
Resirkulert folkemusikk. Maja S. K. Ratkje og Kari Slaatsveen



Arrangement 29.4.2016 What happens when a contemporary musician delves into the Norwegian folk music archives? It is perhaps not traditional music and typical Norwegian tones one first thinks of when one hears works by composer Maja S. K. Ratkje. With electronic musical instruments and her own voice, she has performed around the whole world as a solo artist and with art installations in groups, such as SPUNK. Now Ratkje meets program host Kari Slaatsveen and research librarian Hans-Hinrich Thede to talk about what she found in the National Library's folk music archive, before she shows what can happen when the present meets the past. The event is a part of the concert series Dust and Stars (“Støv og stjerner”). ----------------------------- Kva skjer når ein samtidsmusikar dykkar ned i det norske folkemusikkarkivet? Det er kanskje ikkje tradisjonsmusikk og rotnorske tonar ein fyrst tenkjer på når ein høyrer verka til komponist Maja S. K. Ratkje. Med elektroniske musikkinstrument og eiga stemme har ho spela ov