HĀ Breathe! is Hawaiian Food for the Soul. opens up the intuitive center. The “Third Eye.”(Makaloa)Many are unaware that chanting is the most ancient yet, easiest way to...
The Way of the Psychonaut is one of the most important books ever written about the human psyche and the spiritual quest. The new understandings were made possible thanks to...
In Dr. Diane Hamilton’s provocative new book, she uncovers what could foreseeably be the next movement to enhance human performance, a critical and direct link to improving...
A Simon & Schuster audiobook. Simon & Schuster has a great book for every listener.
O terapeuta William Peters relata diversas histórias e experiências do que hoje é conhecido como travessia compartilhada - quando os vivos podem acompanhar quem está prestes a...
Astronomers observe the formation of a red nova which occurs when two stars merge and explode.
A scientists helps arctic-fox researchers discover that some foxes share dens and some mother foxes mate with more than one male fox to give their offspring the highest chance of...
O caminho em direção à realização pessoal e profissional nunca é uma linha reta. Mas o que separa aqueles que vencem os desafios daqueles que fracassam? Para a renomada...
There is one problem that surpasses all others in its impact on men, women, and society. It is the family father wound. We focus on the importance of mothers in determining the...