The Last Apprentice series follows the terrifying adventures of the Spook's apprentice, Thomas Ward. But Tom's is only one story. There are others. . . . The Spook himself was...
Anne Rivers Siddons invites you into her home and her heartIn this collection of heartfelt and involving vignettes, Anne Rivers Siddons--the beloved bestselling author of...
“[Twain] was, in the phrase of his friend William Dean Howells, ‘the Lincoln of our literature’... At the heart of his work lies that greatest of all American...
Get this, I'm supposed to be starting a journal about "my journey." Please. I can see it now: Dear Diary, As I'm set adrift on this crazy sea called "life" . . . I don't think so....
For readers of John O’Hurley’s It’s Okay to Miss the Bed on the First Jump and Chelsea Handler’s Are You There, Vodka? It’s Me, Chelsea, Daytime...
Medium Raw marks the return of the inimitable Anthony Bourdain, author of the blockbuster bestseller Kitchen Confidential and three-time Emmy Award-nominated host of No...
From the world of Addison's Tales comes the incredible adventure of Penelope as the fearless cat descends deeper into the ancient Caverns of the Gnomes. Together with her friend...
For thousands of years, Latin has been the language of the Roman people, of science, of history and of culture. The Latin for Beginners audiobook will guide your learning of this...
Greek heritage is so rich and complex. Spanning centuries, it has been the cornerstone of Western culture – from philosophy and history to theatre and politics.The Greek for...
“Kevin Connolly has used an unusual physical circumstance to create a gripping work of art. This deeply affecting memoir will place him in the company of Jeanette Walls and...