  • EP023: Amy McLaren's inspiring story of travel, love, learning and changing lives on a huge scale

    06/08/2018 Duración: 56min

    Ready to have your mind blown by what's possible when you've got a vision and are open to watching it grow? Meet Amy McLaren, a super-inspiring, whole-hearted woman whose passion for travel and teaching led her to create a charity that's since built dozens of schools for displaced children in Kenya.  Amy is mama to two beautiful children, one of whom she and her husband adopted from South Africa. In the midst of her active life with a booming business, a growing charity and a house full of humans and fur, she keeps sight of what lights her up: travel and giving back. In this episode we talk about the importance of keeping your passions alive as a parent, the incredible lessons we can all learn from Kenyan village life, and I slip in two MAJOR announcements for you, so make sure you listen right to the end.  Want more info? Check out the full show notes at

  • EP022: Karen Quinn on going from deep post-natal depression to an empty nest in the blink of an eye

    31/07/2018 Duración: 32min

    I'm excited to share this conversation with you, because it's a heart-to-heart with my dear friend Karen Quinn. She's an artist, a healer and mama to two fully grown men... who in the blink of an eye went from fully-engrossed mama to a premie baby to suddenly finding herself (more than two decades later) in an empty nest with lots of time to rediscover what makes her light up. And boy oh boy, has she succeeded in figuring it out! In this episode we talk about our shared terror that someone would take our babies away if we admitted how awful we were feeling (post-natal depression is not fun), how Karen figured out that giving up everything about herself outside of a motherhood role was NOT the path to joy, and what she's doing about it now that lights her up every single day.  For more on our conversation and to learn about this inspiring lady, visit

  • EP021: Laura Husson on how following intuition and trust make for an amazing life

    23/07/2018 Duración: 48min

    Laura Husson is a woman who lives life according to what makes the most sense in her gut. She follows her intuition and her inner knowing like no one I've ever known. Laura's followed her deep inner knowing even when it didn't make sense, over and over in her personal life and in her business. The results are amazing. Laura is genius at creating and protecting SPACE for inspiration to flow and opportunities to arrive. She's a beautiful mama, a supportive friend and a wise soul who's figured out the magic of creating space, trusting in the Universe and allowing goodness to flow.  For more information, visit:

  • EP020: Whew, that was fast!

    16/07/2018 Duración: 23min

    This podcast was a dream for months, and suddenly here we are with 20 published episodes, listeners all over the world and amazing feedback that these conversations really are reaching your hearts. I couldn't be happier, so to celebrate I've done something absolutely terrifying: a solo show.  Just me, sharing the what, why and how of MamaFuel, telling you what's in my heart and hoping it reaches yours. Thanks for listening, lovely. Here's to 20 more!

  • EP019: Rachel Davis on coming back to life through music

    09/07/2018 Duración: 36min

    Ever met a real, human firecracker? You're about to. Rachel Davis is a high-vibe full-time single mama whose journey back to life from being totally lost to herself happened through music. The change was so powerful that it swept away all the cobwebs and left her polished, thirsty for life and true connection, and committed to making a huge difference for herself, her boys and anyone she meets. Enjoy this power-packed episode and head here to find out more about Rachel and our conversation. 

  • EP018: Julie Creffield on daring to take up space and living beyond self-doubt

    02/07/2018 Duración: 01h07min

    Julie Creffield is a powerhouse. Her ability to smash seemingly "crazy" goals is inspiring. Take yesterday, for example. Yesterday she completed her first-ever olympic distance triathlon in Paris, having begun training only six weeks before. She nailed it. As she's nailed many B-I-G challenges she's set herself. Julie is a single mama, a prominent figure in the UK running world and a plus-sized athlete who's run more marathons than most of us ever dream of entering. Fresh off the back of her first TEDx Talk in Folkestone a few weeks ago, Julie and I talk about the importance of dropping our obsession with how we LOOK and focusing instead on what and whom we all are. For more information, check out

  • EP017: Rita Waddell on life-changing interventions for children living with learning differences

    25/06/2018 Duración: 01h04min

    Today’s conversation is a pretty emotional one for me because what we’re talking about is still raw. A few years ago we knew our oldest daughter was struggling, but we couldn’t figure out why. She’d been a bright and sparkly child whose light had begun to dim after she started school. Her self-doubt and feelings of worthlessness became so overpowering that we feared we were losing her. We eventually discovered that she has dyslexia. Luckily for us, fortune brought us to today’s guest. Rita Waddell is a mama to two grown boys and the outgoing head of Oak Hill School, is a specialised centre that supports children with dyslexia and ADHD. In this conversation I share our family’s journey into the unknown world of learning differences (spoiler alert: I get a little teary.) Rita and I talk about what behavioural and emotional clues parents can watch for, and how to go about identifying and supporting any learning difference in your children. Whether or not you know someone with a learning difference (dyslexia or

  • EP016: Leela Bunce on the relief of accepting the chaos and dropping expectations

    18/06/2018 Duración: 58min

    Today I'm thrilled to introduce you to a woman whose deepest expression of her truth is a little unusual. Leela Bunce is a professional clown, a laughter yoga teacher, and actress and a burlesque performer. She's an exquisitely beautiful, wildly talented and very funny woman whose journey into motherhood hasn't been all rainbows and giggles.  In this week's episode we talk about how performing gives her a space to fully express herself and to find freedom, the importance of laughter in shifting our mood and reality, and what an absolute relief it can be to drop expectations and pretense and simply admit that things aren't always rosy and easy.  Leela lives in the countryside so there are some time lapses during our talk (similar to old-school international calls) so stick with us... the raw goodness of this conversation is totally worth it. We even get some impromptu laughter yoga coaching, so find a space to park your car and have at it. You'll be so happy you did.  To find out more about ILLUMINATE, the

  • EP015: Gemma Went on how belief + trust = the secret to happiness & success

    11/06/2018 Duración: 01h08min

    Gemma Went is a shepherdess of overwhelmed entrepreneurs, a master at finding her way out of challenging situations, and a woman of clear sight and immensely generous heart. She’s also a being of exceptional talent and resources who found herself single, pregnant, out of a job and living in a friend’s spare room at 42 years of age. Her journey from there to where she is today with her beloved son Jack, a beautiful blended family and a thriving business is a story worth hearing. In today’s episode Gemma and I talk about how she got from “holy crap, what now??” to “I’ve got this and we’re good” in a short amount of time, how belief is the key to everything and how cracking open the walls around her heart led not only to her incredible bond with Jack but also opened the door to a love beyond what she could have imagined. Listen as Gemma talks about how when everything hit the fan, her deep trust in herself and faith that she’d be supported by the Universe if she kept moving forward propelled her to happiness,

  • EP014: Kristina Kuzmic (The Truth Bomb Mom) on sandwich puzzles, boxes of joy & mama shaming (DON'T DO IT)

    04/06/2018 Duración: 57min

    Ever wondered what it would be like to talk to someone who lives in the public eye? Today you've got ringside (or earbud-side) seats for my conversation with Kristina Kuzmić (also previously known as The Truth Bomb Mom). She's a truth-teller, a BS-buster, a mama of three and an internet sensation whose mission is to support mamas.  We talk about how important it is to change your perspective so you can improve your life; making the most of your circumstances, no matter how challenging; finding your passion by finding what you hate or makes you sad and fixing THAT; mama shaming (don't do it); how a supported mama is a better mama, and so much more.  Kristina is refreshingly real, funny and totally transparent about her journey from deep depression and a life juggling two jobs while raising two kids alone on food stamps to the life she's now living and sharing for us all to see. So many parents find inspiration in Kristina's videos. If you're being introduced to Kristina for the first time, you're in for a tr

  • EP013: Chantal Patton on experiencing the world with her kids (90 countries & counting)

    28/05/2018 Duración: 58min

    You might find today's guest and her family pictured beside the word "globetrotter" in the dictionnary. Chantal Patton and her husband have travelled a LONG way from her native Kingston, Ontario, Canada and have so far visited 90 countries.  Their goal? To visit every country in the world. While raising three happy, thriving girls. And running two businesses. And managing to still like each other. A lot.  Amazing, right? Chantal's and her family's courage and curiosity have opened many doors in the most unexpected places. We talk about how dropping their expectations meant they were able to go with the flow and enjoy experiences they'd never have planned. Her kids are open, blessed with a unique global perspective, and not afraid to try new things.  We talk about taking care of yourself in the midst of all the craziness, how kids adjust to constantly changing environments, what global travel to wildly different cultures has taught them all, and how flow and trust are THE keys to successful travel, with or

  • EP012: Karolyn McKinley on single motherhood, divorce and consciously building a beautiful life

    21/05/2018 Duración: 55min

    Sometimes along a mama’s path, there are wise women to show the way. This week’s guest is just that. Karolyn McKinley is a friend, a single mama of a now grown (and newly married at time of publishing) son, and a wise soul with some serious professional chops to complement her personal experience. Karolyn is a couples, child and family therapist who has seen a LOT of mamas (and papas) struggling to find their way. In this week’s conversation we talk about the most vulnerable time in any romantic relationship, the importance of showing up fully as your whole self – right from the start – for the best chance at a healthy relationship.  We talk about divorce, the effort required to build and maintain relationships around separated families and what we can do to prevent single mamas (and papas) from feeling isolated. Shame comes up in our conversation, along with the common stories about us not being good enough, or worthy of love… and what that does to our psyche, our moods and our relationships. I love when K

  • EP011: Edye Hoffmann on cognitive health and what happens to our brain "on motherhood", and beyond

    14/05/2018 Duración: 59min

    Ever talk to someone and feel like they can see inside your brain? Today's guest kinda can. Or at least she can tell us why we behave in certain ways, often lose things and generally feel overwhelmed at different points of the mothering journey. Edye Hoffmann is a social anthropologist and an expert in cognitive health, and in this week's conversation we explore what happens to our brains as we journey down the winding path of motherhood. Better still, we dive into how we can set our brains up for success, use singing to break through stressful situations and how we can help our kids be successful in situations tiny and large.  Want to know why you keep walking into rooms and forgetting why you're there? Wonder where you put your keys/phone/wallet more often than you'd like to admit? Stare into the fridge and think there MUST be a reason you've opened the door? We've got it covered. Listen in to find out how your brain is constantly doing a million things to keep you safe even though your mind thinks it shou

  • EP010: Charlaine Jannerfeldt on the power of Nature to build confidence, healthy relationships & beautiful memories

    07/05/2018 Duración: 57min

    My guest today is a nature enthusiast whose passion for the outdoors determines where and how she lives, what she does every day and how she and her husband raise their children. Charlaine Jannerfeldt is a Canadian transplant to Switzerland who can most often be found running, cycling, skiing, snowshoeing or otherwise roaming the peaks of the Jura mountains, taking as many women and kids along with her as she can. Charlaine knows deeply the power of Nature and how it can strength our minds and our bodies. Her mission is to get everyone outside and plugged into Vitamin N.  I defy anyone listening to NOT want to get outside after listening to Charlaine's encouraging personal story and the tales of the women whom she accompanies over the peaks and valleys of Switzerland. In today's conversation we explore how the power of the body influences the mind and how we feel, how cultivating a strong positive internal voice can be a massive influence in the quality and path of our lives and, for those of us with small h

  • EP009: Natasha Vanzetti on how the stories we believe shape our lives, and how we can choose something different

    30/04/2018 Duración: 01h10min

    My guest today is a straight-talking, sensitive and wildly intelligent Australian mama called Natasha Vanzetti. Not long ago she inspired me to reach for big dreams – even without knowing HOW they would happen – by trusting and putting one foot in front of the other without freaking out. She’s a mindset mentor for women, global traveller, mama to two talented teens, an athlete and an overcomer of challenges. We talk about the BS stories we tell ourselves and live by, how we can drop those and choose the stories that shape our lives, and why dropping the mask of perfection and getting real about your needs models healthy living for everyone. You’ll want to pop some earbuds in, as there are a few “adult words” in this conversation. Here's where you can find Natasha:  Web: Instagram:  Facebook: 

  • EP008: Judy Okten on the power of kindness in the face of real fear

    26/04/2018 Duración: 56min

    Judy Okten is a dear friend, an entrepreneur and mama to two precious girls. A year ago Judy and her husband heard what no parent ever wants to hear: their littlest daughter had an aggressive and rare childhood cancer. Their family and friends pulled together, fueled by sweet Lily's energy and positivity. The love they receive & share with us all takes my breath away. Judy and her family are positive and strong. Through it all she's kept growing her business daily, while being at Lily's side all the time. She is truly amazing, and I know you'll love her too. Curious about Judy's amazing business? Here's where you can find her: Web:  Instagram:  Facebook:  And if you'd like to see a video of our conversation, you can watch it here on The Centered Mama Project's YouTube channel: 

  • EP007: Leslie Potter on Radical Self-forgiveness & How Meeting Your Feelings Changes Everything

    23/04/2018 Duración: 50min

    Sharing this conversation with you is giving you a peek into the inner workings of my mama's heart. Leslie Potter is my parenting coach and her kind counsel has shaped our family for the better. She is generous, kind, loving and clear-sighted. We talk about her long road to becoming a single mama via adoption post-40, her unconventional (and brilliant) choices as a mama and the amazing results for her relationships. We go deep on this one, so buckle up and enjoy.  Want to learn more about Leslie's incredible, family-changing work? Try her Safe Seat practice at Visit her at: Web:  Private Facebook practice group at  Instagram: 

  • EP006: Sophie Le Brozec on Living for YOU & Not Caring What Others Think

    19/04/2018 Duración: 01h01min

    Sophie Le Brozec is an international mama extraordinaire. She and her family of four have made two massive moves because they made sense and felt right: TO THEM. In the process she learned that while it can be challenging to follow your knowing in the face of everyone else's opinions, it's the only way to live an aligned and fulfilling life. We riff on the importance of mothers not judging but supporting each other instead, the power of community, the value of being imperfect, and how living the dream is only dreamy if you're happy on the inside.  Curious to learn more about Sophie and read her (unvarnished and wonderful) blogs? Here's where you can find her: 

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