Find out exactly how to shift your podcast into high gear, grow your audience, and achieve your goals! 20-year radio host, producer & broadcast journalist Kent Covington hands you the keys to the inside tactics and strategies of top podcasters and broadcasters. Powerful, practical advice, with real-world examples and clear instruction ... all in a fast-paced, never-boring format! Fuel your podcast, and get where you want to go FASTER!
How to Be an Amazing Guest to Grow Your Podcast
18/12/2019 Duración: 16minPodcast “guesting” (being a guest on other podcasts) may be the fastest way to grow your podcast, as we discussed in episode 16. But there’s an art to being an amazing guest to deliver value to their audience while driving new listeners back to your podcast. Today, Mark Deal of Podcast Guest Academy is back with practical tips and strategies to help you be an amazing podcast guest. Full show notes at
If You Want to Attract and Keep Listeners, DON’T Do This …
14/11/2019 Duración: 04minGuest expert, successful podcaster Paul Colaianni, reveals a short, simple and powerful tip (a common mistake you should avoid) to lock in new listeners to your show.
Are YOU Making These Microphone Mistakes?
31/10/2019 Duración: 12minHere’s how master your “mic technique” to level up the quality of your podcast, and avoid aggravating mistakes that drive listeners crazy! Chris Curran of the Podcast Engineering School joins us with expert advice to help you get it exactly right!
This May Be the Fastest Way to Grow Your Audience!
12/10/2019 Duración: 16minJust as guest blogging has long been one of the fastest ways to grow the readership of a blog, podcast guesting (being a guest on another podcast) just might be the fastest way to grow the audience of your podcast. Mark Deal of Podcast Guest Academy joins us with tips on landing interviews on other shows that drive listeners back to your podcast.
When You Interview a Guest, Do You Legally Own That Content? (You Might Be Surprised)
03/09/2019 Duración: 06minWhen you interview a guest on your podcast, you might assume that you automatically own that interview and its content because it's on your podcast. But you might be wrong. "The Podcast Lawyer," Gordon Firemark joins us with insight and advice on how to make sure you, and you alone, own the rights to your podcast interviews.
Feeling Discouraged About Your Download Stats? DON'T!
09/08/2019 Duración: 18minIf you ever look at your download stats and feel discouraged, you're not alone. Most podcasters experience that. But here are two big reasons why you should be encouraged about where your show is now and where it's heading! Longtime Rachel Guinn joins us with some encouraging words.
BONUS: One Critical Question Every Podcaster Must Ask ... and Our Answer
28/07/2019 Duración: 09minHere is the one critical question that YOU and I, and every podcaster must ask themselves right now! And we'll explain how and why the answer to this question is leading us to change some things with this podcast.
Big News from Apple Podcasts Is Good News for YOUR Show - News Update with James Cridland
16/07/2019 Duración: 15minTwo big recent announcements from Apple Podcasts could be good news for YOUR podcast! That's the word from James Cridland of He also explains what a recent study reveals about podcast statistics, and how you can tell whether your podcast stats are trustworthy.
Podcast Movement Co-Founder Jared Easley on How They Built the World's Biggest Podcasting Event
15/07/2019 Duración: 38minPodcast Movement Co-Founder Jared Easley opens up about early struggles, the times he thought about quitting, and what it took to build the biggest podcasting event on the planet. We also get the inside scoop on what will likely be the largest event of its kind ever: Podcast Movement 2019 in Orlando, Florida.
The ONE Big Mistake You're Making with Your Podcast Artwork
01/07/2019 Duración: 14minChances are you're making one big mistake with the design of the podcast "artwork" that represents your show in directories like Apple Podcasts. We'll tell you what that mistake is and how to fix it so that your show jumps off the page at potential listeners.
Grow Your Audience with One "Overlooked, Transformative Tactic"
25/06/2019 Duración: 09minToday we're stealing (an incredible) value bomb from a highly successful author, speaker, and podcaster. Doing this one thing is something he calls "the single best decision I’ve ever made." It's simple, powerful, and anyone can do it ... but few podcasters do.
Google Is Changing How People Find Your Podcast ... and Other Big News with James Cridland of Podnews
10/06/2019 Duración: 32minJames Cridland of catches us up on the biggest developments in the podcast industry. He also tells us what to expect in the months ahead and how all of it impacts YOUR podcast.
For Podcasting There Are Two Kinds Of Microphones. Which One's Right For You?
29/05/2019 Duración: 09minFor podcasters, there are two primary types of microphones. On today's Tune-Up edition of Fast Lane Podcast University, we'll ask Chris Curran of the Podcast Engineering School which one is right for you and why.
How To Make A Powerful First Impression On Your Listeners!
22/05/2019 Duración: 21minAre you hooking your listeners in the opening minutes of your podcast episodes? How 'bout the opening SECONDS? If you're not, you're losing listeners. Making a powerful first impression in each and every episode is key to growing your download numbers and your audience! We'll show you 3 ways to do it! As the old Head & Shoulders commercial once told us, you never get a second chance to make a first impression!
How John Lee Dumas Turned His Podcast Into A Multimillion-Dollar Business
07/05/2019 Duración: 23minFind out how EOFire host John Lee Dumas went from driving a tank in Iraq to career failure ... to building a multimillion-dollar business around his podcast EOFire. And learn how you can use the very same simple business model to build revenue around your podcast!
BONUS: Why I Launched This Podcast The Wrong Way
25/04/2019 Duración: 10minToday I'll reveal why I (knowingly) launched this podcast all wrong, and why I launched it at all. I'll also how this show will serve as a guinea pig for your podcast, and give you a look ahead at future episodes.
How to Win Raving Fans by Making Your Listener the Star
13/04/2019 Duración: 13minThe 3 Habits of Highly Addictive Podcasts: Win Passionate Fans & Grow Your Audience - Part 3: The first two habits of highly addictive podcasts, as important as they are, can only help so much without the third crucial habit! Today we explain how to win raving fans by making your listener the star of your show. We'll explain what that means and give you the simple, powerful steps to make it happen!
How to Take Control of Your Listeners' Brains (in a good way)
27/03/2019 Duración: 25minYour listeners won't mind a bit if you take control of their brains. In fact, they're asking you do it! This is the single most powerful tool you have to win more passionate fans & grow your audience. We'll give you 3 examples and a few simple action steps to start seeing results in your podcast. (Today's episode is part two in our series: 3 Habits of Highly Addictive Podcasts)
The 3 Habits of Highly Addictive Podcasts: Win Passionate Fans & Grow Your Audience - Part One
16/03/2019 Duración: 18minToday we give you the first of 3 critical keys to win more passionate fans and grow your audience. It starts with one powerful principle first revealed in a book published in 1939. The world's most successful influencers in podcasting, radio and all communications have understood this principle, and have mastered this one skill. You can too! It's not complicated, and we reveal a couple of simple steps to get started.
Welcome into the Fast Lane! Here's ONE thing you must do before every episode you record!
08/03/2019 Duración: 10minWelcome into the Fast Lane! Today we reveal our mission for your podcast (spoiler alert: it involves equipping you to stand out in the podcast crowd and grow your audience). And we'll tell you one thing you absolutely must do before every episode you record.