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FINDING RELIABLE HEALTH AND MEDICAL INFORMATION ANCHOR POINTE, The Faith and Fitness Podcast Faith, Diet, Exercise, Attitude, Positive Imagery, Music and Research TRANSCRIPT (This transcript is computer generation.  The computer sometimes makes mistakes and doesn't get that we spell Anchor Pointe with an E) CHARLOTTE  (00:06): This is the XBHS Radio Network. This is the X B H S Radio network Skip Orem (00:10): From the Nashville Studios of the Xb H S Radio Network. I'm Skip Oram, and this is the Anchor Point Podcast. Hi, everybody from the X B H S radio studios here on Printers Alley in Nashville, Tennessee. Welcome to The Anchor Point, the Anchor point, your faith and fitness podcast for, for us older folks in our fifties, sixties, seventies and beyond. January's gone and we're halfway through February of this