  • Por Flora Steel
  • Editor: Interactive Media

In a great Palace by the sea there once dwelt a very rich old lord, who had neither wife nor children living, only one little granddaughter, whose face he had never seen in all...

The Three Little Pigs
  • Por Flora Steel
  • Editor: Interactive Media

Once upon a time there was an old sow who had three little pigs, and as she had not enough for them to eat, she said they had better go out into the world and seek their fortunes.

The Golden Snuff-box
  • Por Flora Steel
  • Editor: Interactive Media

Once upon a time, and a very good time too, though it was not in my time, nor your time, nor for the matter of that in any one's time, there lived a man and a woman who had one...

The Black Bull Of Norroway
  • Por Flora Steel
  • Editor: Interactive Media

Long ago in Norroway there lived a lady who had three daughters. Now they were all pretty, and one night they fell a-talking of whom they meant to marry.

The Three Sillies
  • Por Flora Steel
  • Editor: Interactive Media

Once upon a time, when folk were not so wise as they are nowadays, there lived a farmer and his wife who had one daughter. And she, being a pretty lass, was courted by the young...

The Story Of The Three Bears
  • Por Flora Steel
  • Editor: Interactive Media

Once upon a time there were three Bears, who lived together in a house of their own, in a wood. One of them was a Little Wee Bear, and one was a Middle-sized Bear, and the other...

St. George Of Merrie England
  • Por Flora Steel
  • Editor: Interactive Media

In the darksome depths of a thick forest lived Kalyb the fell enchantress. Terrible were her deeds, and few there were who had the hardihood to sound the brazen trumpet which hung...

The Golden Ball
  • Por Flora Steel
  • Editor: Interactive Media

Once upon a time there lived two lasses, who were sisters, and as they came from the fair they saw a right handsome young man standing at a house door before them. They had never...

The Laidly Worm
  • Por Flora Steel
  • Editor: Interactive Media

In Bamborough Castle there once lived a King who had two children, a son named Childe Wynde, and a daughter who was called May Margret. Their mother, a fair woman, was dead, and...

Titty Mouse And Tatty Mouse
  • Por Flora Steel
  • Editor: Interactive Media

Titty Mouse and Tatty Mouse both lived in a house. Titty Mouse went a-gleaning, and Tatty Mouse went a-gleaning. So they both went a-gleaning. Titty Mouse gleaned an ear of corn,...

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