Braze For Impact

Episode 14: Partner Spotlight > mParticle



Adam Biehler, VP of Partnerships and BD at mParticle, and Matt McRoberts, SVP of Global Alliances at Braze, join me in San Francisco to discuss the current state of the marketing ecosystem. Matt and Adam provide a brief history on the evolution of data platforms and the shift toward customer-centric strategy.       TRANSCRIPT: [0:00:18] PJ Bruno: Hello again, welcome back to Braze for Impact, your MarTech Industry Discussed Digest. This is PJ Bruno, and I'm also with two titans. Adam Biehler, VP of partnerships and BD at mParticle. Adam, how's it going buddy?   [0:00:32] Adam: Great, how you doing there PJ?   [0:00:34] PJ Bruno: I'm doing real well. And also our very own Matt McRoberts, SVP of global alliances at Braze. Matt, thanks for sitting down with us buddy.   [0:00:41] Matt McRoberts: PJ, always a pleasure.   [0:00:43] PJ Bruno: And now here we are a week out from MAU. How did it go all-in-all Adam, you felt good about it?   [0:00:48] Adam: Yeah, it was definitely a fire conference this week. Not a fir