Birthday Girl
  • Por Maria Krestovskaya
  • Duración: 1:05:39
  • Narrador: Virginia Ferguson
  • Editor: TSK Group LLC

An everyday tragedy brought into stark relief and elevated to high drama by the skilled pen of Maria Krestovskaya, as she focuses her readers' attention on someone, whose life...

The Witches' Castle (moonlit Tales Of The Macabre - Small Bites Book 11)
  • Por Alexander Belyaev
  • Duración: 1:05:52
  • Narrador: Fred Wolinsky
  • Editor: TSK Group LLC

Alexander Belyaev's rare foray into a bit of mysticism, "The Witches' Castle" is a reminder how careful must be wandering around the woods, especially when mysterious strangers...

Excerpts From Masha's Journal
  • Por Vladimir Odoyevsky
  • Duración: 1:07:24
  • Narrador: Virginia Ferguson
  • Editor: TSK Group LLC

Some might see the lessons in Odoyevsky's short and charming life manual for children old-fashioned and outdated. Some might even bristle at certain suggestions. However, we would...

Magical Mischief (moonlit Tales Of The Macabre - Small Bites Book 10)
  • Por Alexander Grin
  • Duración: 0:12:22
  • Narrador: Fred Wolinsky
  • Editor: TSK Group LLC

One day, a courier who deems himself quite the romantic hero, decides to follow a beautiful stranger... only to be plunged into a nightmare vortex in space and time.

The Sinner From Toledo (moonlit Tales Of The Macabre - Small Bites Book 6)
  • Por Anton Chekhov
  • Duración: 0:15:22
  • Narrador: Fred Wolinsky
  • Editor: TSK Group LLC

In the time of paranoia and religious fanaticism, one young woman's life falls into the hands of two very misguided men.

The Magi
  • Por Maria K
  • Duración: 0:38:59
  • Narrador: D Paul Faulkner
  • Editor: TSK Group LLC

On the heels of the worst year in his life, Carter Wolski loses his will to live. He is prodded, shoved, sniffed, and slobbered back to life by a trio of very strange helpers.

Family Troubles
  • Por Maria Krestovskaya
  • Duración: 0:32:47
  • Narrador: Virginia Ferguson
  • Editor: TSK Group LLC

Literary critic, E. A. Koltonovskaya, described the literary style of novelist Maria Krestovskaya as follows, “Her pen, for all its feminine agility, is often remarkable for its...

Whispers In The Mist
  • Por Maria K
  • Duración: 0:13:24
  • Narrador: Krista Nicely
  • Editor: TSK Group LLC

A homage to "Death and the Lady" by Judith Tarr and a modern fantasy, "Whispers in the Mist" nevertheless poses a question, very much present in reality - if you could go back to...

The Air Merchant
  • Por Alexander Belyaev
  • Duración: 4:27:53
  • Narrador: Saethon Williams
  • Editor: TSK Group LLC

Imagine if one man devised a way to gain control of one vital resource no one can live without. What would you do then?

Indian Tale About Four Deaf Men
  • Por Vladimir Odoyevsky
  • Duración: 0:17:33
  • Narrador: Gene Blake
  • Editor: TSK Group LLC

A very old and insightful tale that holds up surprisingly well in the modern context.

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