Braze For Impact

Episode 39: The World of the Technical Marketer



Cara Fischer from Ibotta shares the world of the Technical Marketer. Rather than her focus being on strategic messaging and campaign building, she gets her hands dirty with webhooks, paginated HTML in-app messages, and Liquid personalization. Listen in to learn more about the technology behind great customer experiences. *Hosted by Taylor Gibb and PJ Bruno LIVE at LTR 2019*     TRANSCRIPT: [0:00:17] PJ Bruno: Hi again. Welcome back to Braze for Impact, your MarTech industry discussed digest. We're back again with another episode of our humanity series. So thrilled to have with us today, Cara Fischer, who is on the Marketing Automation team at Ibotta.   [0:00:33] Cara Fischer: Hi everyone. How's it going?   [0:00:34] PJ Bruno: So good. Thanks for being here. And also with me to my right, good friend and coworker from the success orb, Taylor Gibb.   [0:00:42] Taylor Gibb: The success orb, coming to you live.   [0:00:44] PJ Bruno: I'm trying to make that stick. It's an orb, we think spherical, we think-   [0:00: