Bainbridge Island's only live news podcast. Traffic, Weather, City Hall, Events and Bears.
217 - The Andrew Ewing Interview - Bainbridge Island School District 4 Board Seat
24/10/2019 Duración: 40min217 - The Andrew Ewing Interview - Bainbridge Island School District 4 Board Seat Episode 205 is brought to you by Storyville Coffee Company (at their beautiful locations in the roastery at the Coppertop and Seattle) and Outcome Athletics, home of the best Personal Trainer on Bainbridge Island, Bethanee Randles. and... Podcast Produced by: Outcome Media, Home of the best Podcast studio on Bainbridge Island. Are you looking to start your own podcast but don't know how? Want some help? You can hire Outcome Media to help complete your project and get your vision off the ground. Call co-host Sal DeRosalia today, (206) 240-8857 or send us a message through our website here.
216 - Cynthia Bellas Write-In candidate for the Central Ward City Council.
23/10/2019 Duración: 01h10minEpisode 216 - Cynthia Bellas Write-In candidate for the Central Ward City Council. We asked the Write-In candidate if she wished she had started running earlier. What does affordable housing mean to her? Is she literally "no growth" and what would it mean to be a swing vote on the Council. She differentiated herself from her opposition saying current Councilmember LeslieschneiderbainbridgeIslandcitycouncil wasn't elected but appointed and that her other opponent Grayson Wildsmith for City Council was just far too young and inexperienced. We sliced and diced her platform in a very, very lively Wake Up Bainbridge interview with the returning Road Warrior Sal DeRosalia and new member of the family, Rue. We also broke some news that Derek Villanueva has officially filed as a write-incandidate for the Parks Commissioner position held by controversial Tom Swolgaard currently being opposed by former journalist Rachel Pritchett. Episode 216 is brought to you Storyville Coffee Company and their Roastery at the
215 - The second part of Politics and Poetics Day on Wake Up Bainbridge! Poetics.
23/10/2019 Duración: 43minEpisode 215 -- The second part of Politics and Poetics Day on Wake Up Bainbridge! Poetics. Where we talk about writers and writing on Bainbridge Island. Why writing poems and books on Bainbridge Island is part of the character of the island. The new Mad Priest Poetry Series (named after the Mad Priest himself Bob McAllister) at the Bainbridge Public Library this sunday Oct. 27, 7-9 PM organized by Nancy Rekow and why Eagle Harbor Book Company is a cathedral of independent bookselling. The Bob McAllister book of poetry with photography by Joel Sackett (a great photographer!) is…/poet… Poets, filmmakers and authors mentioned: Jonathan Evison, Jim Thomsen, Dav Pilkey, Jack Olsen, Nancy Rekow, David Guterson, Garrett Bennett. Who is reading at Mad Priest this Sunday 7-9pm Bainbridge Public Library: Ralph Cheadle John Davis Richard Davis Neil Doherty Birke Duncan Sue Hylen Steve Hylen Lee Jorgenson Stephen Lundgren Molly R. McAllister (one of Bob's daughters) Nancy Rekow David
214 - Politics and Poetics Day on Wake Up Bainbridge. First, Politics.
22/10/2019 Duración: 38minEpisode 214 -- Politics and Poetics Day on Wake Up Bainbridge. First, Politics. City of Bainbridge Island, Washington Council Business Meeting preview, Business Meeting looks LONG: ethics, ADUs and buying new stuff; politicking on Facebook from candidates and some Councilmembers; new poetry series gets its inaugural this Sunday with the Mad Priest event at the library. A little about a collection of short stories called Thief of Hubcaps and why you might want to self-publish rather than go to a traditional publisher; it's about time. Eagle Harbor Book Company. Episode 214 is brought to you by Storyville Coffee Company and their Roastery at Coppertop. Coffee this morning was made for us by Annalise and Juniper. Thank you! and Outcome Athletics home of the best personal trainer on Bainbridge, Bethanee Randles
213 - Long Wet Weekend Wrap-up. Lawyer Talk. Time To Vote.
22/10/2019 Duración: 34minEpisode 213 - Long Wet Weekend Wrap-up. Lawyer Talk. Time To Vote. Good Time To Be In California. Two French bulldogs and one regular bulldog and a partridge in a pear tree. We took a trip to Oceanside Chamber of Commerce, showed some great video and talked about the work-in-progress Oceanside (a musical/ballet) by Mark Power, Danny Garcia, Dan Garcia. We talked filling out your ballot, the buoy action in Dave Ullin Marina and the deposition of Councilmember Rasham Nassar by our guest last night Nicholas Power the attorney for two Public Record Act lawsuits against City of Bainbridge Island, Washington. You can see his interview here: Jessica Stapleton Bender your dog is fine and en route. Episode 213 is brought to you by the folks at Storyville Coffee Company and The Roastery at Coppertop and other locations in Seattle. And by our home, Outcome Athletics which is also home to the best personal trainer on Bainbridge, Bethanee Randles.
212 - Nicholas Power the attorney for two recently filed Public Records Act lawsuits against City of Bainbridge
21/10/2019 Duración: 55minEpisode 212 - Nicholas Power the attorney for two recently filed Public Records Act lawsuits against City of Bainbridge Island, Washington joins Wake Up Bainbridge on a special Sunday Night edition of the show on a dark and stormy night. Brought to you by Storyville Coffee Company (Thank you Katie!) and Outcome Athletics home of the best personal trainer on Bainbridge, Bethanee Randles.
211 - On the Road Special Edition Outside of Fresno With Sal
19/10/2019 Duración: 34minEpisode 211 -- On the Road with Sal DeRosalia, Bethanee Randles and Vito. Bainbridge to Fresno update. The ballots have landed! Nick Power the attorney on two Public Records Act lawsuits facing the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington will be our guest tomorrow October 20, 2019 in the Wake Up Bainbridge studio at 7:00pm. Episode 211 is brought to you by Storyville Coffee Company at the Roastery in the Coppertop and Pike Place. And Outcome Athletics home of the best personal trainer on Bainbridge Island, Bethanee Randles.
210 - Ballots In Mail, Ron and Rasham Booked for October 26, Etc...
17/10/2019 Duración: 27minEpisode 210 - Ballots In Mail, Ron and Rasham Booked for October 26 and Danielle Rueb is in studio for a fresh look at some day old topics. Do you know who you are voting for? Because ballots are in the mail and as early as today we will bet some people will be voting. After many hours of interviews, research and investigation, we still are not sure in some races. Current Council Members will appear on a special edition of Wake Up Bainbridge! on October 26, 10:00 AM. Ron Peltier and Rasham Nassar will talk Bainbridge Community Bill of Rights and other City Hall topics and I will bet elections! Flash! Bainbridge Performing Arts will have $10 seats on Sunday October 20th performance of the excellent production of Rocky Horror Show. https://www.bainbridgeperformingarts.or… Episode 210 is brought to you by the great folks at Outcome Athletics and Storyville Coffee Company, together, they make Bainbridge better!
209 - City of Bainbridge Island City Council Study Session - Oct 15, 2019
16/10/2019 Duración: 01h46minEpisode 209 - City of Bainbridge Island City Council Study Session - Oct 15, 2019 Episode 209 Sponsored by C.O.B.I.
208 - 550 Madison and HRB, City Council Study Session Quickie and BI Community Bill of Rights Ordinance
16/10/2019 Duración: 42minEpisode 208 - Sal had a meeting at Housing Resources Bainbridge regarding some concerns of tenants at 550 Madison which had been brought to us. It sounds like the meeting didn't go exactly as planned. City of Bainbridge Island, Washington Council Study Session Quickie and a very interesting presentation and discussion of the Councilmembers Ron Peltier and Rasham Nassar sponsored ordinance: BI Community Bill of Rights. Richard also mentioned the dinner he prepared for his watching of the meeting on BKAT (through the City of Bainbridge website) which involved avocados, tomatoes and jalapeño from Bainbridge Island Town & Country Market and a lovely piece of cod gifted to me by the great Harvey Wolff of Proper Fish. Sal of course was at City Council itself where I am sure dinner was not served. Our online blogging of the event was lively! Episode 208 is Sponsored by Outcome Athletics and Storyville Coffee Company. Two of the Real Bests of Bainbridge!
207 - The Weekend Wrap-Up | Rocky Horror Show Review, Kitsap League of Women Voters Council Candidate Forum, Proper Dinner and more...
15/10/2019 Duración: 32minEpisode 207 - The Weekend Wrap-Up | Rocky Horror Show at Bainbridge Performing Arts opens to raves, League of Women Voters of Kitsap County Candidate Forum last Friday, Proper Fish and good times at Clearwater Casino Resort all happened this weekend. Episode 207 Sponsored by Storyville Coffee Company and Outcome Athletics, two of the best businesses on Bainbridge Island.
206 - City Council Candidate Debate presented by League of Women Voters of Kitsap County
14/10/2019 Duración: 01h56minEpisode 206 City Council Candidate Debate presented by League of Women Voters of Kitsap County - City of Bainbridge Island, Washington with the first 30 minutes live streamed by us. Episode 206 - Brought to you by Storyville Coffee Company (at their beautiful locations in the roastery at the Coppertop and Seattle) and Outcome Athletics, home of the best Personal Trainer on Bainbridge Island, Bethanee Randles. and... Podcast Produced by: Outcome Media, Home of the best Podcast studio on Bainbridge Island. Are you looking to start your own podcast but don't know how? Want some help? You can hire Outcome Media to help complete your project and get your vision off the ground. Call co-host Sal DeRosalia today, (206) 240-8857 or send us a message through our website here.
205 - Christina Hulet - Bainbridge Island School District 4 Board Seat
12/10/2019 Duración: 59minEpisode 205 - Christina Hulet - Bainbridge Island School District 4 Board Seat "I believe my professional experience developing legislative and budget priorities at the state level; implementing business and quality improvement initiatives to strengthen mission; and negotiating complex policy issues across stakeholders enables me to make vital contributions to our schools. I would be honored to continue serving on the school board as we prioritize efforts to ensure healthier students, increased equity of opportunity, and sound fiscal and operational management. I respectfully ask for your vote." Episode 205 - The South Ward Debate is brought to you by Storyville Coffee Company (at their beautiful locations in the roastery at the Coppertop and Seattle) and Outcome Athletics, home of the best Personal Trainer on Bainbridge Island, Bethanee Randles. and... Podcast Produced by: Outcome Media, Home of the best Podcast studio on Bainbridge Island. Are you looking to start your own podcast but don't know how?
204 - The Bainbridge Island Review, Review VS Kitsap Suns Bainbridge Islander | Part 2.5ish
11/10/2019 Duración: 43minEpisode 204 - The Bainbridge Island Review, Review vs. Kitsap Sun's Bainbridge Islander | Our local papers got the coveted "A" grade from Sal DeRosalia and Richard Davis for breaking news (even if it is news we have already broken). Did you hear Halloween has been cancelled at Blakely school? Did you know Chief Horn is leaving to join his colleagues Doug Schulze and Chief Hamner in the City of Banning? If you listened to Wake Up Bainbridge this morning, you would. We talked the weekend ahead with performances of Bainbridge Performing Arts Rocky Horror Show, League of Women Voters of Kitsap County forum at City of Bainbridge Island, Washington tonight with all City Council candidates for the November 5th election. Where to get the hot stuff for the cold weather at Jake's Pickup on Bainbridge Island and Proper Fish. Whew! As always, we want to thank our wonderful Sponsors. Without you... Storyville Coffee Company and Outcome Athletics and Bethanee Randles, we couldn't do it. So we love you and thank you for y
203 | COBI CONNECTS, Horror Shows, Law Suits, Restraining Orders OH MY!
10/10/2019 Duración: 51minEpisode 203 | COBI CONNECTS City of Bainbridge Island, Washington on Indigenous Peoples Day Resolution, the narrowing of the Moratorium outside the Winslow Master Plan Study Area, lots of infographics. Thanks! Horror Shows: Bainbridge Performing Arts with tonight's pay-as-you-can performance of Rocky Horror Show which will run through Oct. 27th. The other horror shows are the PRA suits against the city and the revelation of a failed attempt to get an anti-harassment order requested by Councilmember Rasham Nassar against David Dunn and Brian Wilkinson --who also happen to be the plaintiffs in one of the potentially very costly PRA violation lawsuits. The anti-harassment order was was denied by a judge in the Kitsap County Superior Court back in January. Episode 203 is brought to you by Storyville Coffee Company and their roastery in the Coppertop and locations in Seattle. The best answer to a slow cold morning. We highly recommend the bakery too. And by Outcome Athletics which is home to Wake Up Bainbridge
202 - Breaking News: 550 Madison Residents Still On Month to Month Leases, Small Boutique Hotel on Winslow Ends Up Being 40 Rooms, Lobster Fest for Housing Kitsap and Council Meeting Recap
10/10/2019 Duración: 44minEpisode 202 - Breaking News: 550 Madison residents still on Month-to-Month leases, but this time it's from their "savior" Housing Resources Bainbridge. We reached out for comment and got this reply from Executive Director, Phedra Elliot, "In order to protect the privacy of our residents, we aren’t able to discuss leases or lease terms with anyone other than the resident themselves." Yeah... So we replied and are waiting to hear back. We CCed Matthew Tirman, Bainbridge Island City Council in hopes a fresh set of eyes may help in the decision making process. In other news, the Small Boutique Hotel on the other end of Winslow (where That's A Some Pizza used to be) went in front of the Design N Review Board. This small hotel ended up being 40 Rooms and 15 parking spots. So yeah, we are guessing we will hear a bit more about this. Richard Davis was in attendance and asked for the architect's drawing but he was denied at the rim. We are reaching out to City of Bainbridge Island, Washington to see if they have a c
201 - The South Ward Debate | Sarah Blossom VS. Michael Pollock
08/10/2019 Duración: 01h42minEpisode 201 - The South Ward Debate | Sarah Blossom vs. Michael Moritz Pollock. Well, if this doesn't give you everything you need to make a decision...we just can't help you. Episode 201 - The South Ward Debate is brought to you by Storyville Coffee Company (at their beautiful locations in the roastery at the Coppertop and Seattle) and Outcome Athletics, home of the best Personal Trainer on Bainbridge Island, Bethanee Randles. and... Podcast Produced by: Outcome Media, Home of the best Podcast studio on Bainbridge Island. Are you looking to start your own podcast but don't know how? Want some help? You can hire Outcome Media to help complete your project and get your vision off the ground. Call co-host Sal DeRosalia today, (206) 240-8857 or send us a message through our website here.
199 - The Weekend Wrap-Up | Central Ward Meeting, Write-In Candidates and Dream Tower Chance Encounters
07/10/2019 Duración: 27minEpisode 199 - The Weekend Wrap-Up | Central Ward Meeting, Write-In Candidates and Dream Tower Chance Encounters Sal went down to cover the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington Central Ward Meeting. There were 9 residents in attendance. Discussed were Suzuki, Traffic, Affordable Housing, and 60 seconds on Diversity and Equity. We discuss write-in candidate, Cynthia Bellas and the "interesting" way she decided to enter into the Central Ward race. We hope to find out all the reasonable questions... Who is she? Why now? What makes her different? Does she really think she has a chance as a write-in candidate? And... In addition, we cover: Rocky Horror Show will be starting their new run of shows this weekend at Bainbridge Performing Arts, a chance encounter with Gary Bedell and the iconic Dream Tower at Battlepoint Park and finally some Political Talk on the upcoming elections and why Bainbridge Island is never likely to become Mercer Island. We were notified there is a artist rendition of Sal or his doppelg
198 - Bainbridge Island Review, Review vs. Bainbridge Islander
05/10/2019 Duración: 22minEpisode 198 - Bainbridge Island Review, Review vs. Bainbridge Islander What happens when you try to read the Bainbridge Island Review and the Kitsap Sun Bainbridge Islanders at the same time? We found some gems in both papers today. They both ended up with a "B". Richard and Sal got invited to the Bainbridge Performing Arts staging of the funky and beloved Rocky Horror Show by great friend Derek Villanueva. We are genuinely excited and expect to be horrified in a good way. Episode 198 is sponsored by Outcome Athletics, Home of the Best Personal Trainer on Bainbridge Island Bethanee Randles. and ... Storyville Coffee Company, the coffee that powers the podcast powers the Island.
197 - Phone Interview With Gretchen Wilson Updating 550 Resident Situation
05/10/2019 Duración: 36minEpisode 197 - Phone Interview With Gretchen Wilson Updating 550 Resident Situation. Housekeeping and other drama. Preview of Bainbridge Island Review, Review vs. Bainbridge Islanders. Episode 197 is sponsored by Outcome Athletics Home of the Best Personal Trainer on Bainbridge Island. and ... Storyville Coffee Company, the coffee that powers the podcast that powers the Island.