Making disciples of Jesus through fellowship and sharing Biblically centered content.
Is Daily Bible Time Really Important?
01/04/2019 Duración: 03minJoin us for online fellowship and discipleship making Today’s topic is on the importance of spending time daily with God. It is not enough to listen to sermons and podcasts that all talk about God. Those are good things and expand our knowledge of God, but like going The post Is Daily Bible Time Really Important? appeared first on Eternal Truth Ministry.
Don’t forget to take a day of rest!
22/03/2019 Duración: 01minJoin us for online fellowship and discipleship making Today’s topic not forgetting to take a day to rest. It’s way too easy to get so busy that we forget to take a day to rest. But God says it’s important for us to do. It recharges us, and gives The post Don’t forget to take a day of rest! appeared first on Eternal Truth Ministry.
How do I repent of my sin? What is repentance?
21/03/2019 Duración: 02minJoin us for online fellowship and discipleship making Today’s topic is about repentance. There are three parts to repentance. First is admitting that what you are doing is sin. The second step is to apologize to God and ask for His forgiveness. It is so amazing that our God The post How do I repent of my sin? What is repentance? appeared first on Eternal Truth Ministry.
Joyfully sacrificing all to pursue our Jesus, our treasure!
20/03/2019 Duración: 02minJoin us for online fellowship and discipleship making Today’s topic is on Matthew 13:44 says “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hiding in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” The post Joyfully sacrificing all to pursue our Jesus, our treasure! appeared first on Eternal Truth Ministry.
What do you do when you don’t care about Jesus? | Cultivating a passion for God!
19/03/2019Join us for online fellowship and discipleship making Today’s topic is about cultivating that passion for Jesus when you don’t feel it. We all go through those times when we just don’t feel on fire for God like we know we should. But what do you do? How can The post What do you do when you don’t care about Jesus? | Cultivating a passion for God! appeared first on Eternal Truth Ministry.
How can God use a screwup like me??? | God’s mercy in His ministry
18/03/2019Join us for online fellowship and discipleship making Today’s topic is discussing how God can use us, even though we mess up. A lot. I confess that I am not a perfect and holy person. I have gone through long periods where I don’t make Him a priority in The post How can God use a screwup like me??? | God’s mercy in His ministry appeared first on Eternal Truth Ministry.