Ancient Wisdom of the Feminine brings you the wisdom and spiritual teachings of many women spiritual leaders across the globe. The Elders have their unique respective series available through our platform.
The Golden Era:"Me Too"- Healing the Times
15/11/2017 Duración: 28minJoin us for this special episode of "me too" where Maya-Mexika Medicine Woman Magdala Ramirez talks about healing the times and the abuses women have passed through. We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast. If you want to learn more about the teachings, books that are available and upcoming events go to
The Golden Era: Yo Tambien
15/11/2017 Duración: 26min" Yo tambien" es tiempo de curar el sistema patriarcal adentro del ser yo, soy tu, mi Hermana, juntas damos aluz a un Nuevo mundo- Magdala Ramirez, maya mexika medicine woman & spiritual leader. Her websitse
The Golden Era: Tu eres, tu ser superior
08/11/2017 Duración: 22minEste Es el tiempo donde te alcanzas a ti misma, esta en ti el encontrar esta nueva vibracion... ‘‘tus sentidos han sido renovados dando aluz a una nueva percepcion del ser -Magdala Ramirez (
The Golden Era: Are you reaching your higher self?
08/11/2017 Duración: 27minThis is the time where you reach yourself, it is in you to find this new vibration ... "your senses have been renewed giving light to a new perception of being.- Magdala Ramirez We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast. If you want to learn more about the teachings, books that are available and upcoming events go to
The Golden Era: Es la conciencia cuantica el aspecto femenino?
01/11/2017 Duración: 22minThe merging of science and spirituality finally! This special spanish version of the episode with maya-mexika medicine woman Magdala Ramirez.
The Golden Era: Is Quantum Consciousness Realm of the Feminine?
01/11/2017 Duración: 26minSpirituality and Science finally coming together. In this special episode we talk about the Quantum Consciousness and the Realm of the Feminine with Maya-Mexika medicine woman Magdala Ramirez. We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast. If you want to learn more about the teachings, books that are available and upcoming events go to
The Golden Era: Activating your DNA
25/10/2017 Duración: 22minIn this special episide, join the renowned spiritual leader and medicine woman Magdala Ramirez as she leads us on this beuaitufl talk about activating our DNA to align with that great cosmic consciousness that is within us. "Can you feel the changes in the world? those changes are happening within yourself time to activate your DNA! "~ Magdala Ramirez We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast. If you want to learn more about the teachings, books that are available and upcoming events go to
The Golden Era: Activacion del DNA
25/10/2017 Duración: 17minPuedes sentir los cambios que estan sucediendo en el mundo? estos cambios estan sucediendo adentro de ti! este es el tiempo de la activation de tu and original... Magdala (
The Golden Era: Estas perpetuando el sistema patriarcal todavia?
17/10/2017 Duración: 26minEs el tiempo de curar las emociones, tiempo de amarse asi misma... tiempo de juntar los pedazos rotos y renacer, recordar Quien somos verdaderamente. Yo soy tu , magdala
The Golden Era: Are you still perpetuating the patriarchal system?
17/10/2017 Duración: 29minIt is time to heal emotions, time to love oneself ... time to gather broken pieces and reborn, to remember Who we really are. I am you, magdala
The Golden Era: El ser humano esta viviendo dentro de un holograma?
10/10/2017 Duración: 27minIn this special episode (in Español), maya-mexika medicine woman Magdala Ramirez helps us to realize the hologram we are living inside of and how it connects to the awakening cosmic consciousness within us.
The Golden Era: Are we living inside of a Hologram?
10/10/2017 Duración: 27minIn this special episode, maya-mexika medicine woman Magdala Ramirez helps us to realize the hologram we are living inside of and how it connects to the awakening cosmic consciousness within us. We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast. If you want to learn more about the teachings, books that are available and upcoming events go to
The Golden Era: Donde esta tu Poder?
04/10/2017 Duración: 29minJoin Maya-Mexika Medicine Woman Magdala Ramirez in this episode (in Español) that really takes us to the core of awakening ourselves to our true nature and uncovering our true senses. Where are our powers? how do we enlight ourselves in these times of turmoil and rise with a stronger sense of self? Join us in this special episode. To get in touch with Magdala Ramirez, visit
The Golden Era: Where is your Power?
03/10/2017 Duración: 29minJoin Maya-Mexika Medicine Woman Magdala Ramirez in this episode that really takes us to the core of awakening ourselves to our true nature and uncovering our true senses. Where are our powers? how do we enlight ourselves in these times of turmoil and rise with a stronger sense of self? We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast. If you want to learn more about the teachings, books that are available and upcoming events go to
The Golden Era: Tapping into the Cosmic Consciousness
27/09/2017 Duración: 31min"My brother, My Sister, this is the time to remember who we are, let go of what no longer belongs and discover what has always been in our DNA, we know how to do this in a natural way, and do our dance in union with our Mother Earth " I am you Magdala We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast. If you want to learn more about the teachings, books that are available and upcoming events go to
The Golden Era:Despertando la consciencia cosmica
27/09/2017 Duración: 30min"Mi hermano, Mi Hermana, este es el tiempo de recordar quienes somos, dejar ir lo que ya no pertenece y descubrir lo que siempre ha estado en nuestro DNA, sabemos como hacer esto en una forma natural, y hacer nuestra danza en union con nuestra Madre Tierra" Yo soy tu, Magdala
The Golden Era: La Cultura Cura - Healing through the Roots (Spanish Version)
19/09/2017 Duración: 28min"..the eternal feminine, the feminine principle put in your own DNA that liberation , that unique code, that key that only you can use to go into many dimensions that vibration that you choose to born with is a very sacred one. whatever it is your tradition or your religion or your country it doesn't matter it is the same force. in the very very essence of that because authentic vibration resides in the unity and understanding of the power that is for the authentic human being. it is the time for the human beings to remember who they are and begin to respect themselves in a deeply manner that you don't want to become something that you are not. in the very beginning of your traditions, religions resides the secret of where this was hidden in your DNA. when i observe it, i can see where it the bonding of the human being. there is no such thing of one human being better than the other, or one tradition better than the other. you wont respect anyone else’s traditions if you don't respect your own. you cannot res
The Golden Era: La Cultura Cura - Healing through the Roots (English Version)
19/09/2017 Duración: 31min"...the eternal feminine, the feminine principle put in your own DNA that liberation , that unique code, that key that only you can use to go into many dimensions that vibration that you choose to born with is a very sacred one. whatever it is your tradition or your religion or your country it doesn't matter it is the same force. in the very very essence of that because authentic vibration resides in the unity and understanding of the power that is for the authentic human being..."~ Magdala Ramirez, Maya-Mexica Medicine Woman We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast. If you want to learn more about the teachings, books that are available and upcoming events go to
The Golden Era: Using Chaotic Times as a Stepping Stone
13/09/2017 Duración: 29minTimes of chaos can be used to increase human compassion, kindness and love as well as a a tool towards enlightenment of the self. Join Maya Mexica medicine woman Magdala Ramirez as she helps us in these times to rise into a higher consciousness. "It is the time when you understand that everything you have is love. The only thing you really have is the real treasures you have been cultivating all your and have all this incredible wisdom within your own heart..and in times and situations in your life when you felt danger it increased within your own self..It is the time when you need to trust yourself.... It is the time to beliving in letting the emotions flow, by letting the mind understand the depend on this beautiful planet in every way and it is her who is giving you the next octave of your spiritual work...." ~ Magdala Ramirez We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast. If you want t
The Golden Era: Are You Living Inside of a Hologram?
05/09/2017 Duración: 27min"You can master that hologram by being hollow and allowing that force of life that you have always been and aligning with the great mother " ~ Magdala Ramirez "There are many many realms to many versions of reality. Human being is a multidimensional being...understanding that hollowness within yourself is understanding that hologram does it work? it is a part of you that can create this beautiful emptiness, that deep deep silence, that beautiful void one way or the other in order to be fulfilled over and over again..means you can quiet your mind to understand this powerful energy that you have within yourself and be able to bring it out..there have been many techinques to do this....the technique is not that important..what is important is that you are able to stop your thought process and be able to understand who you are without labelling constantly within yourself..." ~ Magdala Ramirez We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast.