Braze for Impact is a digital marketing podcast in which Braze employees discuss current trends in the industry, and also bring in special guests and subject matter experts to shed light on what the future may hold.
Episode 39: The World of the Technical Marketer
25/08/2020 Duración: 10minCara Fischer from Ibotta shares the world of the Technical Marketer. Rather than her focus being on strategic messaging and campaign building, she gets her hands dirty with webhooks, paginated HTML in-app messages, and Liquid personalization. Listen in to learn more about the technology behind great customer experiences. *Hosted by Taylor Gibb and PJ Bruno LIVE at LTR 2019* TRANSCRIPT: [0:00:17] PJ Bruno: Hi again. Welcome back to Braze for Impact, your MarTech industry discussed digest. We're back again with another episode of our humanity series. So thrilled to have with us today, Cara Fischer, who is on the Marketing Automation team at Ibotta. [0:00:33] Cara Fischer: Hi everyone. How's it going? [0:00:34] PJ Bruno: So good. Thanks for being here. And also with me to my right, good friend and coworker from the success orb, Taylor Gibb. [0:00:42] Taylor Gibb: The success orb, coming to you live. [0:00:44] PJ Bruno: I'm trying to make that stick. It's an orb, we think spherical, we think- [0:00:
Episode 38: Digital Transformations Built for Humanity
21/07/2020 Duración: 25minAndrew Cordes, UK CEO at Alite International, joins us to shed light on digital transformation, giving insight into the consultant's role in not just creating additional capability and capacity, but also turning companies into responsive organizations built for change. *Hosted by Dave Goldstein and PJ Bruno LIVE at LTR 2019*
Episode 37: Big Ideas Are For Everyone
16/06/2020 Duración: 18minMai Tran, CRM Manager at Blinkist, gives us a glimpse into the Blinkist company mission behind snackable insights. We also delve into the shift we're seeing in KPI focuses, and the power of personalization and recommendation engines. *Hosted by Taylor Gibb and PJ Bruno LIVE at LTR 2019* TRANSCRIPT: [0:00:16] Taylor Gibb: Are we recording? [0:00:18] PJ Bruno: We're live. We are fire right now. So whenever you want to give us the kick off. [0:00:23] Taylor Gibb: Oh, fire flames. All right, here I go. I'm going to probably say it wrong. Welcome back to Braze for Impact. Remember guys, this is the MarTech Industry Discuss Digest, and we're right in the middle of our humanities series. This means we're talking to some really interesting people who use Braze. We actually are at LTR right now recording. My name is Taylor Gibb. I'm a CSM on the Braze team. Across from me here is Mai Tran who was at Blinkist as a CRM manager. Mai, it's so good to meet you. [0:00:53] Mai Tran: Nice to meet you too. [0:00:
Episode 36: Growth -- A Company Within a Company
12/05/2020 Duración: 17minZoltan Szalas, Senior Product Manager of Growth at IBM, saddles up with us to talk machine learning, his early days at startup Croissant, and how to get buy-in across teams to hit goals. We also get a little spacey and talk quantum computing! *Hosted by Taylor Gibb and PJ Bruno LIVE at LTR 2019* TRANSCRIPT: [0:00:18] PJ Bruno: Taylor, take us there, we're hot. [0:00:19] Taylor Gibb: Here I go. [0:00:20] Zoltan Szalas: Let's rock and roll. [0:00:20] Taylor Gibb: All right. Welcome back to Braze for Impact. This is your MarTech industry discuss digest. And we're here in the middle of our humanity series, and I'm lucky enough to be seated across from Zoltan Szalas who is the senior product manager for growth at none other than IBM. This is a big deal guys. And Zoltan, we're so happy to have you in the studio with us. [0:00:42] Zoltan Szalas: Well thanks for having me [0:00:44] Taylor Gibb: Anytime. And to my left, as always, is PJ Bruno who runs client education here at Braze. PJ, how's it going?
Episode 35: Data for Purpose
14/04/2020 Duración: 22minAshok Rajan, director of the board at Lister Digital and cycling enthusiast, gives commentary on how personalization strategies are more about human connection than technology. He shares a profound customer experience that shaped him, and stresses the importance of "data for purpose." *Hosted by Dave Goldstein and PJ Bruno LIVE at LTR 2019* TRANSCRIPT: [0:00:17] PJ: Hello again. Welcome back to another episode of Braze for Impact, your MarTech industry discuss digest. We're back again with another episode of our humanity series. Our guest today, Ashok Rajan, president of Lister Digital. Ashok, thanks so much for being here. [0:00:33] Ashok Rajan: Hey, thanks for having me here PJ and Dave. Very excited to be in this conference. Again, longterm relationships man, it's awesome. [0:00:41] PJ: Let's build them. Let's expand them. [0:00:43] Ashok Rajan: Let's build them. Let's expand them. And it's about the human experience. I don't see, again I am just free flowing here, that even as I see them live
Episode 34: Speaking the Same Language as the Customer
10/03/2020 Duración: 16minCollette Mosca, Lead CRM at Busuu, talks mission for global connection and the guided approach of the beloved language learning platform. *Hosted by Taylor Gibb and PJ Bruno LIVE at LTR 2019* TRANSCRIPT: [0:00:18] PJ Bruno: Hello again. Welcome back to Braze for Impact, your MarTech industry Discuss Digest. I'm PJ Bruno, and we are here at LTR 2019. I'm so happy to have with me our first guest of the day, Collette Mosca from Busuu. Welcome. [0:00:34] Collette Mosca: Hey. Thanks for having me. [0:00:36] PJ Bruno: Absolutely. Thanks for coming into our little covert booth here. And also to my right, a very good friend of mine and coworker at Braze on the success org, Taylor Gibb. Thanks for coming. [0:00:46] Taylor Gibb: Well, thank you so much for having me. We're sitting here at LTR in this little kind of submarine. I'm feeling very cool. I like it. [0:00:52] PJ Bruno: Collette, really great giving us her time. Lead CRM Manager at Busuu. For those of you who don't know, Busuu is a language lear
Episode 33: A More Perfect Union... of Data
11/02/2020 Duración: 11minGlobal Head of CRM at JustEat, Marie Feliho, shares with us how use of data has evolved throughout her career, the future of email, and how the skills needed to be an effective marketer are changing. *Hosted by Taylor Gibb and PJ Bruno LIVE at LTR 2019*
Episode 32: Phiture, A Light Amidst the Storm
07/01/2020 Duración: 18minFounder of Phiture Andy Carvell joins us to muse on his early career in mobile gaming development, his pivot toward marketing tech, and what it takes to consult on tech stacks, app store optimization and growth-minded strategy. *Hosted by Dave Goldstein and PJ Bruno LIVE at LTR 2019* TRANSCRIPT: [0:00:17] PJ Bruno: Welcome back to Braze for Impact, your Martech industry discuss digest, and we're back again with another episode from our humanity series. Today we got with us one of our very good friends, close partner, Andy Carvell, partner and co-founder at Phiture. Andy, thanks for being here. [0:00:34] Andy Carvell: Thanks for having me. [0:00:35] PJ Bruno: Absolutely man. And also to my right. Dave, the golden boy, Goldstein, head of Global Solutions Alliances. Dave, this has been a long time coming, [0:00:44] Dave Goldstein: Long-time coming, so happy to be here. [0:00:47] PJ Bruno: Andy, for those people out there who don't know what Phiture is, why don't you just give us a little summation th
Episode 31: The Power of Connection
10/12/2019 Duración: 13minCRM Sr. Product Manager at OKCupid, Ana Albornoz, talks about the power of connection and how OKC lets that sentiment permeate their messaging, events, and even the way their messaging systems are set up. PS. They're hiring engineers! *Hosted by Taylor Gibb and PJ Bruno LIVE at LTR 2019* [0:00:17] PJ Bruno: Hi again and welcome back to Braze For Impact, your martech industry discuss digest. We're back again with another episode from our Humanities Series. So thrilled to have with us today as our guest, Ana Albornoz, the CRM, Senior Product Manager at OkCupid. Ana, thank you so much for being here. [0:00:38] Ana Albornoz: Thank you for having me. I'm very excited to be part of the series. [0:00:41] PJ Bruno: We are very excited to have you, and also I'm excited to have my partner in crime here from our success org. Taylor Gibb, how are you doing? [0:00:49] Taylor Gibb: I am doing great, I have to say. I am excited, especially today because Ana and I used to work together. I was the CSM for OkCupid
Episode 30: Marketing Therapy and the 3 T's
19/11/2019 Duración: 20minCEO of Notable Growth, Rebecca Nackson, talks being the "marketing therapist" in the martech space. She brings us the 3 T's: Team, Tools and Tactics. You need to have all in place to create a best-in-class engagement solution. *Hosted by Dave Goldstein and PJ Bruno LIVE at LTR 2019*
Episode 29: Serving up Interactive Emails with AMP
28/10/2019 Duración: 21minNick D'Amelio, Director of CRM at Slice, shares his passion for CRM and pizza! He also gives us look under Slice's martech hood to see how they're creating interactive emails with Google AMP. Search functionality, feedback forms, browsing… all within an email!! TRANSCRIPT: [0:00:18] PJ Bruno: Hello again. Welcome back to Braze For Impact, your MarTech Industry discuss digest. So thrilled to have with me today Gurbir Singh, Product Manager and good friend here at Braze. How are you doing Gurbir? [0:00:31] Gurbir Singh: Good. How good of a friend are we? You still don't play video games with me, so. [0:00:35] PJ Bruno: That's true. Also, he's my Rocket League compatriot that I haven't been able to get a game with yet, but now apparently he's a higher level and I'm a little nervous. To my right, your left, I have with me Nick D'Amelio, client of ours, Senior Manager at CRM at Slice. Nick, how are you? [0:00:56] Nick D'Amelio: What's up guys? It's very great to be here. Beautiful new Braze office,. Ve
Episode 28: Visual Experience Platforms
22/10/2019 Duración: 17minJulio Lopez (Client Strategy at Movable Ink) joins us at Braze HQ to share the concept of a visual experience platform and how it can be used to create not just dynamic, personalized emails.. But also to keep that unique experience in tact as customers move across channels and even onto a website. TRANSCRIPT: [0:00:17] PJ Bruno: Hello again. Welcome back to Braze for Impact, your martech industry discuss digest. And I'm so happy to be joined today by Julio Lopez, associate director of client strategy at Movable Ink. Julio, thanks so much for being here. [0:00:32] Julio Lopez: Yeah, I'm happy to be here, nothing like a podcast for a marketing nerd like me to participate in. [0:00:37] PJ Bruno: I love it, podcasts on a Friday. And thanks for coming in under these heat conditions. It's a ridiculous. [0:00:43] Julio Lopez: It's really warm out. I'm happy that I got to make it into your office and cool off a little bit. [0:00:47] PJ Bruno: And I'm glad that this isn't a video podcast because you'd se
Episode 27: Winning the Channel Attribution Battle
15/10/2019 Duración: 30minMarketing Boss Dom Gallello calls in from London to give us his story. From digital strategy in Tokyo to running marketing at Sean Parker's reboot of Airtime to now running the show at Badoo (internet dating founding father), Dom has seen it all. Hear his insights on building a beloved brand through creative positioning and emerging tech. TRANSCRIPT: [0:00:17] PJ Bruno: Hello again. Welcome back to Brace for Impact, your MarTech industry Discuss Digest and today joining me from foggy London town. I'm thrilled to have this guy on the podcast, friend of Braze, and he's what we call in the industry a boss. [Dom Gallello 00:00:33], thanks so much for being on with us, man. [0:00:36] Dom Gallello: I appreciate that very much. It's actually raining here, so London, will take it a step further. [0:00:41] PJ Bruno: Classic London behavior. Yeah man, I was really thrilled to get on the horn with you a few weeks ago and just hear about everything. You've got quite an eclectic journey you've had so far, my fri
Episode 26: Learning from Democratic Email Fails
08/10/2019 Duración: 12minWe've all been a victim at some point… I'm talking of course about email marketing from political campaigns. Braze's own Todd Grennan walks us through the nightmare experience we're all familiar with and the damage it can have on your brand long term. TRANSCRIPT: [0:00:18] Speaker 2: Welcome back to Braze for Impact, your martech industry discuss digest. Today, I'll be getting some help from Todd Grennan, Managing Editor of Content Marketing here at Braze. So, we talk with a lot of clients and experts about best practices and strategies when it comes to executing effective email campaigns, but we don't hear a lot from the recipients of emails, those that are actually receiving the experience, but today that's exactly what we're going to do. Learning from the strategies and results of marketing teams is one way to gather powerful takeaways, but getting a detailed breakdown of the consumer experience can be even more telling. Todd walks us through a broken email experience he was subjected to compliments
Episode 25: The Pain Points of Scalable Production
01/10/2019 Duración: 27minThis all-star squad built out a multi-team marketing department to support multiple products for their first-to-market fantasy sports content provider. Hear how Veronica Hamel focused her team around the right priorities and hires to scale with speed and purpose. Jeff Singer provides insight into the technical side of integrations while Morgan Lee gives a marketer's perspective on channel expansion. TRANSCRIPT: [0:00:18] Interviewer: Hello again and welcome back to Braze for Impact, your martech industry discuss digest, and this episode is the pain points of scalable production, and I'm so pleased to have esteemed guests with me today from DraftKings. Veronica Hamel, Veronica is the senior marketing director here at DraftKings. Morgan Lee, CRM specialist, and Jeff Singer, software engineering manager. Thank you guys so much for being here. [0:00:41] Veronica Hamel: Thanks for having us. [0:00:42] Interviewer: So where are we right now? It's All-Star break. Right? Is there seasonality to this? Are yo
Episode 24: IP Warming and Migration Migraines
24/09/2019 Duración: 22minGrubhub CRM lead and No-Shave November Co-Founder, Christine Hill gives us insight into, operationally, what it takes to have a successful IP Warming, survive a migration, and achieve high deliverability. Our very own Nicole Codd, previously at ReturnPath, adds her commentary from countless email setups. TRANSCRIPT: [0:00:17] PJ Bruno: Hi again. Welcome back to Braze for Impact, your MarTech industry discuss digest. I'm PJ Bruno, and I'm here today in Chicago in the Grubhub HQ. Joining us today, Christine Hill, who is basically a Renaissance woman in the marketing org here. How's it going? Thanks for being here. [0:00:36] Christine Hill: It's going well. Thanks for having me. [0:00:37] PJ Bruno: And rounding out the group today, I have Nicole Codd, who's also in town from our success org at Braze. [0:00:43] Nicole Codd: Hey, PJ. [0:00:44] PJ Bruno: Thanks so much for being here. [0:00:45] Nicole Codd: Course. [0:00:46] PJ Bruno: This episode is focusing on avoiding migration migraines, and a
Episode 23: Braze Origins
23/07/2019 Duración: 32minBraze founders, Bill Magnuson and Jon Hyman, recount the beginnings of Braze. From fast times at Bridgewater to top honors at TechCrunch Disrupt Hackathon, hear about the humble beginnings that soon evolved into best-in-class customer engagement platform. TRANSCRIPT: [0:00:17] PJ: Hello again. Welcome back to Braze for Impact your martech industry discuss digest. So thrilled today to have two esteemed guests with me. You know them as the founders of Braze, CEO, Bill Magnuson and CTO- [0:00:32] Jon Hyman: Jon Hyman. [0:00:32] PJ: There he is to my right. Jon, Bill, welcome. [0:00:36] Bill Magnuson: Thanks for having us. [0:00:36] Jon Hyman: Thank you PJ. [0:00:38] PJ: And so you know why we're here, right? We want to hear the story. We want the uncut, behind the music for Braze, formerly Appboy. [0:00:48] Bill Magnuson: We first met in Westport, Connecticut working for a company called Bridgewater Associates. They have been notorious more recently for a lot of things about their culture. You
Episode 22: The Streaming Wars
18/07/2019 Duración: 24minNew challengers in the content streaming space! HBO Max and Disney+ enter the race for video delivery dominance. Listen in to hear VP of Growth, Spencer Burke, and Strategic AE, Patrick Forquer, discuss the lay of the streaming land, offering packages, and the frontrunners. TRANSCRIPT: [0:00:17] Spencer Burke: Have you guys watched ET recently? [0:00:20] PJ Bruno: Pretty much every Christmas, yeah. [0:00:22] Spencer Burke: Really? [0:00:22] PJ Bruno: No. [0:00:23] Spencer Burke: Oh. [0:00:24] Patrick Forquer: This is our best content in years. [0:00:25] PJ Bruno: It's the best yet. Hello again. Welcome back to Braze for Impact, your martech industry discussed digest. My two esteemed guests today, close friends and colleagues, once again, Spencer Burke of the [house growth] and Patrick Forquer from the sales org. Gentlemen, welcome back. [0:00:41] Patrick Forquer: PJ. [0:00:42] Patrick Forquer: What a pleasure to be with you and Spencer again. [0:00:46] PJ Bruno: I'm very excited about
Episode 21: Point Break Personalization
11/07/2019 Duración: 24minHow can you leverage new tech to ride the personalization wave into a best-in-class swell of engagement? Taylor "The Creator" Gibb and Jaz "Personalization Queen" Noble join me to discuss the future of personalization and how to make it work at scale. TRANSCRIPT: [0:00:18] PJ: Hi again and welcome back to Brace for Impact, your martech industry discuss digest and today I have two very, very esteemed colleagues with me both from the Success Org to my right Taylor Veronica Gibb and to my left Jaz Victoria Noble. It's good to have you guys here with me. [0:00:37] Taylor: Well it's great to have you here as well. PJ, the Victor Jay- [0:00:44] Jasmine: Let's give him a V, yeah. [0:00:45] Taylor: Maybe a V, to fit in here. [0:00:45] PJ: You guys missed it, we opened with talking about the origin story of both these lovely women have V middle names and so we were just kind of like hearing a little bit about their ancestry. [0:00:54] Taylor: Absolutely. As we start every podcast with deep personal que
25/06/2019 Duración: 19minThis week, I was accompanied by Ryan Doyle (Digital-first AE) and Shezeen Ali (Customer Success Manager) to discuss a few companies that try to expand outside the scope of their main product offering to seize up some auxiliary revenue. Facebook is getting into crypto, Salesforce wants a cut of the CDP game, and Sony wants to give you a ride. Stay in your lane! TRANSCRIPT: [0:00:17] P.J. Bruno: Hi, again. Welcome back to Braze for Impact, your MarTech industry discuss digest. I'm your host, P.J. Bruno, and with me today...two close friends. I have to my left here Shezeen Ali, to my right, Ryan Doyle. Ryan of sales, Shezeen of success. Hello to you both. [0:00:35] Shezeen Ali: Hello, thanks for having us. [0:00:37] Ryan Doyle: Great to be here. [0:00:37] P.J. Bruno: Yeah, thanks for coming on short notice. I just realized I'm going to be away next week, so we need to get into this week and I don't know what brought us about this topic, but this week's topic is, stay in your lane. [0:00:50] Ryan Do