How To: Web Development, Web Design, Content Management Systems, and more.
Podcast 8: Linux
27/02/2008 Duración: 52minLinux, BSD, Solaris, Windows Server 2008, Server Operating Systems
Podcast 7: Internet Marketing
25/01/2008 Duración: 40minSEO (search engine optimization), Internet Marketing, Monetization, Accessibility.
Podcast 6: CMS & Frameworks
25/01/2008 Duración: 27minCMS (content management systems), Web frameworks, Ruby on Rails, Drupal, etc.
Podcast 5: Tools
24/01/2008 Duración: 30minWeb design & development tools & IDE's, Eclipse, Firefox plugins, Firebug, etc.
Podcast 4: Your First Site
24/01/2008 Duración: 44minInstalling your first site on a WAMP server (windows, apache, mysql, php). Making your site publically accessible.
Podcast 3: Client
20/12/2007 Duración: 28minClient Side Technology includes - DHTML - Flash, Silverlight, Applets - RIA Flash, Silverlight, Applets Define DHTML Code execution: Browser vs. Server DHTML - css - javascript and VBScript - embedded vs external - toolkits: Dojo, Moshikit, Scriptaculous, YUI, Prototype, JQuery, GWT... client-side vs server-side - speed: client way faster - Security: can view source (vs server-side scripting), ctrl+u - Compatibility: server-side produces same output no matter what, client-side has compatibility issues RIA (Flex, OpenLaszlo) AJAX!!!
Podcast 2: Server
07/12/2007 Duración: 45minSystems (sys admin) - Linux, Windows Server 2003, BSD Server Software (services) - web servers - database servers - mail servers - revision - control servers - *ports Web Server Configuration - apache, IIS Database (dba) - MySql, SQL Server, Oracle, Postgres Server-side Scripting - Script runs on web server, generates dynamic web page - (vs client-side, which generates dynamic content in the browser) - CGI Web server extension modules - CGI Languages: *Perl, Python, Ruby - Web server extension modules: *PHP, ASP, ASP.NET - Java servlets
Podcast 1: Introduction
05/12/2007 Duración: 12min- Client: Web design ( HTML, CSS, Images ), Interactivity / Browser Objects ( Flash, Flex, Laszlo, Silverlight, Java Applets / Webstart), Client-side scripting ( JavaScript, AJAX) - Server: Server-side scripting( PHP, ASP, ASP.NET, J2EE, CGI, Python, Perl, Ruby), Database, Systems Administration - Internet marketing: SEO, Accessibility, Marketing, Monitization - Extras: WYSIWYG tools, Web Frameworks ( Django, Rails ), Blogging & CMS ( WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal)