Leave your Tinkerbells and Leprechauns at the door, Kitty is here to talk about the real Faeries: The Good People, The Wee Folk or the Sidhe. Faerie of traditional Irish Faerie Folklore are old, clever and can be treacherous. They are all around us and watching, always watching. But what are they thinking? Are they impressed by our touchscreen technology or do they curse our lack of enlightenment? Should we fear them? Here at Encounters with the Good People we are going to find out.
136 - Faerie Ravens & Crows
21/09/2021 Duración: 16minHave you ever gazed at a crow or raven and wondered what its thinking? They are one of those creatures, like others we’ve looked at, cats, dogs, owls, foxes, wolves and seals for example, where we just know there are secrets lurking behind their eyes. Some believe that Ravens and Crows act as something of a bridge or messenger tween the Faerie and Human realms.Join me to find out more. You may never look at a Raven the same way again... Pod credits. Edited by Magic Dan. Tales from ‘Welsh Fairy-Tales and other stories’ by Peter Henry Emerson, 1894 And ‘The Crow’ by Robert Frost. Theme Music: ‘Irish Coffee’ by Giorgio di Campo. Additional Music: ‘They Live in the Mist’, ‘She’s Watching Me’ by Darren Curtis. ‘The Dark Side of Me’ by Whitesand. ‘The Raven’s Lullaby’ by Vivek Abhishek.
135 - Signs Faerie are Nearby: The Sight
14/09/2021 Duración: 16minHow do we know when the Good People are nearby us? This is a question we’ve been pondered in previous episodes: so far, we have explored some of the physical sensations we feel when Faerie are nearby, and recognised smells which might be a sign of nearby Faeries. But what about seeing the Good People? Sounds fairly straightforward doesn’t it, but… perhaps there is far more to ‘seeing’ the Fairy than meets the eye… ! Join me to find out more. Edited by Magic Dan. Tales from ‘The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries’ by Evans Wentz. 1911. Theme Music: ‘Irish Coffee’ by Giorgio di Campo. Additional Music: ‘Light and Dark’, ‘Ash and Bone’, ‘From Above’, ‘Far Away’ and ‘Night Dancing’ by Joseph Earwicker.
134 - The Trouble with Trows
07/09/2021 Duración: 14minThe Trows of Shetland and Orkney Islands are curious creatures who have, at least in the past, enjoyed a relatively harmonious co-existence with Humans. Often seen going about their daily activities, these are some of the more visible of all the Good People. In this episode, I offer an explanation as to why Trows are so willing, or at least indifferent, to be seen or interact with Humans. We also ponder their complicated character which can swing from generous to sociable to vindicative and discover they are a brilliant example of typical Faerie behaviour. * Online Store: now you can take the Faerie folk with you everywhere you go! Encounters with the Good People Online Store now features a single, original and exclusive illustration by English artist C.G. Michaels. This lovely, cheerful illustration features a gathering of Faerie enjoying music and dance of their Cèilidh at the edge of the woods and, as we have long expected, these Faerie party day and night so you can get this design in 4 backgrounds:
133 - The Fairy Cow
31/08/2021 Duración: 11minI’ll be back next week with a regular episode exploring the Good People but, for today I have a wonderful tale to share with you from Ireland.I love this tale; I hope you will too. It shows us just how complicated our interactions with the Faerie can be and gives insight into the kind of human characteristics the Faerie not only like, but reward.Sending love and warmest thanks to my patrons for their ongoing support and faith in me and encounters with the good people. I couldn’t do it without you! Now, I hope you will enjoy this marvellous tale of Fairy Cows. * PATREONTo celebrate 2 years of our Podcast (yay! did someone say cake?...), I am delighted to launch ‘Encounters with the Good People’ Patreon. If you enjoy my podcast and videos, please consider becoming a Patron, and supporting me on Patreon.There are 4 levels or tiers within our Patreon, the first begins at only $3 per month and each level offers additional benefits and content. These range from:having your name included in our YouTube videos,havin
132 - The Lad who Returned from Fairy
24/08/2021 Duración: 12minI’m taking a wee break from our regular podcast and will be back soon to dive deep and explore who the Good People really are, but in the meantime, I’m delighted to be able to bring you a few wonderful tales of Faerie.This week I’m sweeping you away to Wales for the tale of 'The Lad who returned from Faerye'. I hope you will enjoy this tale; it has its ups and downs and always leaves me with a little tear in the eye... * PATREONTo celebrate 2 years of our Podcast (yay! did someone say cake?...), I am delighted to launch ‘Encounters with the Good People’ Patreon. If you enjoy my podcast and videos, please consider becoming a Patron, and supporting me on Patreon.There are 4 levels or tiers within our Patreon, the first begins at only $3 per month and each level offers additional benefits and content. These range from:having your name included in our YouTube videos,having access to exclusive Patreon-only videos,to receiving handpicked gifts from our online store or e-books, all Faerie related of course.Did you k
132 - The Adventure of a French Puck
17/08/2021 Duración: 09minI’m taking a wee break from our regular Podcast episode for a few weeks but couldn’t possibly leave you without your weekly Faerie fix so, for the next few weeks I am bringing you a wonderful tale of the Faerie every Wednesday.Today we’re heading to glorious France, (...oh wouldn’t that be nice!), to discover just a few of the pranks this rambunctious Faerie Puck gets up to.* PATREONTo celebrate 2 years of our Podcast (yay! did someone say cake?...), I am delighted to launch ‘Encounters with the Good People’ Patreon. If you enjoy my podcast and videos, please consider becoming a Patron, and supporting me on Patreon.There are 4 levels or tiers within our Patreon, the first begins at only $3 per month and each level offers additional benefits and content. These range from:having your name included in our YouTube videos,having access to exclusive Patreon-only videos,to receiving handpicked gifts from our online store or e-books, all Faerie related of course.Did you know that many of the most famous and popular t
131 - Mermaid of Zennor
10/08/2021 Duración: 15minI’m taking a wee break from our weekly Podcast episode for a few weeks but I don’t want to leave you without your weekly Faerie fix so, for the next few weeks I will be sharing a wonderful tale with you every Wednesday.Beginning with the beautiful tale of the Mermaid of Zennor from Cornwall, England. This is truly a sweeping love story which proves that sometimes love overcomes the greatest obstacles… * PATREONTo celebrate 2 years of our Podcast (yay! did someone say cake?...), I am delighted to launch ‘Encounters with the Good People’ Patreon. If you enjoy my podcast and videos, please consider becoming a Patron, and supporting me on Patreon.There are 4 levels or tiers within our Patreon, the first begins at only $3 per month and each level offers additional benefits and content. These range from:having your name included in our YouTube videos,having access to exclusive Patreon-only videos,to receiving handpicked gifts from our online store or e-books, all Faerie related of course.Did you know that many of
130 - The Faerie Rose
03/08/2021 Duración: 11minThis week we share a personal experience which at first glance, might appear to be a simple, ordinary exchange between 2 people about a very special rose, but… could it actually have been a profound, life-changing moment? I believe that oftentimes when we encounter the Good People, we don’t realize it until sometime later. Our busy conscious mind might not recognise this, but our subconscious mind does. And it doesn’t let it go. It is alerted by unusual signals, it recognises the rare signs. The flags go up. The hair on the back of your neck tingles. All signs that the sighting, encounter or interaction was not ‘normal’, that there was something ‘other’ in the experience. And that’s when things get really interesting. When we open our minds to the ‘other’. * PATREONTo celebrate 2 years of our Podcast (yay! did someone say cake?...), I am delighted to launch ‘Encounters with the Good People’ Patreon. If you enjoy my podcast and videos, please consider becoming a Patron, and supporting me on Patreon.There
129 - The Sinister Joint-Eater
27/07/2021 Duración: 24minI hope I find you well today and enjoying a strong stomach because we are looking at a particularly icky member of the Good People. It’s hard to imagine anyone nominating this parasitic creature as a favourite but it sure is interesting, and a good one to know how to avoid.The Joint Eater, also known as the Alp Luachra, is a small newt-like creature which really likes Humans, from the inside-out…In this episode I share one extraordinary tale of an attack by a Joint Eater. We discover just how disgusting this creature can be, how easily it can catch a Human host and most importantly, how to rid yourself of one (and avoid them altogether!). * PATREONTo celebrate 2 years of our Podcast (yay! did someone say cake?...), I am delighted to launch ‘Encounters with the Good People’ Patreon. If you enjoy my podcast and videos, please consider becoming a Patron, and supporting me on Patreon.There are 4 levels or tiers within our Patreon, the first begins at only $3 per month and each level offers additional benefits a
128 - A Fairy Thorn & the Coming of Wisdom
20/07/2021 Duración: 10minHow often have you smiled and nodded, then completely ignored the advice of an older, more experienced relative or friend? In the tale of ‘The Fairy Thorn’ from Newfoundland, we find a gentle reminder to acknowledge the experiences and wisdom of those who have come before us: our Elders. When it comes to understanding and keeping ourselves safe from the Good People, we are each of us indebted to our Ancestors and their willingness to trickle wisdom down through the generations so that we do not repeat their mistakes. But what happens when we ignore their wisdom? Sometimes a very long and painful lesson must be learned by a new generation… * PATREONTo celebrate 2 years of our Podcast (yay! did someone say cake?...), I am delighted to launch ‘Encounters with the Good People’ Patreon. If you enjoy my podcast and videos, please consider becoming a Patron, and supporting me on Patreon.There are 4 levels or tiers within our Patreon, the first begins at only $3 per month and each level offers additional benefit
127 - The Fetch: a Faerie Death Omen
13/07/2021 Duración: 17minHave you ever heard of the ‘Fetch’? I’m not sure you will ever want to see one! A Fetch is kind of supernatural double, or vision of a person. At first glance, and depending of course on where you see a Fetch, you might think it a doppelganger, a lookalike or twin of someone of yourself or someone you know. But it is not. Neither is a Fetch a ghost: it is an apparition of a living person who has just died or is about to die and many believe it is sent by the Good People themselves. Join me to hear tales of Fetch sightings and explore why the Good Folk might use such an eerie method of forewarning death. * PATREONTo celebrate 2 years of our Podcast (yay! did someone say cake?...), I am delighted to launch ‘Encounters with the Good People’ Patreon. If you enjoy my podcast and videos, please consider becoming a Patron, and supporting me on Patreon.There are 4 levels or tiers within our Patreon, the first begins at only $3 per month and each level offers additional benefits and content. These range from:havin
126 - Gwyllgi: the curious 'Corpse Dog' of Wales
06/07/2021 Duración: 16minI have some tremendous tales for you about the Gwyllgi, also known as the ‘Corpse Dog’ of Wales. Not unlike dear Banshee, the Corpse Dog acts as a portent of death, its rare but unforgettable howl signalling an impending death. These phantoms are anything but simple messengers, not least being their unlikely camaraderie with our own pet dogs! Please join me to find out more and together we’ll enter into the grey space, the great unknown where, we think… Faerie and Spirit realms crossover. * PATREONTo celebrate 2 years of our Podcast (yay! did someone say cake?...), I am delighted to launch ‘Encounters with the Good People’ Patreon. If you enjoy my podcast and videos, please consider becoming a Patron, and supporting me on Patreon.There are 4 levels or tiers within our Patreon, the first begins at only $3 per month and each level offers additional benefits and content. These range from:having your name included in our YouTube videos,having access to exclusive Patreon-only videos,to receiving handpicked gi
125 - Would you walk through a Faerie Field?
29/06/2021 Duración: 13minStrange things happen in and around a Faerie Field. A Faerie Field is a field which is known to host or home members of the Good People, some fields are positively rife with activity, suggesting they may be a gathering place or even on a Faerie path. Faerie behaviour in and around Fairy Fields, is unpredictable and you can believe if a field has been given the name of a Fairy field, it is for good reason. Local folk having experienced or witnessed Fairy activity over generations have shared their tales for to caution others to be mindful in that location, and in this episode, we share 4 particularly strange tales. * PATREONTo celebrate 2 years of our Podcast (yay! did someone say cake?...), I am delighted to launch ‘Encounters with the Good People’ Patreon. If you enjoy my podcast and videos, please consider becoming a Patron, and supporting me on Patreon.There are 4 levels or tiers within our Patreon, the first begins at only $3 per month and each level offers additional benefits and content. These range
124 - When is a Werewolf, not a Werewolf?
22/06/2021 Duración: 18minThe word ‘Werewolf’ conjures a fairly consistent image in our minds. An image sown long ago and fertilized regularly by film, tv, storybooks, comic books, role playing games, even video games. But, as with the stereotypical image of a fairy looking like a Tinkerbell creature, we must constantly remind ourselves that the Good People, are not like these fictional characters. They are real, they are unpredictable and they may appear before us in many forms: some of these creatures could even take a human-hybrid form. In this episode we take a close look at two extraordinary reports of creatures, part-human, part-wolf and discover that they may have had entirely reasonable reasons for terrifying the Humans they encountered. One of the things I love most about Encounters with the Good People is hearing of your own experiences, sightings or encounters and it always feels such a privilege too. To share our personal experiences is a wonderful way of better understanding the Good People: who or what they are, where th
123 - Your Sightings & Encounters
15/06/2021 Duración: 13minOne of the things I love most about Encounters with the Good People is hearing of your own experiences, sightings or encounters and it always feels such a privilege too. To share our personal experiences is a wonderful way of better understanding the Good People: who or what they are, where they dwell and what their behaviour can tell us about what they might think of us. In this episode we hear 4 incredible encounters sent in from listeners or viewers of Encounters with the Good People. I also invite you to share your own experience of a sighting or encounter with the Good People at my new email address: * PATREONTo celebrate 2 years of our Podcast (yay! did someone say cake?...), I am delighted to launch ‘Encounters with the Good People’ Patreon. If you enjoy my podcast and videos, please consider becoming a Patron, and supporting me on Patreon.There are 4 levels or tiers within our Patreon, the first begins at only $3 per month and each level offers additional benefits and c
122 - Signs Faerie are Nearby: 'Smell'
09/06/2021 Duración: 12minThere are many ways we can know that the Good People are near us and loads of tales which indicate signs of their presence. So many in fact, that I couldn’t possibly cover them all in one Podcast episode, so we will be looking at this topic over a series of episodes. These episodes, like the Good People, are unpredictable, and could pop up anytime! There are descriptions of the good folk as being ‘perfumed’, smelling like roses or other sweetly fragrant flowers. But, did you know… the Good People, when they’re not happy, can stink. And are known to use foul smell to communicate with humans. Sometimes to warn them off or even to punish them. In this episode, I share three incredible true accounts of Faerie smells. * PATREONTo celebrate 2 years of our Podcast (yay! did someone say cake?...), I am delighted to launch ‘Encounters with the Good People’ Patreon. If you enjoy my podcast and videos, please consider becoming a Patron, and supporting me on Patreon.There are 4 levels or tiers within our Patreon, the fi
121 - The Gancanagh
02/06/2021 Duración: 20minWhen is a broken heart more than just a broken heart? “Beware the tunes that touch your heart. The Gancanagh will play the soul Beware, sweet lass, don’t crave his art He’ll pierce your heart and leave a hole.” The Gancanagh, also known as the Love-Talker, is a member of the Good People you best hope you never encounter! He seduces decent, innocent women into falling madly in love with him. Once he has conquered her, the Gancanagh disappears, leaving her to pine her life away (literally!). You know the old saying “it’s the quiet ones you want to watch”, well this applies perfectly to the Gancanagh, he wreaks havoc subtlety, in sweet whispers. And this perhaps is why he has been able to ply his particular trade for so very long. In this episode we ponder if the Gancanagh not only enjoys, but is nourished by, the misery and torment he causes. I hope you can join me for the chat. * PATREONTo celebrate 2 years of our Podcast (yay! did someone say cake?...), I am delighted to launch ‘Encounters with the Good
120 - Visiting a Faerie Market
25/05/2021 Duración: 13minWhen you think of Faerie fairs or markets, your mind most likely turns to glorious colourful painting or illustration depicting an idyllic scene of various faerie characters browsing baskets of fruit or platters of cakes, musicians and dancers scattered about. It's a lovely image, isn’t it? On this week’s episode, we discover that Faerie do gather for markets, but they are less whimsy than you might imagine. There are many recorded accounts which show us that not only do the Good People hold their own markets, but they also take a keen interest in our own human markets and fairs too. I hope you can join me as we share some poems and true curious accounts of Faerie Markets. * PATREONTo celebrate 2 years of our Podcast (yay! did someone say cake?...), I am delighted to launch ‘Encounters with the Good People’ Patreon. If you enjoy my podcast and videos, please consider becoming a Patron, and supporting me on Patreon.There are 4 levels or tiers within our Patreon, the first begins at only $3 per month and eac
119 - Are Corgis Faerie Dogs?
18/05/2021 Duración: 14minWhen it comes to sightings and encounters with the Black Shuck, Hellhound, Faerie Guard Dogs and Guardian Dogs, there is no shortage of written accounts and descriptions, both from our Ancestors and people in the here and now. I believe I have been in the company of a faerie guardian dog myself, an experience which inspired encounters with the good people into existence, but… when it comes to the faerie origins of the corgi, it’s a little tricky. The belief that the corgi is in fact a Faerie dog, is fond and enduring, but I’ve always felt uncertain, they don’t appear in fairy or folklore collections, there just isn’t enough firm information. And that got me thinking, perhaps that’s just what the good people want: they want us to doubt it... Many corgi owners claim to know or sense it to be true, and wear the connection to Faerie with pride and I have no reason to doubt them. So, let’s look at what we do know and I’ll leave you to decide for yourself, if the Welsh Pembrokeshire corgi, was gifted to us by the
118- 3 Tales from the Dark Forest
11/05/2021 Duración: 15min“And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul” John Muir Forests are one of the best places to find ourselves, and if you’re so inclined, the good people too. Our remaining glorious forests are one of the last refuges for not only the creatures we know well, but also the very many creatures who have remained elusive to us these many ages, some of whom we have come to understand as members of the good people. So today, let’s share 3 tales of brief and strange encounters with a few of these elusive creatures who dwell within the protection of forests to this very day. * PATREONTo celebrate 2 years of our Podcast (yay! did someone say cake?...), I am delighted to launch ‘Encounters with the Good People’ Patreon. If you enjoy my podcast and videos, please consider becoming a Patron, and supporting me on Patreon.There are 4 levels or tiers within our Patreon, the first begins at only $3 per month and each level offers additional benefits and content. These range from:having your name included in