Encounters With The Good People

83 - The Faerie Hawthorn Tree



There are countless Hawthorn Trees all over Ireland. So often old, gnarled and solitary: at a glance, we might easily dismiss the significance of this unassuming tree. But, dig a little deeper and we find they are a well know stomping ground of the Good People. Indeed, many’s the time the Good People are seen or heard dancing and playing music at the base of a Hawthorn. On this week’s episode we share true tales of people who have interfered or damaged a Hawthorn Tree and the swift reprisals they suffered at the hands of the Good People. But this tree means more to the Good People than just their preferred place to hang-out. Is it possible the Hawthorn Tree is key to the health, well-being and longevity of the Good People? Join Kitty to find out! * Fancy buying me a coffee? If you enjoy Encounters with the Good People and would like to give me a hand to continue in this work, please consider buying me a ‘coffee’ (I prefer tea actually...). This is a really quick, simple and safe way for you to donate an