Welcome to Fit Rep Live! A podcast for all topics Fitness and Nutrition from some everyday Fitness Entrepreneurs. This podcast will be educating and delivering the latest dicussions about Fitness and Nutrition with a hint of love and humor. The podcast will be lead by Mitchell Follent (White shirt) and Adriano Rizzo (Black shirt). Content covered will range from- Training Methods - Nutrition Topics - Mindset in Health and Fitness- Mental Health - General Health about the human body- Q & A! and much more! Buckle up for some discussion for some discussion from Mitch and Adriano
Whats wrong with me - Aron Akca
28/07/2018 Duración: 10minThis episode of Fit Rep Live I talked with owner of Fitness Republic Aron Akca. Aron has developed a successful mindset to go from living in the housing projects of Western Sydney to owning 6 active businesses today. I talk with Aron about the 6 Core needs as a human as he explores what he has learnt about the human blueprint. Aron talks about his success from understanding the human condition and how is has helped him in his business ventures and growing his businesses. I have worked for Aron the last 4 years and have seen this development and growth personally. With great pleasure I post this podcast, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. - Mitch Follent Mitch Follent @Chapter1pt on Instagram and Facebook or Join the Fit Rep Miranda Community on Facebook
Episode 6 - Interview with Physique Champion Scott Porter
18/07/2018 Duración: 13minHey guys, this episode of Fit Rep Live I interview IFBB Physique Champion Scott Porter. I have known Scott Porter for the last 4 years and he is one hardcore athlete. He has suffered multiple injuries, being hospitalized for 12 days straight and came back to training harder than ever in the gym. This kind of mindset is crucial to understand as we learn from Scotty what helped him stay motivated and push through the dark days. Tune in to find out more about Scott's Bodybuilding Journey and what drives him to keep training despite the challenges he faces. His story is a truly inspiring one! Most people in his situation would have thrown in the towel and quit. Not Scott. You can find Scott Porter on Instagram @Scottyportz Mitch Follent - @chapter1pt on Instagram and Facebook Enjoy the episode :)
Episode 5 - Interview with Exercise Physiologist Courtenay
11/07/2018 Duración: 33minIn this episode of Fit Rep Live I interview good friend and colleague Courtenay Polock. She is an accredited Exercise Physiologist which is a 4 year degree at University to help better treat those with chronic illnesses and pain management through Exercise. Exercise Physiology is a relatively new field of Allied Health which the general population do not know much about. In this interview we talk about an Exercise Physiologists role and what they can help you with. Courtenay also discussed her own personal journey with her own Training and Fitness. She discusses her struggles with body image, nutrition and training. As always we like to interview with a little of light entertainment. I hope you enjoy this episode of Fit Rep Live and if any part of this episode speaks to you, please get in contact with us. Mitch - Instagram & Facebook @mitchfollent @chapter1pt Courtenay - Instagram & Facebook @Health.Exercise.Rehab (HER Exercise Physiology)
Episode 4 - 6 Essential Tips to stay Motivated
05/06/2018 Duración: 19minMitchell Follent from Chapter1PT is flying sole in an episode as he talks about his top 6 tips on how stay motivated towards your goals. Motivation is key before giving any journey but it needs direction and structure, Mitchell talks about about his experience as a trainer and how he motivates his clients to help them achieve their goals and keep them on the straight path to success through his top 6 tips to motivation! Motivation isn't spontaneous, it is created! Enjoy the episode, would love to hear you feedback - Mitch You can find us online Mitchell Follent - @Chapter1PT on Instagram and Facebook Adriano Rizzo - @Rizzfitness on instagram and Facebook Stay fit and healthy!
Episode 3 - Injury Prevention and Injury Management
22/05/2018 Duración: 11minEpisode 3 of Fit Rep Live has Adriano and Mitch covering Injury Prevention and Injury Management. What is it and why is it important? Tune in to find out more or feel free to send us any questions or topics you would like us to cover. Instagram and Facebook Chapter 1 Strength and Conditioning - Mitch Follent Rizz Fitness - Adriano Rizzo Have a fantastic day, train hard and stay healthy.
Episode 2 - What are Carbohydrates? Are they the enemy?
15/05/2018 Duración: 18minWelcome to Episode 2 of Fit Rep Live, Adriano and Mitch will be talking about Carbohydrates, What are they? Are they the enemy? Understanding carbohydrates is essential to anyone looking to take their training to their next level, get more energy or lose bodyfat. Adriano and Mitch discuss the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates, what is the Glycemic Index (GI) and how does this affect my blood sugar and training. Tune in and find out more! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find our hosts on Facebook and Instragram! Mitch Follent - @chapter1pt Adriano Rizzo - @RizzFitness We appreciate all questions, feedback and support for Fit Rep Live. Stay Fit, Stay Healthy
Episode 1 - How does Macro-Nutrition effect your Metabolism?
08/05/2018 Duración: 26minWelcome to the very first Episode of Fit Rep Live, Adriano and Mitch will be talking about the importance of Macro-Nutrition and how it effects your metabolism then giving their personal insight on how to achieve balance with your health and fitness! Enjoy the podcast and leave any questions below, we'd love to hear questions and feedback