Ancient Wisdom of the Feminine brings you the wisdom and spiritual teachings of many women spiritual leaders across the globe. The Elders have their unique respective series available through our platform.
The Golden Era: Will the truth make you free?
30/01/2018 Duración: 26minThe truth will make you free. Yes. and what now? This beautiful episode talks about uncovering our deepest truths and claiming a liberation that comes naturally as we begin to embrace our truths and how we can reach higher dimensions through truth. Join maya-mexika medicine woman Magdala Ramirez and Sue Chapman in this episode as they talk about truth, uncovering our deepest selves and going into higher dimensions. This is one enchanting episode that will take you into a different realm within yourself, into a new understanding about your freedom and liberation. We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast. If you want to learn more about the teachings, books that are available and upcoming events go to
The Golden Era: La Mujer Divina
24/01/2018 Duración: 20minLa mujer divina ya se desperto!!! y ahora empieza el verdadero trabajo espiritual ~ Magdala Ramirez
The Golden Era: Divine Feminine- The New Beginning
24/01/2018 Duración: 28minThe Divine Feminine is just beginning her spiritual work... and doing what she came here to do! Join Maya Mexika medicine woman Magdala Ramriez in this episode! We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast. If you want to learn more about the teachings, books that are available and upcoming events go to
The Golden Era: El amor eres tu
17/01/2018 Duración: 17minEl escoger un mundo de unidad y amor esta en ti, en el momento sagrado donde tu escoges tu propia realidad, recuerda quien eres! Yo soy tu Magdala (
The Golden Era: The Sacred Moment of Choice
17/01/2018 Duración: 24minThis episode brings another inspiring teaching from Maya-Mexika Medicine woman Magdala Ramirez about The Sacred Moment of Choice and how it relates to our spiritual evolution, self growth and entering into the Golden Era. The Golden Era teachings come from the Maya-Mexika Medicine Woman Magdala Ramirez who is a shamaness, warrior woman, spiritual leader, a priestess, sacred dancer and a healer. She has been training women, creating original seminars and ceremonies to create a space for spiritual growth for human beings. We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast. If you want to learn more about the teachings, books that are available and upcoming events go to
The Golden Era: Estamos dando a luz a una nueva era?
10/01/2018 Duración: 22minEstamos dando a luz a una nueva era? el Eterno Masculino esta despertando yo soy tu Magdala (
The Golden Era: Feliz Ano
03/01/2018 Duración: 18minUn Nuevo Empezar, una nueva concepcion de realidad en ti... se feliz! ~ Magdala Ramirez (
The Golden Era: Sacred Feminine & Sacred Masculine
02/01/2018 Duración: 30minThis episode brings three voices forward of Maya-Mexika Medicine woman Magdala Ramirez, Grandfather Forrest and Patrice Lange to kick off the new year with the sacred union of polarities.Lets talk about the Sacred Feminine & Sacred Masculine and the ultimate dance of the union of polarities. What a way to kick off this new year! We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast. If you want to learn more about the teachings, books that are available and upcoming events go to
The Golden Era: New Beginnings - Perfect Resolution from Within
27/12/2017 Duración: 25min"A new beginning inside of you, the perfect resolution from within" ~ I am You Magdala Ramirez
The Golden Era: Nuevo Ano
27/12/2017 Duración: 21minTiempo de Celebrarte a ti misma, de crear y recrear este espiritu de luz que tu eres, Recordate quien eres, Feliz Nuevo empezar! Yo soy tu Magdala (
The Golden Era: Menssaje de Navidad
19/12/2017 Duración: 23min"Tiempos de dar y recibir, tiempo de reconocer que tu eres amor, Feliz Navidad!" ~Maya Mexika Medicine Woman & Spiritual Leader Magdala Ramirez For books, healings, seminars or to join her online school or for private lessons go to
The Golden Era:The Balance of Receiving and Giving- The Perfect Alignment Within
19/12/2017 Duración: 28minThis episode is a special Christmas episode about the balance of receiving and giving and the perfect alignment within your self. Join Maya-Mexika Medicine Woman and Spiritual Leader Magdala Ramirez as she brings forward this beautiful episode forward. Merry Christmas! and Happy Solstice~ From Ancient Wisdom of The Feminine Radio Team "Love is autosuffiecient by nature." ~ Magdala Ramirez Listen to the episode to hear more. We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast. If you want to learn more about the teachings, books that are available and upcoming events go to
The Golden Era: Day of Tonanzin- The Great Mother
13/12/2017 Duración: 21minOn the Day of the Great Mother Can you recognize the Great Mother in you? For she recognizes you as her Daughter~ Maya-Mexica Medicine Woman Magdala Ramirez We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast. If you want to learn more about the teachings, books that are available and upcoming events go to
The Golden Era: Dia de la Gran Madre
13/12/2017 Duración: 21minEn el Dia de la Gran Madre Puedes reconocer a la Gran Madre en ti? pues ella te reconoce a ti como su Hija By Magdala Ramirez (
The Golden Era: Lugar de Poder
06/12/2017 Duración: 22minLos lugares de poder necesitan ser protegidos? Lugar sagrado, el lugar de poder esta en ti, en mi, en la Madre Tierra en coneccion con el universo yo soy tu Magdala
The Golden Era: Sacred Places
06/12/2017 Duración: 24minJoin us for this special episode with Maya-Mexika Medicine Woman Magdala Ramirez talks about sacred places. We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast. If you want to learn more about the teachings, books that are available and upcoming events go to
The Golden Era: Solo hay un conocimiento, una naturaleza, tan única como tu
29/11/2017 Duración: 21min"Solo hay un conocimiento, una naturaleza, tan única como tu” el autentico ser humano reside en ti, eres tu, en tu propia conexión donde encuentras tu activación de tu DNA tu eres amor, tu eres verdad, tu eres conexión", Yo soy tu Magdala To contact Magdala Ramirez, a renowned Maya-Mexika medicine woman, Spiritual Leader and an Elder- please visit her website- Through the website, you can find a way to contact her for healings, seminars, webinars, workshops or to buy any books. She is an author of more than 13 books that are based on original teachings.
The Golden Era: There is only one, one nature, one knowledge ... One You
29/11/2017 Duración: 23min"There is only one, one nature, one you" says Magdala Ramirez, renowned maya-mexika medicine woman, spiritual leader and a wise elder. Join us in this special episode as she talks about that root from which different expressions of the same knowledge have come into being. We see the same knowledge being reflected in many cultures from the mayan pyramids to chinese Iching to Shaktii-Shiva in India. We see the same root reflected in many other expressions in many other tribes and nations as well- from the Native American Tribes to the Maori people in New Zealand. We are the children of the same mother. So join us in this special episode we we go deeper in knowing that root. The root that gave birth to all the traditions of the world and the same root that gave birth to your unique soul. Let go deeper in embracing that essence of ourselves with Magdala Ramirez as she brings a very beautiful teaching in this episode of The Golden Era Series. We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go
The Golden Era: Usa Tu Medicina
22/11/2017 Duración: 24minDespierta tu cancion unica, Usa tu medicina del amor! tu verdadera vibracion Gracias por ser tu! yo soy tu Magdala (
The Golden Era: Your Unique Medicine
22/11/2017 Duración: 25min"Thank you! to all my relations! for bring forward your unique medicine, together we are weaving a beautiful tapestry of love" -Magdala Ramirez, maya-mexika medicine woman and spiritual leader (