Bainbridge Island's only live news podcast. Traffic, Weather, City Hall, Events and Bears.
237 - The Weekend Wrap-Up, No Recount, Final Days at City Hall and Running Starts for a new Council.
11/11/2019 Duración: 30minWe mused about the rabbit dish at Proper Fish and what high stakes political meetings are going on there? The agenda for Tuesday's Regular Business Meeting of City Council looks like an all-nighter. Episode 237 is brought to you Outcome Athletics and by the best personal trainer on Bainbridge Island, Bethanee Randles.
236 - The Bainbridge Island Review, Review and Leslie Schneider Interview and
08/11/2019 Duración: 01h03minEpisode 236 - The Bainbridge Island Review, Review and Leslie Schneider Interview and ... an interview with Bainbridge Island Park District appointee seeker, Derek Villanueva. Episode 236 is Sponsored by Outcome Athletics, the home of the Best Personal Trainer on Bainbridge Island, Bethanee Randles. Bethanee Randles wanted us to tell you that she is offering 10% off Personal Training Packages for those that want to get fit. Just tell her Wake Up Bainbridge sent ya and we will get our cred!
235 | Newly elected City Council Member Michael Moritz Pollock is our guest.
07/11/2019 Duración: 31minEpisode 235 | Newly elected City Council Member Michael Moritz Pollock is our guest. Michael came in today to discuss the run up to the election, how it felt to win a seat on the City of Bainbridge Island Council for the second time and what he plans to do with the next four years. Michael also told us that he has collected all of his campaign signs. We suggest he build a fort with the signs in the back of Council Chambers for naps during long meetings. Episode 235 is Sponsored by Outcome Athletics, the home of the Best Personal Trainer on Bainbridge Island, Bethanee Randles. Bethanee wanted us to tell you that she is offering 10% off Personal Training Packages for those that want to get fit. Just tell her Wake Up Bainbridge sent ya and we will get our cred!
234 - Roller Coaster Rides, Candidate Elect Interviews and More...
07/11/2019 Duración: 35min234 - Roller Coaster Rides, Candidate Elect Interviews and More... | Newly elected Council Member Kirsten Hytopoulos is our guest. In what was the most public, expensive and often tense race of this election cycle, former COBI Mayor, Kirsten Hytopoulos joins the Wake Up Bainbridge Show to discuss the race, the win and her plans for a new Bainbridge. Episode 234 is Sponsored by Outcome Athletics, the home of the Best Personal Trainer on Bainbridge Island, Bethanee Randles. Bethanee Randles wanted us to tell you that she is offering 10% off Personal Training Packages for those that want to get fit. Just tell her Wake Up Bainbridge sent ya and we will get our cred!
233 - The Hanging Chad - Post Election Break Down, Night of Surprises and Lingering Races
06/11/2019 Duración: 35minEpisode 233 - The Hanging Chad - Post Election Break Down, Night of Surprises and Lingering Races. We discuss all the races, candidates, current vote counts and more on this episode of the Wake Up Kitsap County Electorate Show! Episode 233 is Sponsored by the BEST Personal Trainer on Bainbridge Island, Bethanee Randles. Reach out to her and find out how to get 10% off a personal training package by mentioning the Wake Up Bainbridge show.
232 - Pre, During and Post Election Night Interview with Paul Andrews, Kitsap County Auditor's Office
06/11/2019 Duración: 18min232 - Pre, During and Post Election Night Interview with Paul Andrews, Kitsap County Auditor's Office
231 - C.O.B.I. CONNECTS November 2019.
05/11/2019 Duración: 37minEpisode 231 - C.O.B.I. CONNECTS November 2019. A complete rundown of the monthly newsletter of the City of Bainbridge with a preface by Councilmember Sarah Blossom on issues from ADUs to green building practices. What's on the agenda for future council meetings with INFOGRAPHICS! Our favorite. We will reveal our "fantasy league" City Council Election ballots tomorrow. Episode 231 is brought to you by Outcome Athletics the home of the best personal trainer on Bainbridge Island.
230 - It has finally arrived. Election Day 2019 for City Council positions
05/11/2019 Duración: 36minEpisode 230 - It has finally arrived. Election Day 2019 for City Council positions. The races: Mayor Kol Medina v. Kevin Fetterly; Kirsten Hytopoulos v. Anthony Oddo; Sarah Blossom v. Michael Pollock; Leslie Schneider v. Grayson Wildsmith.Also contested positions to the school, fire and parks boards. We talked with @KitsapCountyAuditor Paul Andrews on air about the plans for ballot counting and the tech used to process ballots. We speculated on the outcomes and encouraged everyone we get their ballots in to the White Kitsap Dropbox. We will be covering live tonight. Episode 230 is brought to you by Outcome Athletics home of the best personal on Bainbridge, Bethanee Randles. Here are some of the finalists of the @wakeupbainbridge November Breakfast Sandwich Challenge. Jake's Pickup on Bainbridge Island for their monster workingman's "Regulator" breakfast sandwich. The simple and clean Good Egg breakfast sandwich. The sophisticated and near perfect breakfast sandwich at Storyville Coffee Company. The McDonald'
229 - The Weekend Wrap Up. Mostly Stuff We Can't Talk About Yet.
05/11/2019 Duración: 35minEpisode 229 - The Weekend Wrap Up. Mostly Stuff We Can't Talk About Yet. The final days of the November 5th election: winners, losers and how do I get to the ballot box? Richard & Sal DeRosalia pick the winners of all the major Bainbridge Island elections, seal them in an envelope and await 8:00pm Tuesday November 5, 2019. Helpful information from the Kitsap County Auditor, Plaintiff's attorney for the Public Records Act lawsuits against the City of Bainbridge Island drops an electronic bombshell: the deposition of Councilmember Rasham Nassar in the Dunn/Wilkinson suit. And of course, thank you for not raining right now, Pacific Northwest! Episode 229 is brought to you by Storyville Coffee Company where we start our day, every day. And Outcome Athletics home of the best personal trainer on Bainbridge, Bethanee Randles.
228 - We Got Interrupted With Breaking News: Nassar Deposition Press Release
05/11/2019 Duración: 43minEpisode 228 - The Richard Davis and Sal DeRosalia Election Commentary Show | Helpful Election Info, Like... You Can Vote Without ID Up Until 8:00 PM Tuesday Night!!! Fortunately or unfortunately the show was interrupted with BREAKING NEWS! in the form of the release of the deposition of Councilmember Rasham Nassar in Dunn, Wilkinson v. COBI. Episode 228 is brought to you by Storyville Coffee Company which fuels our debate and relaxes us with the best chocolate croissant ever! And Outcome Athletics home of the best personal trainer on Bainbridge, Bethanee Randles.
227 - The Michael Pollock Interview - Two
01/11/2019 Duración: 01h06minEpisode 227 - The Michael Pollock Interview - Two Affordable housing and how the lack of it impacts climate change. Some fun facts and the people who vote on Bainbridge Island and when. The drawbacks of Facebook. Why the island homeless are a moral responsibility of the City. Michael Moritz Pollock looks forward to the election but hopes the voters don't lose sight of the big issues facing us in the heat of the campaign. Episode 227 is brought to you by Storyville Coffee Company and the whole barista crew at the Roastery at the Coppertop. And by Outcome Athletics, the home of the best personal trainer on Bainbridge Island, Bethanee Randles.
226 - Bainbridge Island Review, Review.
01/11/2019 Duración: 41minEpisode 226 - Bainbridge Island Review, Review. | The Election Home Stretch | Letter from City Manager Morgan Smith. Lots happening on Election Day besides getting your ballot in the box. The Winslow Hotel has returned from the dead with new modifications. Will it be enough to get it built? Episode 226 is brought to you by Storyville Coffee Company in the Coppertop and home of my favorite coffee on the Island. And by Outcome Athletics, home of the best personal trainer on Bainbridge, Bethanee Randles.
225 - Two Hundred and Twenty Five Podcasts.
31/10/2019 Duración: 35minEpisode 225 - Two Hundred and Twenty Five Podcasts. We preview the fascinating interview we will post shortly with Kitsap County Auditor Paul Andrews and a tour of the operations. Real live ballots come-in; secret secure areas; a super-sophisticated sorting machine with high-def scanning. A 21st Century operation with the small town feel of customer service.We re-visit (for the last time) the controversies surrounding the election and as surely as the campaign signs have sprouted all over Bainbridge Island it will come to an end November 5. Many are still waiting to fill out their ballots so the election is still in doubt in many Ward races. Expiration date on drama is ending in 3...2...1Episode 225 is brought to you by the Chocolate Croissant at Storyville Coffee Company in the Coppertop and by Outcome Athletics, the home of the best personal trainer on Bainbridge, Bethanee Randles.
224 - A Trip to Meet the Kitsap County Auditor, Paul Andrews
31/10/2019 Duración: 33minEpisode 224 - A Trip to Meet the Kitsap County Auditor, Paul Andrews “That was cool,” Richard said to Sal as they left the Kitsap County Auditor Paul Andrews after getting the full tour of the County’s operation. Elections are pretty complicated these days but the people at the Auditor’s office make everything easy and the customer service is pretty special. Sal and Richard sat down with Auditor Paul Andrews for a complete interview about the current November 5th election and 2020 Presidential election, where we talked security, ease of voting and why voting in local elections is as important as voting in the Presidential years. Sal was able to change his address and get a ballot in about 10 minutes. Up until a few days ago he would have been able to do this online. But even now, you can register, get a ballot and vote even on Election Day if you take the trip to the Auditor's Office in Port Orchard at 619 Division St 3rd Floor, Port Orchard, in the courthouse complex. Richard was able to get a I Voted sticke
223 - A Trip To Kitsap Auditor, Write-In Wrap-Up and Why Were We CCed In Cynthia's Email to the Review?
30/10/2019 Duración: 39minEpisode 223 - A Trip To Kitsap Auditor, Write-In Wrap-Up and Why Were We CCed In Cynthia's Email to the Review? All that and more on this episode of As the Rock Turns. And, a kingdom for a horse? We need some sword fighters from the much touted @InDTheatre production of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead by Tom Stoppard at the Rolling Bay Hall beginning this Friday November 1st through November 16th. Tickets look like they are going fast for this free (did we say free?) run. 223 is brought to you by the very tall baristas at Storyville Coffee Company at the Roastery at the Coppertop and very select Seattle locations. A class act of coffee. And of course, Outcome Athletics, the home of the best trainer on Bainbridge, Bethanee Randles.
222 - Political Bad Breaks and Misunderstandings, City Council Meeting
29/10/2019 Duración: 38minEpisode 222 - Political Bad Breaks and Misunderstandings, City Council Meeting. Fallout from Grayson Wildsmith for City Council "Hillary for Prison" photograph. LTAC proposed awards have been listed…/Lodging-Tax-Advisory-Committ…. What happens next? InD Theatre and Rolling Bay Hall will open free showings of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead November 1st. Episode 222 is brought to you by Storyville Coffee Company at the Roastery in the Coppertop and by Outcome Athletics, the home of the best personal trainer on Bainbridge, Bethanee Randles.
221 - The Monday Morning Weekend Wrap-Up Show.
29/10/2019 Duración: 41minEpisode 221 The Monday Morning Weekend Wrap-Up Show. Are you tired of the election? Cold enough for you? We talked about our interview with attorney Nicholas Power and the two lawsuits he represents against the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington regarding the Public Records Act (if you missed it you can watch it here: We reviewed how candidates are using the large Facebook Group Bainbridge Islanders to promote their campaigns. Who has the best campaign signs? Kirsten for Council gets the nod for best sign and Grayson Wildsmith for City Council gets the best blue and red sign. We are intrigued by the given high quality productions for free at Rolling Bay Hall with a new production of Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead opening later in the week. We invited them to come on the show and demonstrate their swordplay! I'll be in touch Meredyth Yund. Episode 221 is brought to you by the great folks at O
220 - The Derek Villanueva Parks District Candidate Show
28/10/2019 Duración: 34min220 - The Derek Villanueva Parks District Candidate Show Election Update: Derek Villanueva and Derek Villanueva for B.I. Park District Commissioner throws his hat into the ring. We interview the write-in candidate for Position 3 of the Parks and Rec. Commissioner seat and why at this late date he thinks it is worth a campaign to provide an option to Tom Swolgaard and Rachel Pritchett the current candidates.
219 - The 2/3 Central Ward Debate with Leslie Schneider & Cynthia Bellas
26/10/2019 Duración: 01h07minEpisode 219 - The Central Ward Debate. A lively hour with current Council member for the Central Ward LeslieschneiderbainbridgeIslandcitycouncil and Writeincynthiabellas on the week before the November 5th election. We covered the Growth Management Act, Suzuki, the hidden homeless, options for affordable housing and the endlessly changing definition of affordable, the resistance to the hotel projects on Winslow Way and much more. Episode 219 is brought to you by Storyville Coffee Company (who helped fuel the lively conversation) and Outcome Athletics home to our studio and the best personal trainer on Bainbridge, Bethanee Randles.
218 - The Bainbridge Island Review, Review Times Two
26/10/2019 Duración: 44minEpisode 218 - The Bainbridge Island Review, Review Times 2. We liked the arts coverage and the election material but it is ad heavy to content and we gave it a B-. Announcing a special Wake Up Bainbridge! Saturday show tomorrow with Leslie Schneider and Cynthia Bellas. LeslieschneiderbainbridgeIslandcitycouncil is the current Council member and Cynthia Bellas, write-in candidate, for the Central Ward election. Grayson Wildsmith for City Council has been invited as well. We also covered the new write-in candidate for Parks Commissioner for the seat currently held by Tom Swolgaard. Derek Villanueva for B.I. Park District Commissioner. Derek Villanueva has been invited on the show or to call-in to talk about why he is running. We talked the special Bainbridge Public Library "Mad Priest" Poetry series kicking off this Sunday, October 27, 7:00 - 9:00 PM and next weekend's InD Theatre production of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead at Rolling Bay Hall November 1st through 16th. Episode 218 is brought to you b