Create meaningful customer engagement. Across channels. In real time. At scale.CrossEngage combines a real-time customer data platform with cross-channel campaign management in one single flexible SaaS approach. Our platform enables you to simply and seamlessly integrate all of your data sources and marketing channels. In short: though your existing infrastructure remains unchanged, it will now be orchestrated by one overarching system.Learn more about our CDP solution:
#12 Jochen Missel – Alphapet Ventures (German)
16/04/2021 Duración: 58minDiese Folge unseres Podcasts entstand im Rahmen eines Live-Interviews zum Thema Markenaufbau bei D2C-Brands. Die AlphaPet Ventures GmbH steht für die Digitalisierung des Heimtiermarktes sowie den erfolgreichen Markenaufbau und Multi-Channel-Vertrieb von Premium-Tiernahrung durch ihre E-Commerce-Tochterunternehmen pets Premium und Hundeland sowie der Vertriebsplattform Premium Pet Products. Diese haben sich in Deutschland erfolgreich als führende digitale Multi-Brand-Plattformen im Heimtierbereich etabliert. Durch die E-Commerce-Herkunft und das digitale Know-how hat die AlphaPet Ventures eine starke Kompetenz im digitalen Markenaufbau entwickelt und mit einem wertebasierten Marketingansatz kombiniert, der eine digitale Vermarktung von Premium-Marken über die eigenen digitalen Vertriebsplattformen und darüber hinaus ermöglicht. In diesem Webinar erläutern Jochen Missel, Co-CEO von Alphapet Ventures und Dr. Markus Wübben, Co-CEO und CDO bei CrossEngage, wie sich der digitale Markenaufbau entwickelt hat und w
#11 Krzysztof Szymanski – CRM Lead GetYourGuide
14/02/2020 Duración: 34minCRM stands for “Customer Relationship Management”, so why is so much CRM focused on short-term revenue increase? Krzysztof Szymanski, CRM lead for global tour providers GetYourGuide, thinks CRM managers are getting things wrong by treating customer relations as short-term flings rather than long-term relationships. Relationship building requires data, creativity, and consistent brand vision and voice. Today’s CRM managers have unparalleled access to customer data, however, by not prioritizing creative data activation as part of a consistent long-term brand vision they aren’t retaining their customers as well as they could be. Don't miss your chance to hear and see more of Krzysztof Szymanski at the Heroes of CRM Conference 2020 (, Germany's largest CRM conference, on March 20 in Berlin. Don't miss your chance to grab a ticket. Using the code HERO2020, you get 25% off until the end of February.
#10 Nils Weber – Founder & Managing Director NEXUS BC
12/11/2019 Duración: 32minAdapting your marketing and CRM approach to the modern standard is not a simple process. Quick-fix marketing and CRM solutions are a helpful technology, but need to be wary not to implement a promising solution whilst leaving strategy and organization untouched. Nils Weber, managing director at the digital integration company NEXUS, is an expert we were delighted to consult. He is as interested in the topic of digital transformation as he is experienced in the field.
#9 Paul Schwarzenholz – Co-Founder zenloop
15/10/2019 Duración: 20minIn the platform and attention economy, where platforms monopolize direct customer access and a customer's attention has become a valuable resource, retention is more important than ever. Paul Schwarzenholz, co-founder of the NPS-driven customer experience platform zenloop, has customer loyalty and churn prevention as his area of expertise. Before founding zenloop, Paul co-founded beauty and perfume company Flaconi and he continues to be a business angel and advisor for over fifteen startups. Now, he and the rest of the zenloop team are bringing businesses a better understanding of how their customers think and feel about their products and services. That understanding is very important for customer retention. Retention is one of today's most vital topics for marketers, making our talk with Paul invaluable for anyone looking to retain their customers and improve their margins.
#8 Dr. Markus Wuebben – Co-Founder & Managing Director CrossEngage
11/01/2019 Duración: 48minLong overdue, we are pleased to feature our second founder Dr. Markus Wuebben in this podcast episode. Markus is responsible for research and development at CrossEngage, holds a Ph.D. in data-driven marketing, and is a real marketing veteran. Back in the days at Rocket Internet, he developed a solution for multichannel campaign management which was used by more than 70 companies in 20 countries. Markus was customer management director at EPIC companies as well as head of industry promotions at Arvato/Bertelsmann. In this episode, he shares his take on customer-centric and data-driven CRM and marketing. In this context, he also talks about his motivation to found CrossEngage and what he sees as the most promising trends and channels—like WhatsApp and chatbots.
#7 Dr. Florian Heinemann – Founding Partner Project A (German)
05/10/2018 Duración: 40minDiese Folge unseres Podcasts wurde im Rahmen der diesjährigen Heroes of CRM-Konferenz aufgezeichnet, die wir ins Leben gerufen haben, um eine Plattform für moderne CRM-Ansätze zu schaffen und den Austausch unter Experten anzuregen. Sie ist gleich eine doppelte Premiere für uns: Es ist die erste deutschsprachige Episode unseres Podcasts und wir haben einen langersehnten Gast endlich vor das Mikrofon bekommen: Dr. Florian Heinemann, der in Fachmedien auch als Online-Marketing-Guru oder gar Marketing-Papst gehandelt wird, erwies uns die Ehre mit einem Vortrag und einer ausgiebigen Q&A-Runde. Für die, die Florian nicht kennen: Als Investor und Business-Angel ist er in über 100 Startups involviert. Bei Rocket Internet hat er als Geschäftsführer erfolgreiche Startups wie Zalando und eDarling mit aufgebaut, bevor er dann den operativen VC Project A mitbegründet hat. Dort ist er für die Bereiche Marketing, CRM, Kommunikation und Business-Intelligence verantwortlich.
#6 Mark Ralea – Managing Director Stylebop
24/08/2018 Duración: 41minThere are probably only a few marketing experts who start in the gaming sector, then sell beauty products and end up in the luxury fashion business. We had the chance to meet one of them: Mark Ralea. While he first worked on building up and destroying gaming communities, he then moved to the beauty box supplier Glossybox. There, as CMO, he was responsible for an entirely different target group, but in the end the same task definition. Whether it is about gamers or regarding a subscription model for beauty products, the special relationship to the community plays a decisive role. After his promotion to managing director and ultimately the sale of Glossybox, he now runs the traditional family business Stylebop, the largest online shop for designer fashion in Germany.
#5 Mark Bosold – Digital Analytics & Marketing Tech Expert
06/07/2018 Duración: 28minMark Bosold is indeed recognized in the fields of business intelligence and marketing technology and we’re pleased to welcome him for this episode of our podcast. Mark is currently working as Head of BI and Analytics at Dein Handy. Among others, he also worked as a consultant in digital analytics projects for LeROI and IBM.
#4 Robert Rebholz – Co-Founder & Managing Director Optilyz
12/04/2018 Duración: 20minFor this episode of our podcast, we’re happy to welcome Robert Rebholz, co-founder of optilyz, one of our solution partners. In our podcast, Rob explains why direct mail is currently en vogue and what companies can gain using the channel. Direct mail has been an expensive and hard-to-run CRM channel which involved a lot of manual work. But as “software is eating the world”, direct mail experienced a digital transformation and can nowadays easily be integrated into your cross-channel marketing mix.
#3 Christian Ballies – Marketing & CRM Consultant
18/01/2018 Duración: 18minIn this third edition of our podcast, Christian Ballies shares experiences he gained as a freelance CRM and marketing consultant. Christian talks about finding the right data, tools, and team. Also he lets you know which are the most overrated buzzwords and the most promising trends these days. As a freelance consultant, Christian helps companies to find the right strategy and tools for their needs. Previously, he worked for Hewlett-Packard, Canon, reBuy, Home24, Chal-Tec, and LeROI. Christians bottom line can be summarized as follows: Less is more when you know what you’re doing.
#2 Andre Alpar – Investor, Entrepreneur & Online Marketing Expert
22/12/2017 Duración: 22minFor the second edition of our podcast, we won over Andre Alpar, one of Germany's thought leaders in search engine optimization and content marketing. Besides working for Rocket Internet and heading the Berlin-based agency Performics, he also founded his own companies like “Hitmeister” and invested in a lot of startups. And, of course, he also publishes a lot of content: Andre is writing books, recording podcasts, and organizing events like OMCap. In our podcast, Andre shares insights on building a solid SEO team, finding the right approach to communicate your product, and how SEO works within the overall marketing mix. Last but not least, he tells us why not only the voice in your head can lead to paranoia.
#1 Manuel Hinz – Co-Founder & Managing Director CrossEngage
08/12/2017 Duración: 20minTraditionally, the major bottleneck for CRM and marketing teams was lacking possibilities to access and utilize data. Sure, a few years ago, there were already a lot of different data sources available. In some cases, a business intelligence team even consolidated all available data in a data warehouse. But for non-technical marketers, this was of little use. If you aren’t a tech-savvy data specialist, you probably won’t be able to access that data or even build sound segments. So CRM and marketing teams were almost forced to only work with the data available in their respective channel tool. But even if you knew how to write SQL statements and work with databases or if you had business intelligence resources at your disposal, utilizing data for CRM and marketing purposes involved a lot of manual work hindering efficient workflows. You had to build segments in a data warehouse, pull lists, and upload them to each channel tool. Most teams simply didn’t go the extra mile.