In 1963, with the city of Boston already terrified by a series of savage crimes known as the Boston Stranglings, a murder occurred in the quiet suburb of Belmont, just a few...
Following the resounding success of the eponymous West End and Broadway hit play, Frost/Nixon tells the extraordinary story of how Sir David Frost pursued and landed the biggest...
From the #1 New York Times bestselling author comes a revised, repackaged novel sure to please her many fans. She writes "high speed comic mayhem" (Detroit Free Press); she's "a...
Alice's life is about to change. She's a skinny orphan. She's never been able to hear too well. And she can't speak too well, either. The only person who seems to care for...
“A strange, wondrous, challenging, enriching book….Beautiful and powerful…you will not encounter another book like it.”—National Review...
“Murder, blackmail, and betrayal, all set against the glittering backdrop of Washington society.” —The Today Show No one knows the world of high...
In sumptuous and illuminating detail Simon Winchester chronicles the extraordinary story of Joseph Needham, the brilliant Cambridge scientist who turned his eccentric genius on...
More than fifteen years since its original publication, the #1 New York Times bestseller We Were Soldiers Once . . . and Young is still required reading in all branches of the...
In January 1952, two young men from Buenos Aires set out to explore South America on "La Poderosa", the Powerful One: a 500cc Norton. One of them was the 23-year-old Che Guevara....
The Pilgrimage paved the way to Paulo Coehlo's international bestselling novel The Alchemist. In many ways, these two volumes are companions—to truly comprehend one, you...